
Contests started: ANOMALY (7), MEDIOCRE (8), PRISTINE (8)


All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4133 ALADDIN (7) [Sloppy and-lit, lacking finish and containing ad for animated film] (7) def: "animated film"; AL(AD)DIN_* mbingo 8
5091 CRAFT (5) Trade relationship's origin is, in fact, corrupt (5) def: "trade"; C(R_)AFT* mbingo 6
4121 ALADDIN (7) An ideal remake, with Genie, in the end, becoming freed at last! (7) &lit; ALAD(_e→_D)IN* mbingo 5
4557 TYPO (4) Something you might find in faulty poetry! (4) def: &lit; _TY PO_ mbingo 5
4888 OUTCOME (7) Fallout shelter time (standard in the outskirts of Orono, Maine) (7) def: "fallout"; O(UTC)O+ME mbingo 5
4916 BIDEN (5) Ballot leader in/around Delaware! (5) &lit; B_+I(DE)N [credit to ev for the idea!] mbingo 5
9574 CASHEW (6) The pinnacle of comedy, as that guy Wolf initiated! (6) &lit; C_ + AS + HE + W_
down clue only (for "pinnacle")
def refers to https://discord.com/channels/379129452203999242/396583527656980480/982548035802382386
mbingo 5
4678 AUTUMN (6) Odd parts of A Lustful Mind result in fall (6) def: "fall"; A_U_T_U_M_N_ mbingo 4
4691 SCREED (6) In trouble? Take the fifth—away with lengthy speech (6) def: "lengthy speech"; SCRE(-w)ED mbingo 4
4699 BUNKUM (6) Small roll with a bit of ketchup and, um… baloney (6) def: "baloney"; BUN+K_+UM mbingo 4
4884 PRECIPICE (9) Cost includes elevated fee—run away, it's steep (9) def: "it's steep"; PR(ECI(-r)P<)ICE [down clue only] mbingo 4
5026 BABEL (5) A couple bits of blood around President Lincoln results in bedlam (5) def: "bedlam"; B(ABE)L_ mbingo 4
5074 ANY CLUE THAT'S &LIT AND A QUESTIONABLE DEF?! (?) One in a small room?! (4) def: &lit (questionably; a dean's office could be a small room); DE(A)N

also, you might interrogate "one in a small room", which makes the definition… "questionable"
mbingo 4
5338 DEFLATE (7) Discharge, removing the stuff inside—now it's flat and empty! (7) def: &lit; D_E+FLAT+E mbingo 4
5701 LUCIFER (7) Kevin Wald, sitting between limbo's entrance and chaotic fire, is the devil (7) def: "the devil"; L_+UC+IFER*

Kevin Wald is Ucaoimhu, or Uc for short
mbingo 4
4552 ABNORMALITY (11) A corrupt Tony Blair has major flaw (11) def: "flaw"; A+(BNOR(M)ALITY*) mbingo 3
4553 TYPO (4) City police concealing mistake (4) def: "mistake"; _TY PO_ mbingo 3
4561 SAMPLE (6) Try and slap me silly (6) def: "try"; SAMPLE* mbingo 3
4566 CROSSWORD CLUE (9, 4) What you're reading from foremost of credible sources: "World in disarray" (9, 4) def: "what you're reading"; C_+(ROSSWORD CLUE)* mbingo 3
4670 CHARTREUSE (10) Canadian leader rather frazzled, with American approaching left side of eighteenth green (10) def: "green"; C_+HARTRE*+US+E_ mbingo 3
4700 BASEBALL (8) BABA IS ME! Finally grabbed by it—at its core, skillful game (8) def: "game"; BA(_S+_E)BA+_LL_ mbingo 3
4721 DELVE (5) Examine "555 / e + e" (5) def: "examine"; D(E)LV+E mbingo 3
5177 YEW (3) Reportedly, the person reading this is a plant (3) def: "a plant"; "you" mbingo 3
5298 NIGHTLY (7) Actress from Love Actually heard every… single… evening (7) def: "every single evening"; "Knightley" mbingo 3
5339 ANY CLUE WHOSE SURFACE COMPLIMENTS A PUZZLER (??) Dan Katz has a magnificent singing voice (4) def: "a magnificent singing voice"; _AN KA_ mbingo 3
5366 IS (2) Essentially "exists" in English! (2) def: &lit; _IS_; _IS_

that is, this has two pieces of wordplay: exISts (indicated by "essentially") and englISh (clued by "in")
mbingo 3
8030 ANY CLUE WHERE ALL THE WORDS ARE THE SAME LENGTH AS THE ANSWER (?) Soup from wild west (4) def: "soup"; STEW* mbingo 3
4092 HAT (3) As little as possible, rotate edges of gas cap (3) ROT1 "edges" of GAS → HAT mbingo 2
4103 MARRY (5) Tie the knot—with might—securing right end of rope (5) def: "tie the knot"; MA(R+R_)Y mbingo 2
4104 MARRY (5) To start, maneuver a ring on the left finger; finally, "yes"! (5) &lit; M_+A+R_+_R+Y mbingo 2
4170 SHATTER (7) Smash hit in South America (Trinidad and Tobago, primarily): "Electioneering" by Radiohead? (7) def: "smash"; S(H)A+TT+E_+R_ mbingo 2
4176 INCANDESCENT (12) Brilliant civilization's fall (12) def: "brilliant"; INCAN+DESCENT mbingo 2
4542 PARTICIPATION (13) Engagement ring placed in box after Dad takes it back (in case of romantic infidelity, primarily) (13) def: "engagement"; PA(R(TI<)C+I_)PA+TI(O)N mbingo 2
4587 PRISTINE (8) Spirit mixed with last bits of lemon juice and mint (8) def: "mint"; PRISTI*+_N+_E mbingo 2
4588 TABOO (5) Forbidden temple's entrance… a frightening noise (5) def: "forbidden"; T_+A+BOO mbingo 2
4684 ANY CLUE WHOSE WORDPLAY IS A REBUS (?) Greek goddess found in AA? (6) def: "Greek goddess"; A THEN A mbingo 2
4707 OMEGA (5) The end of the Greek alphabet (initially omicron with missing piece on the left)! (5) &lit; O+M_+_E+G_+A_ mbingo 2
4730 PORRIDGE (8) Finally witnessed budding commerce after alien traded for gold in petri dish (8) def: "dish"; P(-et)(OR)RI+_D+_G+_E mbingo 2
4846 BROWN (5) Baker with empty stomach? Have toast (5) def: toast; B_R+OWN mbingo 2
5373 MINCE PIE (5, 3) Christmas treat with orally fresh, herbal flavor—behold (5, 3) def: "Christmas treat"; "mint spy" mbingo 2
5608 WHINGE (6) Dropping bits of mercury into alcoholic beverage results in bellyache (6) def: "bellyache"; W(H)IN(G)E mbingo 2
9375 COURTESY (8) Mumbled Tortoise-esque pleasantry (8) def: "pleasantry"; "Curtis-y" homophone mbingo 2
10204 EXCISE (6) Cut out physical activity without hesitation (6) def: "cut out"; EX(-er)CISE
physical activity (=EXERCISE) without hesitation (=ER)
mbingo 2
4084 DASHING (7) Smart alarm's noise interrupted by a command to quiet down (7) def: "smart"; D(A + SH)ING mbingo 1
4093 PIERCE (6) Make a hole in one, finally—the right club's placed in protective casing (6) def: "make a hole in"; P(I+_E+R+C)E mbingo 1
4156 ANY CLUE THAT CONTAINS ITS ANSWER (?) Chat with Neil Peart (dancing aside) (13) def: "aside"; PARENTHETICAL* mbingo 1
4543 LANDSKNECHT (11) Slovakia goes after Luxembourg's capital and then backtracks, capturing Czech leader and German mercenary (11) def: "German mercenary"; L_+AND+SK+(NE(C_)HT<) mbingo 1
4565 MEDIOCRE (8) So-so do-re-mi, etc... odd arrangement (8) def: "so-so"; MEDIOCRE* mbingo 1
4574 FERRET (6) Harry's charge: switching sides, by the sound of it (6) def: "harry"; "tariff" with sides switched mbingo 1
4577 FORGERY (7) Broadcast of Grey hosting third part of Hard Copy (7) def: "copy"; FORGE(_R_)Y* mbingo 1
4613 ANY ANSWER RELATED TO SPEEDRUNNING (?) On fire after good advanced skip on the outside—the best yet (4, 5) def: "the best yet"; G+OLD+S_P+LIT mbingo 1
4633 STRIPED (7) Drew streaks, leaves, makes a one-for-one exchange, and returns (7) def: "drew streaks"; STR(a→I)PED< mbingo 1
4651 ANY PUNCTUATION MARK (?) As described in legend, a Shangri-La–Hades collision (securing end of creation) (2 4) def: –; _END A SH_; E(_N)DASH* mbingo 1
4719 SLACKS (6) Residents of Žilina drop eggs around Czechia's borders to the west—releases tension (6) def: "releases tension"; SL(-ova)(A_C<)KS mbingo 1
4739 JUNCTURE (8) You are reportedly near Connecticut in June for a moment (8) def: "a moment"; JUN(CT+"U"+"R")E mbingo 1
4740 PRONUNCIATION (13) Voicing an opinion—curt, upset (13) def: "voicing"; PRONUNCIATION* mbingo 1
5345 MODERATOR (9) Dream with our leader (chaotic) leads to Tiralmo's first (and last) run for open PC position (9) def: "open PC position"; M(O_)DERA*+T_O+R mbingo 1
5374 CARP Automobile at the beginning of Portnoy's Complaint (4) def: "complaint"; CAR+P_ mbingo 1
5435 STARBOARD (9) The right side of this boat at sea (assuming "right" is "at/toward the right side")! (9) def: &lit; _S+TA(R)BO*+_ARD mbingo 1
5609 FAKE (4) Note echo after duck's last quack (4) def: "quack"; FA+_K+E mbingo 1
5729 VOTE (4) Express opinion of ghost, overlooking odd sounds (4) def: "express opinion"; remove odd phonemes of "of ghost" (əvgōst → vōt) mbingo 1
5751 CONNECTOR (9) MMA fighter McGregor grabs neck abruptly, along with opponent's right knee, for one? (9) def: "knee, for one"; CON(NEC_+_T)OR

Conor McGregor is a big name in MMA; a knee is an example of a joint/connector
mbingo 1
7467 TINDER (6) Website about turning drags to the left and to the right into pounding heart! (6) &lit; TI(d_+_d→_ND_)ER<

that is, REDDIT (=website) reversed (=about), turning D_+_D (="drags" to the left, "and" to the right) into _ND_ (="pounding" heart)
mbingo 1
11142 LET'S DO "YOUR USERNAME (?)" AGAIN THAT WAS FUN Some dude organized endless, mibnt game involving stones (6) def: "some dude"; (MBIN_)* + GO

"organized endless mibnt" = (MIBN_)*
"game involving stones" = GO

note: "mibnt" is a PC meme (https://discord.com/channels/379129452203999242/422886139498856448/806300987991916554); it also had a contest here (https://cryptics.jackbrounstein.com/contest/1190-mibnt-5)
mbingo 1
11693 AFORESAID (9) A+ for staggering ideas expressed earlier (9) def: "expressed earlier"; A+FOR+ESAID* mbingo 1
4098 LOSE (4) Chuck's song of lamentation (ignoring the sound at the beginning) (4) def: "chuck"; phonetic beheadment of BLUES mbingo 0
4112 CONTEST (7) Club opening lead by north; then, on the left, east and south follow suit... ultimately, that's match (7) def: "match"; C+O_+N+T_+E+S+_T mbingo 0
4171 SHATTER (7) Total quiet at the outer parts of the Earth's core (7) def: "total"; SH+AT+T_E+_R_ mbingo 0
4177 SPAR (4) Shake after pulling out and (obviously) opening Pandora's box (4) def: "box"; P(and+o)RAS* mbingo 0
4188 TRIP (4) Missing program, Picard returns, after ignoring all odds in Star Trek (4) def: "trek"; _T_R + PI(-card)< mbingo 0
4191 THONGS (6) Truth on ______: G-strings, essentially! (6) &lit; _THONGS_ mbingo 0
4441 QUARTIC (7) x⁴, for example, is brilliant, endlessly gripping art (4) def: "x⁴, for example"; QU(ART)IC_ mbingo 0
4547 ANOMALY (7) Part of melanoma/lymphoma?! (7) def: an anomaly (e.g. an unexpected mole) is a sign of these diseases; _ANOMA/LY_
(apologies for the sensitive subject matter)
mbingo 0
4548 ANOMALY (7) Subtract median of array from a variable holding standard deviation (7) def: "deviation"; A(NO(-r)MAL)Y mbingo 0
7314 DETHRONE (8) 7-6 after defense botched the quarterback sack (8) def: "sack"; D+ETH*+_R+ONE

defense = D
THE, botched = ETH
quarterback = R
7-6 = ONE
mbingo 0
7323 PWN (3) Run audibly in the other direction? Nope! (3) &lit; "nope"<

that is, "nope" is read backwards phonetically (run it, audibly, in the other direction)

loose-ish definition, but to pwn is decidedly *not* to retreat, but to dominate instead
mbingo 0
8509 BUFFALO (7) After tossing end of bun, ffao eats last bit of meatball with a kind of sauce (7) def: "a kind of sauce"; BU(-n)+FFA(_L)O mbingo 0

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