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Copper and lithium? Not in the kitchen (8)

CU+LI+NARY = "in the kitchen"
def. might be a stretch but M-W gives "of or relating to the kitchen or cookery" so I hope this is ok

Submitted by Polaris

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4305 Copper and lithium? Not in the kitchen (8) CU+LI+NARY = "in the kitchen"
def. might be a stretch but M-W gives "of or relating to the kitchen or cookery" so I hope this is ok
Polaris 2
4304 When preparing meals, babblers dispose of surplus in nest (8) sound clue (babblers are a type of bird, but also like babble to talk) CULL (dispose of surplus) IN AERIE (nest) = when preparing meals quatrevingtneuf 1
4308 Close up in a straight manner, no energy left for dinner (8) CU + LIN(-e)AR(-l)Y = for dinner Timwi 1
4310 Field of work that might require you to make buns in a curly mess (8) CULINARY* wolf 1
4309 Completely useless lines are in jumbled eye cues for cooking (8) Completely useless = remove all U,S,E
"lines are" in (containment) jumbled (anagram indicator) "eye cues" => LINAR in CUY => CULINARY
for cooking = def
jkittykitkat63 0