


All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5060 SKYSCRAPER (10) Building in Cypress Park is out of order, without a permit, at first (10) "Building" = SKYSCRAPER(-p)* [anagram "Cypress Park" and remove a "p"] lydian 6
4660 HATSUNE MIKU (7, 4) The kunimasu—fishily—is the author of Harry Potter, according to the internet (7, 4) anagram of "the kunimasu" lydian 5
4685 ANY CLUE WHOSE WORDPLAY IS A REBUS (?) Agatha Christie book is nigh (7, 5) Agatha Christie book (definition)
nigh -> ENDLESS NIGHT (wordplay)
lydian 4
5291 ANY CLUE WHOSE SURFACE READS AS AN EQUATION (??) x² + y² = r² = 101r + 150e (6) "x² + y² = r²" = CIR + CLE lydian 4
6872 FALSETTO (8) Singing method displayed in Parsifal (set tonight) (8) singing method = _FAL SET TO_ lydian 4
11419 FARGO (5) US City's distant reach (5) FAR + GO lydian 4
5049 ECHO (4) Recall in Czechoslovakia (4) "Recall" = (cz)ECHO(slovakia) lydian 3
5323 ANY CLUE WHOSE SURFACE COMPLIMENTS A PUZZLER (??) Letters from talkingtree? He rules! (4) "He rules!" = _KING_ lydian 3
6030 DIME I'm in Germany for some money (4) "some money" = D(IM)E lydian 3
6994 PRIDE (5) Pansexuals jaunt this month (5) P + RIDE = this month :) lydian 3
8728 (0) (0) Definition:
lydian 3
11418 DEF (3) Consecutive notes for sure (3) DEF are consecutive notes. "For sure" is the definition. lydian 3
11799 MYSTIC (6) Jazz standard swaps II and V chords, at first. It's magical! (6) It's magical = MYSTI + C(hords) lydian 3
4746 NEPOTISM (8) Corruption's clear return: oddly toilsome (8) Corruption = NEPO< + T_I_S_M_ lydian 2
4766 ROLLER COASTER (6, 7) Theme park ride "Tumbler": to scare comically! (6, 7) theme park = ROLLER (synonym of tumbler) + COASTER* lydian 2
4769 TWITTER (7) A social media—say, Reddit—is retrograde: housing dimwits at its core! Lost all regard, at last, for their leader (7) definition: A social media—say
wordplay: REDDIT -> TIDDER< (is retrograde) -> T(W)IDDER (housing dimwits at its core) -> TWI(+T)(-d)(+T)(-d)ER (Lost all regard, at last, for their leader)
lydian 2
4794 COFFEE (6) Rapper Lo Green swallows spoiled beverage (6) Beverage = C(OFF)EE lydian 2
4898 DIPPY (5) Silly puzzle hunt protagonist (5) "Silly" = DIPPY = "puzzle hunt protagonist" lydian 2
4918 BIDEN (5) Intrinsically abide new president (5) "president" = _BIDE N_ lydian 2
4947 ANECHOIC (8) Strangely, each coin is non-reflective (8) ANECHOIC* = "non-reflective" lydian 2
5128 YURT (4) Fifty missing from genuinely revolutionary Mongolian dwelling (4) Y(-L)URT< = "Mongolian dwelling" lydian 2
6176 HYACINTH (8) At last, reach after Cynthia's exotic plant (8) HYACINT* + H = "plant" lydian 2
6277 DITTO (5) Edition regularly captures it the same as before (5) "the same as before" = _D_(IT)T_O_ lydian 2
6547 BETTER (6) Finer ale admits teetotal, for short (6) "Finer" = BE(TT)ER lydian 2
6727 OBEISANCE (9) Globe is ancestral, hiding veneration (9) _OBE IS ANCE_ = "Veneration" lydian 2
6745 LJUBLJANA (9) Bits of Banjul make up a capital city (9) LJUBLJANA (letter bank of BANJUL) = "Capital City" P.S. Really interesting that one world capital acts as a letter bank to another, I had no idea of this fact prior to trying to come up with a good clue for this contest! lydian 2
6908 ANY CLUE THAT USES TEXT EMOTICONS SOMEHOW (?) "Shut up, Mat" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (5) SH + RUG = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lydian 2
6956 ANY GREEK LETTER (?) Letter's phonology and morphology, for example, are all missing (5) Letter = GAMMA
phonology and morphology, for example = GRAMMAR
are all missing = (-r)*

lydian 2
7039 AXOLOTL (7) Amphibian's hugs and kisses in atoll at sea Amphibian = A(XO)LOTL* lydian 2
7043 DOGGONE (7) Carry out good game before one's darned (7) DO + GG + ONE = darned lydian 2
7116 YAJILIN (7) Logic puzzle in jail is resolved after years (7) Logic Puzzle = Y + *AJILIN lydian 2
7121 SOUPÇON OR SOUPCON (7) Tiny bit of a dish waiter halved (7) Tiny bit = SOUP + (-gar)ÇON // (-gar)CON lydian 2
4697 BUNKUM (6) Nonsense talk of explosion sound (burning oxygen for uranium) engulfing leaders of North Korea (6) B(o->U)(NK)(o->U)M lydian 1
4704 OMEGA (5) Without limits, famous greek poet initially gabs about last greek letter (5) hOMEr+G.A. = last greek letter (def) lydian 1
4759 ZHUZH (5) (OR ZHOOSH (6)) Silence struck all loudmouths, at last, for start of Zoom-class—to make more interesting (5) to make more interesting ={-s}{+Z}HU{-s}{+Z}H lydian 1
4845 BROWN (5) Tan characters in highbrow novel (5) "Tan" = *BROW N* lydian 1
5234 PAN (3) God of Spanish bread (3) ddef :D lydian 1
5252 BAOBAB (6) "Si, La-flat, La-flat", covering second song for a tree (6) B+A(O)B+AB = "a tree" lydian 1
5256 ANY CLUE WHOSE SURFACE CONTAINS A CROSSWORD CLUE 51-Down: Out of order empty realm for wingless dragon (8) "wingless dragon" = LI ("51") + NDWO* ("Down: Out of order") + RM ("empty realm") — idk if this counts but i hope it does? lydian 1
5385 ANY CLUE WHICH INCORPORATES A CAESAR CIPHER (?) Caesar's month, Caesar's pare (4) "Caesar's month" = JULY ("pare" with key 20) lydian 1
6303 FORGET-ME-NOT (6-2-3) A flower is gotten from peculiarly accepting Earth's source (6-2-3) "A flower" = FORG(E)TMENOT* lydian 1
6708 OBJECT (6) Oppose purpose (6) OBJECT (ddef) lydian 1
6711 ANY CLUE WHOSE ANSWER IS A BOARD/CARD GAME (?) Card game prankster trades jack for pawn (5) "Card game" = (+P)(-j)OKER lydian 1
6817 PLETHORA (8) Surplus of people Thor assists, in part (8) Surplus = _PLE THOR A_ lydian 1
6829 OPACITY (7) Lack of transparency of 101 aboard to pay, perhaps (7) Lack of transparency = OPA(CI)TY* lydian 1
6920 CHOUSE (6) Missing love for you, decide to cheat (6) CHO(-o)(+U)SE = "cheat" lydian 1
6930 BLACKJACK OR JACK BLACK (9 OR 4,5) Need knave in tag end of card game (9) B(LACK + J)ACK = card game lydian 1
7059 52 (2 OR 5-3) Namesake for an area, clumsy Tiffany is missing an outwork at its core (5-3) Namesake for an area = FIFT(-an)Y* + _TWO_ lydian 1
7076 ANY SUPERVOCALIC WORD OR PHRASE (?) In french, what's inside body of water leading to a tree? (7) SE(QUOI)A = tree lydian 1
7173 FKA TWIGS (3, 5) Singer is essentially off-key at work, Instagram displays, at last (3, 5) Singer = (-of)FK(-ey) + AT + W + IG + _S lydian 1
7200 SHANGRI-LA (7-2) Girl has an absurd fictional place (7-2) SHANGRI-LA* = fictional place lydian 1
11461 I (1) 1 = √-1 (1) ddef, 1 = I, √-1 = i lydian 1
11800 INSTINCT (8) In turn, boxes conceal, initially, a gift (8) IN + STIN(C_)T = "a gift" lydian 1
4702 ALLEY-OOP (5-3) "Endless pool"! Scream about first revolutionary skateboarding trick (5-3) (A_+LLEY+_OOP)< lydian 0
4720 DELVE (5) Regress without third and fourth research (5) "research" = def; "regress without third and fourth" = DE(-vo)LVE lydian 0
4737 PRONUNCIATION (13) One got caught by messy action after he or she, for instance, lost love for speech (13) speech = PRON(-o)UN + C(I)ATION* lydian 0
4946 OREGON TRAIL (6, 5) American route's tortuous large portion (without path, at first) (6, 5) "American Route" = OREGONTRAIL*(-p) lydian 0
5110 TURKEY (6) A bird for a country (6) "a bird" = TURKEY = "a country"
notes: I know the bird is named after the Turks, but I think it still works as a silly ddef.
lydian 0
5202 DECEMBER (8) A month to oddly drench cinder (8) D_E_C_ + EMBER = "A month"; kinda silly but i couldn't come up with anything better :P lydian 0
5270 JE T'AIME (2, 1'4) In Paris, I love you and, in Lyon, parting Jaime (2 1'4) "In Paris, I love you" = J(ET "and, in Lyon")AIME lydian 0
6041 TITTLE (6) A bit of fabricated trimmed stiletto (6) "A bit" = (-s)TITTLE*(-o) lydian 0
6333 XEROX (5) Needing no introduction, hero is surrounded by (two times) a duplicate (5) X(_ERO)X = "A duplicate" lydian 0
6409 REFRIGERATOR (12) Cutting corners, at first, a telescope conceals endless grief: "broken down appliance" (12) "Appliance" = REFR(IGER*(-f))A(-c)TOR lydian 0
6724 TARTARE (7) Two mice return east for sauce (7) TARTAR< + E = "Sauce" lydian 0
6753 STAR WARS (4 4) Film series's proverb: "mice returning, carrying cheddar, at last" (4, 4) "Film" = STARWA(R)S< ["proverb" = SAW] ["mice" = RATS] lydian 0
6759 DIPLOPIA (8) American DJ cracked API, leading to loss in focus (8) DIPLO + PIA* = "Loss in focus" P.S. Sorry to the person above me I stole your definition, I couldn't think of anything better D: lydian 0
6766 ANNIVERSARY (11) Birthday for Anne, including four roommates, initially. Clumsy Mary's missing the start (11) "Birthday" = ANN(IV)E + R_ + _SARY*

"Anne, including four" = ANN(IV)E
"Roommates, initially" = R_
"Clumsy Mary's missing the start" = _SARY*
lydian 0
6770 MAGNETON (8) Silly Megan not coming back to Pokémon (8) MAGNE* + TON< = "Pokémon" lydian 0
6773 VERTIGO (7) Dizziness caused by Paris green before I travel (7) "Dizziness" ="caused by"= VERT + I + GO lydian 0
6776 RAMUNE (6) Force a french soft drink (6) RAM ("Force") + UNE ("a french") = "soft drink" lydian 0
6780 PER SE (3, 2) Intrinsically make a noise and speak out loud (3, 2) Intrinsically = PER SE ("PURR (make a noise) + SAY (speak)") lydian 0
6797 KAIZO (5) Isozaki is missing out, perhaps, to remodel (in Tokyo)? (5) (-is)KAIZO* = "remodel (in Tokyo)?" lydian 0
6814 PECCADILLO (10) Unfamiliar cold place sheltering one's misdemeanor (10) PECCAD(I)LLO* = misdemeanor lydian 0
6816 WUSS (4) State of disorder gets turned on its head for a coward (4) MUSS -> WUSS (turned on its head) = Coward lydian 0
6830 PAUCITY (7) Lack of compassion around three tiny bases? (7) Lack of compassion = P(AUC)ITY

Three tiny bases = three of [ACGTUZ] (RNA / DNA bases)? this is pretty sketchy, i know, but i couldn't pass up the opportunity hahaha
lydian 0
6836 ELECTRODE (9) Conductor's waste (containing select Selenium) is missing (9) Conductor = E((-se)LECT)RODE lydian 0
6861 ROTTERDAM (9) Meander around (without a cook) tetrad of some dutch neighborhoods, together? (9) RO(TTERD(-a)*)AM = some dutch neighborhoods, together? lydian 0
6902 PRICKLY PEAR (7, 4) Reapply liquid around Rick's plant (7, 4) *P(RICK)LY PEAR = plant lydian 0
6911 NO WAY (2, 3) Nuh uh, a European country is not right (2, 3) "Nuh uh" = NO(-r) WAY lydian 0
6941 ALBUQUERQUE (11) Endless scrapbook that Spanish query reorganised (missing a why) leading to somewhere in America (11) ALBU(-m) + QUE + RQUE(-y)* =leading to= somewhere in America

Endless scrapbook = ALBU(-m)
that Spanish = QUE
query reorganised (missing a why) = RQUE(-y)*

It's kinda bad I know, but this is the best I could do this this :P
lydian 0
7095 ANY SUPERVOCALIC CLUE (?) Dusty kind of essay (5) STUDY* = Essay lydian 0
7096 MISSOURI (8) Overlook foreign yes about republican state (8) MISS + OU(R)I = state lydian 0
7123 METROID (7) Video game's underground team, at its core (7) Video game = METRO + (-s)ID(-e) lydian 0
7130 ANY CLUE ONLY USING WORDS FROM PERSON DO THING (?) Make more place (4) *ROME = place lydian 0
7210 NO CONTEST (2, 7) Regularly enforce on trial for a plea (2, 7) _N_O_C_ + ON + TEST = a plea lydian 0
7228 NOTHING (7) "Nil, zilch" said pivot endlessly (7) Nil = "NOT" (nought) + HING(-e) lydian 0
7300 OWYHEE (6) A bird didn't finish my cheese evenly at Nevada river (6) OW(-l) + _Y_H_E_E = Nevada river lydian 0
9286 LYDIAN (6) An endless idyll goes astray to an Anatolian (6) (AN+IDYL(-l))*→LYDIAN = an Anatolian lydian 0
10376 SEAHORSE (8) Equine animal — origins encircled by coast about south! (8) S(E_ A_)HOR(S)E — &lit lydian 0
11351 PASTA (5) previously a food (5) PAST + A lydian 0

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