
Contests started: SOCIAL DISTANCING (6,10), TAP (3), GREEN EGGS (5, 4)

Contests won: DOOZY (5), KOMOREBI (8), OXYGEN (6)

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7068 DOOZY (5) Dorothy, who regularly goes around Oz, seems like a beauty (5) DO(OZ)Y = beauty jkittykitkat63 2
7372 OXYGEN (6) A foxy gentleman is withholding a crucial element (6) _OXY GEN_ = a crucial element jkittykitkat63 2
4383 DELIVERY (8) Execution converted Levi into dyer, strangely (8) LIVE into DERY = DE(LIVE)RY = Execution jkittykitkat63 1
6965 BRUH (4) Late morning meal loses no calories at first, man (4) BRU(-NC)H jkittykitkat63 1
6966 RATHER (6) Pretty Angelina's after a snitch (6) Pretty = RAT HER jkittykitkat63 1
6967 ANY GREEK LETTER (?) Math's, for example, one bottomless pit (2) for example, one = constant
Math's constant = PI(-T)
jkittykitkat63 1
7065 DOGGONE (7) Cursed to be alone following the two-faced god's return (7) DOGG<+ONE = Cursed jkittykitkat63 1
7070 YOUR FAVORITE FOOD (?) A god and his subjects make a quick meal (5) RA+MEN = a quick meal jkittykitkat63 1
7109 KOMOREBI (8) I am alright. Will shortly return with a more-liked Mad album (8) KO(MORE)BI< = liked Mad album jkittykitkat63 1
7138 METROID (7) A parasitic creature offers a subway card (7) METRO+ID jkittykitkat63 1
12641 1-UP (1-2) No shade, get a life (1-2) onedash "up" = No shade

def: get a life (in Mario, verb)
jkittykitkat63 1
4297 ARENDELLE (9) frozen location resounds female trip (9) ARENDELLE = "ERRAND" + -ELLE jkittykitkat63 0
4309 CULINARY (8) Completely useless lines are in jumbled eye cues for cooking (8) Completely useless = remove all U,S,E
"lines are" in (containment) jumbled (anagram indicator) "eye cues" => LINAR in CUY => CULINARY
for cooking = def
jkittykitkat63 0
4317 GO (2) Start, game on! (2) initials = GO = def Start, game on! jkittykitkat63 0
4384 AXIS (4) Alliance starts initially containing around nine (4) lang&lit
Alliance starts initially = AS
around nine = XI<
AS containing XI = A(XI<)S

AXIS = Alliance starts initially containing around nine (around nine countries in the Axis Powers for World War II)
jkittykitkat63 0
4405 LOKI (4) Trickster god manipulates one thousand (4) KILO (manipulates is anagram indicator) = LOKI jkittykitkat63 0
4414 ANTIDOTE (8) Medicinal tea-drinking aunttie said piercing "I do" (8) Medicinal = ANT(I DO)(T)E
said = sounds like indicator
drinking / piercing = containment/contents indicator
jkittykitkat63 0
7018 APLOMB (6) "Oh, my bird, in short, follows a weird friend." "Cool." (6) Oh, my bird, in short = OMB
friend = PAL
Cool = APL* OMB
jkittykitkat63 0
7061 HOME (4) A mother, confused, loses her art pad (4) HOME(-ART)* = pad jkittykitkat63 0
7063 EXODUS (6) Common problem with missing numbers: F-104 lost 50 on the return flight (6) SUDO(KU->XE)< = flight

F-104, F = first
element #104 Rf, used to be Ku
element #54 is Xe
jkittykitkat63 0
7064 52 (2 OR 5-3) Digital paper against scissors lII (2) 5 fingers for paper against 2 fingers for scissors

52 = LII
jkittykitkat63 0
7069 YOUR FAVORITE FOOD (?) The sun god and his subjects make instant noodles (5) RA+MEN = instant noodles jkittykitkat63 0
7072 AXOLOTL (7) The god of deformities creates a walking fish (7) A+XOLOTL - a walking fish jkittykitkat63 0
7087 INVERSE (7) What this clue is / when hers ain't his (7) IN VERSE = INVERSE jkittykitkat63 0
7088 ANY SUPERVOCALIC WORD OR PHRASE (?) Starved but not thirsty (12) ddef MALNOURISHED jkittykitkat63 0
7154 AND-LIT (3-3) Again exhausted fired energy for rising~ (3-3) &lit
def: AND (Again); LIT (exhausted fired energy for rising), exhausted = completely used
jkittykitkat63 0
9749 CAVE (4) Give up after chief justice loses job (4) def Give
CJ = chief justice
jkittykitkat63 0
12637 ENSORCELL (9) Jinx front-to-backing **** led to resounding loss (9) (-c)ENSOR(C)+ELL = Jinx jkittykitkat63 0

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