
Contests started: HORSE (5), INTERNET TROLL (8, 5), HILBERT (7), HOMESTUCK (9), BUTTE (5), WARNOCK (7), TILL (4), VEGGIE TRAY (6, 4), NOTEPAD (7)


All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1506 DELETE (6) Get rid of Germany, and the French and Dutch too (6) "Get rid of" = definition; Germany's country code = "DE", "the" in French = LE, "too" in dutch = TE frictionlessemu 5
1527 GO ABROAD (8) Leave a country badger to eat one frat member (2,6) "leave a country" = definition, "badger" = GOAD, containing "one frat member" = A BRO frictionlessemu 5
2379 INTERSECT (9) Overlap between different cults? (9) ddef, "overlap" = INTERSECT, "between different cults?" = INTER-SECT frictionlessemu 5
1973 A CLUE THAT USES THE SAME NON-STOP WORD >=3X (?) It's a flat title with flat contents - completely flat (8) flat (as in apartment/residence) title is DEED, containing FLAT, gives DEFLATED = completely flat (like a tire) frictionlessemu 4
2641 ETERNAL (7) Eastern Alabama, but not as unchanging (7) EASTERN+AL - AS = "unchanging" frictionlessemu 4
864 QAT (3) Shaq attempted concealing a narcotic (3) "a narcotic" = definition; hidden word in "shaQ ATtempted" frictionlessemu 3
930 PEWTER (6) A metal weight carried by one of your cohort (6) WT inside of PEER = "one of your cohort" makes PE(WT)ER = "a metal" frictionlessemu 3
2016 EGG (3) Common breakfast food, for example, gets gobbled first (3) "Common breakfast food" = definition = E.G. containing G_ frictionlessemu 3
2042 THEREMIN (8) Over yonder, the smallest musical instrument (8) Over yonder = THERE; the smallest = MIN.; musical instrument = THEREMIN frictionlessemu 3
9978 ANY CURRENT WORLD LEADER (?) Letter from Greek president (2) ddef for XI (letter from Greek; President of China) frictionlessemu 3
1517 INEPT (5) Inadequate short penis partially retracted (5) "inadequate" = definition, "partially retracted" as a reversed hidden word indicator in shorTPENIs frictionlessemu 2
1636 SAAG PANEER (4, 6) Grease a pan, cook a spinach-and-cheese dish (4, 6) "a spinach-and-cheese dish" is the definition, "cook" an anagrind for GREASE A PAN frictionlessemu 2
1979 SHIITAKE (8) Before I catch endless crap, it's a tasty mushroom (8) before I+TAKE, SHI(-t) = "it's a tasty mushroom" frictionlessemu 2
2041 MULTIMETER (10) Concealed by tumult, I'm eternally a tool (10) _MULT I'M ETER_ = a tool frictionlessemu 2
2043 XKCD (4) Webcomic's textual display of a laugh about Kansas City (4) Webcomic = XD around KC frictionlessemu 2
2514 HILBERT (7) The dish: Engineer turns into mathematician (7) DILBERT -> HILBERT ("THE D IS H") frictionlessemu 2
2531 SULLIVAN (8) Ed, with a show, befouled a vehicle but not Ed (8) SULLIED+VAN without ED = "Ed with a show" frictionlessemu 2
2588 MEW (3) Mega-disgusting cat noise (3) M + EW = "cat noise" frictionlessemu 2
2625 CITADEL (7) Explicit ad eludes content-sentry's lookout (7) "expliCIT AD ELudes" content = "sentry's lookout" frictionlessemu 2
5372 INSIDE BASEBALL (6, 8) Intimate knowledge of what happens at Rays home games? (6, 8) ddef ("Intimate knowledge of" for the idiomatic sense and "what happens at the Rays home games?" because the Tampa Bay Rays are the only MLB team currently playing in a stadium with an non-retractable dome) frictionlessemu 2
6238 DEMISEMIHEMIDEMISEMIQUAVER (26) Brief note: Two instances of death-by-Michigan were separated by an engine shudder (26) Two copies of (DEMISE+MI), with HEMI (= a type of engine) in between, followed by QUAVER (= shudder) -> "brief note" frictionlessemu 2
7694 PARITY (6) Celebrate about one's equality (6) PARTY around I = "equality" frictionlessemu 2
10302 FEDERER (7) Served to, um, uh, a tennis legend (7) Served to = FED, um = ER, uh = ER, a tennis legend = definition frictionlessemu 2
624 NORMAL (6) Conventional, logical, and not bad French (6) "conventional" = definition
"logical and not" = NOR
"bad French" = MAL
frictionlessemu 1
626 PATRIOT (7) Tom Brady, for instance, throws three in a play after scoring (7) "Tom Brady, for instance" = definition = PA(TRIO)T
"three" = TRIO
"a play after scoring" = PAT ( = Point After Touchdown)
frictionlessemu 1
811 ISOTROPIC (9) Uniformity in all directions results from being connected by a path of homeomorphisms? Get real! (9) "Uniformity in all directions" = definition
"being connected by a path of homeomorphisms" = ISOTOPIC
"Get real!" = insert 'R'
frictionlessemu 1
881 SENSELESSNESSES (15) Brainless ideas make everything backwards for South German city's tennis star and Nintendo (15) "Brainless ideas" = (S ESSEN'S SELES NES)< frictionlessemu 1
1402 ORALLY (6) Oh, really? Hasn't he spoken out loud? (6) "spoken out loud" = OHREALLY - letters of HE frictionlessemu 1
1962 ORBIT (5) A path was not rebuilt evenly (5) "A path" = definition = even letters of nOtReBuIlT frictionlessemu 1
2281 HORNY (5) Hot, even Courtney's feeling amorous (5) H + _O_R_N_Y = "feeling amorous" frictionlessemu 1
2526 NEPETA (6) Disciple's descendant to write back a letter (6) "to write back" + "a letter" = NEP< + ETA = "Disciple's descendant" (Nepeta is the descendant of a character known as the Disciple in Homestuck) frictionlessemu 1
2638 POURBOIRE (9) I, poor rube, scrambled to provide a tip (9) IPOORRUBE* = "a tip" frictionlessemu 1
5240 PAN (3) It hurts when you avoid me to search for gold (3) "it hurts" = PAIN; when you avoid "I" get PAN = "to search for gold" frictionlessemu 1
6503 HOOSEGOW (8) "Coop a game bird? By what means?" says the Reverend (8) spoonerism of GOOSE HOW = "coop" frictionlessemu 1
7849 DYLANAMITE (10) Animatedly weird puzzler (10) ANIMATEDLY* frictionlessemu 1
880 SENSELESSNESSES (15) At the end, Earthbound protagonists detect fewer lapses of judgement (15) NESSES at the end of SENSE LESS = 'lapses of judgement' frictionlessemu 0
1076 ARTIFACT (8) An archaeologist may find this part, if actually partial (8) "An archaeologist may find this" = definition
Hidden word in "pART IF ACTually", with "partial" as indicator
frictionlessemu 0
1403 ORALLY (6) Meme phrase with owl carrying Gore by mouth (6) "by mouth" = definition
"meme phrase with owl" = O RLY
containing "Gore" = AL
frictionlessemu 0
6855 NESSIE (6) A boy with psychic powers; that is, a folklore creature (6) NESS (the Earthbound character)+I.E. frictionlessemu 0
8802 ANY CLUE THAT BEGINS "IN SOVIET RUSSIA..." (?) In Soviet Russia, jet mix-up holds back suggestive 2001 sub (3 5 6) USSR containing JTE* containing >RACY MMI = USS JIMMY CARTER, a nuclear submarine. frictionlessemu 0
8872 ANY ICONIC DUO “X AND Y” E.G. “FISH AND CHIPS”, “TOM AND JERRY” ETC. (X, 3, Y) Pokemon games' Dynamax mix-up drops two heads of Magneton (1 3 1) X AND Y = Pokemon games = DYNAMAX* - MA (first two letters of MAGNETON) frictionlessemu 0

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