Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
9847 | CRISIS (6) | Conservative Sunak's abandoning hot mess (6) | Conservative - C Sunak's - RISHI'S abandoning - deletion hot - H mess - def |
Botaku | 7 |
8965 | PROPRIOCEPTION (14) | Sense of epic proportion warped (14) | Sense - definition <EPICPROPORTION> warped - anagram |
Botaku | 5 |
11344 | GALUMPH (7) | Stomp former student in annual riddle event (7) | stomp - def former student - ALUM in - insertion indicator annual riddle event - GPH, short for Galactic Puzzle Hunt |
Botaku | 5 |
8924 | APROPOS (7) | Concerning contents of plea proposed (7) | Concerning - definition contents of - hidden word pleA PROPOSed |
Botaku | 4 |
9142 | PRANK (5) | Some top-ranking trick (5) | some - hidden word toP-RANKing trick - def |
Botaku | 4 |
9209 | CAPITAL (7) | Recap: Italy includes Rome, say (7) | reCAP ITALy includes - hidden word Rome, say - def |
Botaku | 4 |
9403 | CENTER (6) | Some public enterprise! (6) | &lit: def - a (community) center, for example, can be a public enterprise some - hidden word publiC ENTERprise (Many thanks to dohz for their consultation!) |
Botaku | 4 |
9557 | JACKAL (6) | Perform menial tasks for nothing at all, endlessly (6) | perform menial tasks - def for - link nothing at all - JACK-ALL endlessly - delete last letter |
Botaku | 4 |
9023 | ANY CLUE OF THE FORM "IN WHICH [STH HAPPENS]" (?) | In which a ram beats an ape (7) | HARAMBE In - hidden word whicH A RAM BEats an ape - definition |
Botaku | 3 |
9281 | EMOJI (5) | Eminem: O.J. is stuffing face on internet (5) | eminEM O.J. Is stuffing - hidden word face on internet - def |
Botaku | 3 |
9320 | PATHETIC (8) | Papa, the Tic-Tac stuffing is deplorable! (8) | paPA THE TICtac stuffing - hidden word is - link deplorable - def |
Botaku | 3 |
9325 | FOSSIL (6) | Remains of tailless Malagasy mammal before the Italian (6) | remains - def of - link tailless - delete last letter Malagasy mammal - FOSSA before - juxtaposition the Italian - IL (Italian definite article) |
Botaku | 3 |
9326 | CINNAMON (8) | Panic in 'Nam: onboarding prisoners to open-source UI (8) | paniC IN NAM ONboarding prisoners - hidden word to - link open-source UI - def |
Botaku | 3 |
9373 | BANANA (6) | Berry concealed by shrub: an anagram (6) | berry - def concealed by - hidden word shruB AN ANAgram |
Botaku | 3 |
9402 | IOUEA (5) | Cretaceous poriferan of Greek islet and Fijian island (5) | Cretaceous poriferan - def of - link Greek islet - IO and - juxtaposition Fijian island - UEA (Both Io and Uea have a Wikipedia page which is more than can be said of the answer :D) |
Botaku | 3 |
9503 | WONT (4) | Is not going to practice (4) | ddef: is not going to (WON'T) + practice (WONT) | Botaku | 3 |
9617 | TONER (5) | What a drug addict and a wrong-righter have in common: printer powder! (5) | drug addict - STONER wrong-righter - ATONER what they have in common - _TONER printer powder - def |
Botaku | 3 |
9758 | VIEW (4) | Compete and win point (4) | compete - VIE and - juxtaposition win - W point - def (i.e. an opinion/stance) |
Botaku | 3 |
9798 | CLUE THAT'S ENTIRELY IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ANSWER, DEFINITION, AND CRYPTIC READING) | Крепость требует ключ (5) | Translation: fortress demands a key ddef fortress - замок (stress on first syllable) demands a key - lock, i.e. замок (stress on second syllable) Thanks to Yosh for their consultation! |
Botaku | 3 |
10683 | AULD (4) | Old contents of cauldron (4) | old - def contents of - container cAULDron |
Botaku | 3 |
11133 | ESTOC (5) | Tuck in white stockings (5) | tuck - def in - hidden word whitE STOCkings |
Botaku | 3 |
11134 | ENDLESS NIGHT (7, 5) | Christie novel mixes hints, legends (7,5) | Christie novel - def mixes - anagram (HINTSLEGENDS)* [Side note: it's a detective novel with a legend as a central plot point, so this ought to be &littable.] |
Botaku | 3 |
11264 | ANY CLUE THAT INCLUDES THE SAME WORD THREE OR MORE TIMES (?) | How to finish sonnets? "Set set, Set upset." (9) | SESTETTES how to finish sonnets? - def upset - anagram (SETSETSET)* |
Botaku | 3 |
11308 | HOLBEIN (7) | Warhol being part painter (7) | warHOL BEINg part - hidden word painter - def |
Botaku | 3 |
8767 | ANY CLUE THAT IS FORMATTED LIKE A "YO MAMA" JOKE (?) | Yo mama so strewn, dawg initially confused her for a foggy drive (8,7) | Answer: MOTORWAY MADNESS dawg initially - D confused - anagram <yomamasostrewnd> - MOTORWAY MADNESS a foggy drive - definition |
Botaku | 2 |
8863 | LINTEL (6) | Support from artificial intelligence (6) | support - definition from - hidden word artificiaL INTELligence |
Botaku | 2 |
8926 | ANY CLUE BUT THE WHOLE THING HAS TO BE IN THE FORM OF A POEM - IT DOESN'T HAVE TO RHYME BUT IT SHOULD BE RECOGNIZABLE AS A POETIC TRADITION (ANY) | Rose red, violet blue, brash data haul dashing to discuss an issue (1,7,6,2,1,7,6) | A TROUBLE SHARED IS A TROUBLE HALVED = <ROSEREDVIOLETBLUEBRASHDATAHAUL> dashing = ana to discuss an issue = def |
Botaku | 2 |
8966 | TRAMP (5) | Lady's companion shackled by quiet rampage (5) | Lady's companion - definition shackled by - hidden word quieT RAMPage |
Botaku | 2 |
8969 | SLEW (4) | C.S.Lewis essentially killed (4) | c.S.LEWis essentially - hidden word killed - definition |
Botaku | 2 |
9005 | STERN (5) | Frowning in consternation (5) | Frowning - def in - hidden word conSTERNation |
Botaku | 2 |
9029 | GET A LIFE (3,1,4) | In Turing et al., I felt a call to action (3,1,4) | in - hidden word turinG ET AL I FElt a call to action - def |
Botaku | 2 |
9066 | SVELTE (6) | Soviet letter, oddly elegant (6) | SoViEt LeTtEr oddly - letters at odd positions elegant - def |
Botaku | 2 |
9157 | LIAISON (7) | Affair leads to absurd alimonies ripping me off (7) | affair - definition leads to - link absurd - anagram <ALIMONIES> ripping ME off - delete ME |
Botaku | 2 |
9169 | HÉLOÏSE (7) | All without "N or M?", Oscar behind wheel acutely steers, initially into oddly naïve woman of letters (7) | all without N or M - delete all instances of N and M Oscar - O behind - juxtaposition wheel acutely - HÉLM steers initially - S into - container oddly NaÏvE woman of letters - def HÉL(-M)+O+(-N)Ï(+S)E |
Botaku | 2 |
9201 | TURTLE (6) | Cruel truth about components in drawer (6) | cruEL TRUTh about - reversal components - hidden word in - link drawer - def (cursor that can be instructed to draw an image on the screen) |
Botaku | 2 |
9247 | SPIRIT LEVEL (6, 5) | Vilest peril - broken measuring equipment (6,5) | (VILESTPERIL)* broken - anagram measuring equipment - def |
Botaku | 2 |
9382 | MUSTARD (7) | Sat in confusion during first half; murderer was the Colonel (7) | in confusion - anagram (SAT)* - STA during - container first half murderer - MURD was - link the Colonel - def (Colonel Mustard from Cluedo/Clue) |
Botaku | 2 |
9461 | UMAMI (5) | A bit of satsuma, mildly basic taste (5) | a bit of - hidden word satsUMA MIldly basic taste - def |
Botaku | 2 |
9476 | PERPETUITY (10) | Inalienability guarantee for house of ill repute? Pity (10) | inalienability guarantee for house - def of - link ill - anagram (fite me 😤) (REPUTEPITY)* |
Botaku | 2 |
9521 | MANTISSA (8) | Fowles novel reveals abysmal satanism (8) | Fowles novel - def reveals - link abysmal - anagram (SATANISM)* |
Botaku | 2 |
9541 | ANY URL (?) | Essentially vagarious online game (4.2) | essentially - hidden word vAGAR.IOus online game - def |
Botaku | 2 |
10649 | SCROOGE (7) | Miser's twisted self-esteem associated with ugly and malevolent beings (7) | miser - def 's - link twisted - reversal self-esteem - EGO associated with - juxtaposition ugly and malevolent beings - ORCS (EGO+ORCS)< |
Botaku | 2 |
10651 | INDITE (6) | Write, rearrange in edit (6) | write - def rearrange - anagram (INEDIT)* |
Botaku | 2 |
10658 | SNOOZE (6) | Ozone's complication? (6) | &lit: one notable effect of prolonged exposure to ozone is a feeling of tiredness complication - anagram (OZONES)* |
Botaku | 2 |
10703 | B-SIDE (1-4) | Next to reported increase in difficulty (1-4) | next to - BESIDE reported - homophone increase in difficulty - def (in the context of Celeste) |
Botaku | 2 |
10705 | LICENSE (7) | Certify selenic mixture (7) | certify - def (SELENIC)* mixture - anagram |
Botaku | 2 |
11180 | FINAGLE (7) | End gripping, grand plot (7) | end - FINALE gripping - insertion grand - G plot - def |
Botaku | 2 |
11204 | POSTAL SERVICE (6, 7) | Less proactive, confused mailmen etc. (6,7) | (LESSPROACTIVE)* confused - anagram mailmen etc. - def |
Botaku | 2 |
8876 | NUMBER ONE (6, 3) | Ember noun becomes something less sensitive (6,3) | EMBER NOUN becomes - anagram something less sensitive - definition |
Botaku | 1 |
8914 | ANY CLUE WITH ONLY MONOSYLLABIC WORDS AND A MONOSYLLABIC ANSWER (?) | Car from glib, rough Ames (8) | Car - definition from - hidden word gliB, ROUGH AMes |
Botaku | 1 |
8925 | ANY CLUE IN THE FORM OF A "L + RATIO +..." MEME (?) | L + ratio + you met jabs circulated by most people (8,8) | <LRATIOYOUMETJABS> circulated - anagram most people - definition ABSOLUTE MAJORITY |
Botaku | 1 |
8967 | SPRIGATITO (10) | Starter keeps prig at it? One Piece! | Starter - definition keepS PRIG AT IT One piece - hidden word |
Botaku | 1 |
8985 | MAESTRO (7) | Carcinoma estrogen content irradiated malicious character (7) | CarcinoMA ESTROgen content - hidden word irradiated malicious character - def (a villainous alternate future version of Hulk) |
Botaku | 1 |
9004 | THEY (4) | Winners, for instance, in just Heyawake (4) | Winners, for instance - def in - hidden word jusT HEYawake |
Botaku | 1 |
9006 | EMACS (5) | Editor swinging about maces (5) | Editor - def swinging about - anagram <MACES> |
Botaku | 1 |
9049 | RECKON (6) | Buried in wreck: one gauge (6) | buried in - hidden word wRECK ONe gauge - definition |
Botaku | 1 |
9078 | EIGHTY-SIX (6-3) | Chick Hicks' endless reign, even shitty engine drops straight away (6-3) | Chick Hicks - def (character from Cars, a racecar bearing the number 86) endless rEIGn even sHiTtY engine - STRAIGHT-SIX drops STRAIGHT away |
Botaku | 1 |
9087 | TORRENT (7) | Stream partner rotates segment about (7) | stream - def parTNER ROTates segment - hidden word about - reversal |
Botaku | 1 |
9125 | HELICOPTER (10) | The Police mixed up with Queen on flyer (10) | <THEPOLICE>+R mixed up - anagram with - juxtaposition Queen - R on - link flyer - definition |
Botaku | 1 |
9143 | UPDOG (5) | Shackled by demigod, punishing revolutionary for nothing much (5) | shackled by - hidden word demiGOD PUnishing revolutionary - reversal for - link nothing much - def (as in "What is updog?" "Nothing much, [...]") |
Botaku | 1 |
9147 | CREAM CHEESE (5, 6) | Emeer's cache concealed food (5,6) | <EMEERSCACHE> concealed - anagram food - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9151 | INCORRIGIBLE (12) | Broiling rice, stirring until hardened (12) | <BROILINGRICE> stirring - anagram until - filler hardened - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9173 | ENTERPRISE | Company to pern IT, seer evens the odds (10) | company - def to - link evens, odds pErNiTsEeR + PeRnItSeEr |
Botaku | 1 |
9188 | OVERMORROW (10) | Uncover Morrowind gems two days later (10) | uncOVER MORROWind gems - hidden word two days later - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9191 | BROADWAY (8) | Strong progress in theatre district (8) | ddef strong - BROAD (e.g. an accent) progress - WAY (e.g. make one's way through sth) in - link theatre district - BROADWAY |
Botaku | 1 |
9229 | CONCERTO (8) | Collaboration on opening piece (8) | collaboration - CONCERT (cf. in concert, in collaboration) on opening - O (first letter of ON) piece - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9267 | ERROR (5) | In fear or regret over mix-up (5) | in - hidden word feaR OR REgret over - reversal mix-up - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9285 | LYDIAN (6) | Puzzler's daily rounds never start (6) | puzzler - def 's - link (DAILY)*+N(ever) rounds - anagram start - first letter |
Botaku | 1 |
9291 | VAMP (4) | Volt and ampere shortly lead to a siren (4) | shortly - abbrev. (is this necessary?) volt - V and - juxtaposition ampere - AMP lead to - link a siren - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9294 | PISTACHIO (9) | Drupe & Co. leaving sociopathic mess (9) | drupe - def & - link leaving - deletion mess - anagram (SOCIOPATHIC)* - (CO) |
Botaku | 1 |
9307 | PERIPATETIC (11) | Stirred precipitate travelling (11) | stirred - anagram (PRECIPITATE)* travelling - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9319 | FRITO (5) | Snack mistaken for it (5) | snack - def mistaken - anagram (FORIT)* |
Botaku | 1 |
9334 | ARCHIVE (7) | Pack at the end of Curve Data catalogue (7) | pack - HIVE at the end of - juxtaposition curve - ARC data catalogue - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9360 | TOPIARY (7) | Shaken IPA drunk by conservative in ornamental shrub (7) | shaken - anagram (IPA)* - PIA drunk by - insertion conservative - TORY in - link ornamental shrub - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9366 | AMORE (5) | When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie in a bustling Rome (5) | when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie - def in - link bustling - anagram A+(ROME)* |
Botaku | 1 |
9374 | DARKHOLD (8) | Dead? Key of life swaps opening number for closing number in front of ancient castle in Forgotten Realms (8) | dead - D key of life - ANKH opening number - N_ closing number - _R in front of - juxtaposition ancient - OLD castle in Forgotten Realms - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9395 | SHIVERS (7) | French winter flanked by nazis, trembles (7) | French winter - HIVER flanked by - container nazis - SS trembles - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9396 | TREMOR (6) | Backward Bob gets second degree, shaking (6) | backward - reversal Bob - ROBERT gets second degree - swaps B(achelor) for M(aster) shaking (noun) - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9400 | SPLENDOR (8) | Asp, lend Orpheus guts and glory! (8) | aSP LEND ORpheus guts - hidden word and - link glory - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9417 | SALAD (5) | Regular assault and rummage (5) | regular aSsAuLt AnD rummage - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9419 | FEINT (5) | Fencing move sounds weak (5) | fencing move - def sounds - homophone weak - FAINT |
Botaku | 1 |
9449 | ZUGZWANG (8) | Zürich's neighbour associated with central buzzword before Lee forced to make a bad move (8) | Zürich's neighbour - ZUG (a Swiss canton) associated with - juxtaposition central - middle two letters buzZWord before - juxtaposition Lee - ANG forced to make a bad move - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9452 | PERFIDY (7) | Tracking chip planted in Allende's ally, constituting a war crime (7) | tracking chip - RFID planted in - insertion Allende's ally - PEY constituting - link a war crime - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9458 | CRAZY (5) | Disturbed some Lycra zygotes (5) | disturbed - def some - hidden word lyCRA ZYgotes |
Botaku | 1 |
9502 | FLICK (5) | Could be some chick film! (5) | &lit: def - alluding to the term "chick flick" could be - anagram some - hidden word chiCK FILm |
Botaku | 1 |
9504 | A CLUE WHERE EVERY WORD, AS WELL AS THE ANSWER, ARE ALSO VALID WORDS IN NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGE(S) (?) | Pet in this language or in native Australian language? (3) | ddef - DOG in English, as well as in Mbabaram (is it from the same well if they're false cognates? :thonk:) pet - Dutch for "cap" in - Dutch for "in" this - Scots for "this" (or Quechua for the sound a cat makes when preparing to attack something, if you prefer 😂) language - Old French for "language" or - French for "gold" native - Italian for "female natives" Australian - Finnish for "Australian" (the ending being the same is actually somewhat coincidental) |
Botaku | 1 |
9522 | EXPONENT (8) | Subtraction, say, for engineer faced with one stuck between two Windows versions (8) | subtraction, say - def (in linguistics, subtraction is a type of exponent) for - link engineer - E faced with - juxtaposition ONE stuck between XP and NT |
Botaku | 1 |
9540 | REPECHAGE (9) | Final chance for the Queen to back away from dessert lacking its eponym, containing E174 (9) | final chance - def (it's the final chance for a team that initially failed to qualify to make it to the finals) for - link the Queen - ER to back away from - reversal + juxtaposition dessert lacking its eponym - PÊCHE (-MELBA) containing - insertion E174 - silver, i.e. AG (ER)< + PÊCH(+AG)E |
Botaku | 1 |
9558 | CALICO CAT (6, 3) | Regular chaplaincy and upside-down taco for tortoiseshell with white undercoat (6,3) | regular ChApLaInCy and - juxtaposition upside-down - reversal C_A_L_I_C_ + (TACO)< for - link tortoiseshell with white undercoat - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9573 | CASHEW (6) | Allergen given by that woman, swallowed by crow's cry (6) | allergen - def given by - link that woman - SHE swallowed by - insertion crow's cry - CAW CA(+SHE)W |
Botaku | 1 |
9641 | COASTER (7) | A bit of cocoa sterilisation provides protection (7) | a bit of - hidden word coCOA STERilisation provides - link protection - def (protects the countertop from getting wet or burned) |
Botaku | 1 |
9687 | FREE-FOR-ALL (4-3-3) | In the middle of Mischief Reef, oral law leads to brawl (4-3-3) | in the middle of - hidden word mischieF REEF ORAL Law leads to - link brawl - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9696 | A CLUE WHOSE SURFACE READS LIKE A TWITTER BIO. EXTRA CREDIT FOR EMOJIS (?) | xe/xem, PTSD, secretly free (6) | xE/XEM PTsd secretly - hidden word free - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9712 | ANY CLUE THAT IS ALSO A PARADOX (?) | Odd and not odd, off the wall decoration (4) | oDdAnDnOt odd off - remove odd letters the wall decoration - def |
Botaku | 1 |
9802 | SLALOM (6) | Bloom's album with earliest symphony by Lalo, opening movement (6) | Bloom's album - def with - link earliest - first letter by - juxtaposition opening - first letter S_ + LALO + M_ |
Botaku | 1 |
9803 | CANDELABRA (10) | Colombia's capital and El Abra as part of the Andes (10) | capital - first letter C_+AND+EL+ABRA as - link part of the Andes - def (referring to the Candelabra of the Andes AKA Paracas Candelabra) |
Botaku | 1 |
10728 | 1 (1) | Legendre's constant reportedly won (1) | Legendre's constant - def reportedly - homophone |
Botaku | 1 |
11171 | COELACANTH (10) | Glencoe, LA, can't hide fragment of living fossil (10) | glenCOELACANTHide fragment - hidden word of - link living fossil - def |
Botaku | 1 |
11271 | NAG A RAM (3 1 3) | Harry, a male sheep, confused Agra man (3,1,3) | harry a male sheep - def confused - anagram (AGRAMAN)* |
Botaku | 1 |
11301 | WHODUNIT (8) | Starts with homicide (ordinarily), detective uncovers new information, triumphs! (8) | &lit starts - first letters W_ H_ O_ D_ U_ N_ I_ T_ |
Botaku | 1 |
11316 | REVIVAL (7) | Tel Aviv eradicates revolutionary prisoners in resurgence (7) | teLAVIVERadicates revolutionary - reversal prisoners - hidden word in - link resurgence - def |
Botaku | 1 |
11341 | FUMBGY ZONE (6, 4) | One of three channels: #fucked-up-memes-by-gay-youths, #introductions-corner, ...? (6,4) | one of three channels - def, from the meme the phrase originates from F_ U_ M_ B_ G_ Y_ introductions - first letters corner - ZONE |
Botaku | 1 |
11342 | ACROSTIC (8) | Hidden message read down or across (tick endlessly!) (8) | hidden message read down - def or - link ACROS_ + TIC_ endlessly - final letter deletion |
Botaku | 1 |
11984 | ANY CLUE IN THE `SHE ___ ON MY ___ UNTIL I ___` FORMAT OR SOMETHING EQUIVALENT (?) | ||She bullying on my sag [sic!] til i burst|| (14) | MISOGYNISTICAL she(-)bullying - def (ONMYSAGSICTILI)* burst - anagrind |
Botaku | 1 |
8582 | TRENCHCOAT (10) | Catch tenor rustling overwear (10) | overwear - definition rustling - anagram <CATCH TENOR> |
Botaku | 0 |
8854 | ANY ANAGRAMLESS CLUE WITH AN ANSWER THAT IS 15+ LETTERS LONG (?) | Give up rearrangement strategies, extract promises (15) | Give - filler uP REARRANGEMENT Strategies extract - hidden word promises - definition for PREARRANGEMENTS |
Botaku | 0 |
8868 | ANY ICONIC DUO “X AND Y” E.G. “FISH AND CHIPS”, “TOM AND JERRY” ETC. (X, 3, Y) | Aloof fan donates insides every now and then (3,3,2) | AloOF FAN DONates insides - hidden word every now and then - definition OFF AND ON |
Botaku | 0 |
8915 | INDIRECT ANAGRAM (8,7) | Unusual technique for mixing short irregular amine, genetic material with its components? (8,7) | Unusual technique - definition mixing - anagram short irregular - IRR genetic material - DNA and its components - ACGT <IRR AMINE DNA ACGT> |
Botaku | 0 |
8943 | PERUSE (6) | Secretly super useful scan (6) | secretly - hidden word suPER USEful scan - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
8945 | AND... SCENE! (3... 5) | Ends acne artfully? (3... 5) | &lit: Def - a visual arts person could say this when starting to use medication to end their acne, for instance. <ENDSACNE> artfully - anagram |
Botaku | 0 |
8968 | MAYBE (5) | Jepsen Maybelline? (5) | ddef: Jepsen's song "Call Me Maybe" tagline "Maybe it's Maybelline" |
Botaku | 0 |
8991 | ANY CLUE THAT USES A MATHEMATICAL SEQUENCE OTHER THAN EVENS/ODDS TO INDEX (?) | Kolakoski abhors pop band (4) | ABBA Kolakoski sequence begins with 1, 2, 2, 1 indexing "abhors" pop band - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
9027 | CIRCLE (6) | The coven's sorceress takes the L (6) | sorceress - CIRCE takes the L - circLe the coven - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
9028 | PARLEYVOO (9) | YOLO vaper's gibberish French talk (9) | (YOLOVAPER)* gibberish - anagram French talk - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
9040 | ET TU (2,2) | Lettuce contains Caesar's words (2,2) | lETTUce contains - hidden word indicator Caesar's words - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
9042 | LANCE (5) | Knight lost a lot, including his weapon (5) | LANCELOT\LOT lost - removal a, including - filler his weapon - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9054 | OVERDUE (7) | Moving north from Verdun, flanked by one late arrival (7) | verdun flanked by one - ONVERDUNE moving north from - bits and pieces, remove the Ns late arrival - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9060 | TARNISHED (9) | Some puzzled eh's in rather twisted, lacking Polish (9) | some - hidden word puzzleD EHS IN RATher twisted - reversal lacking polish - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9064 | DUMPSTER (8) | Badump! sternum conceals source of fire (8) | baDUMP STERnum conceals - hidden word source of fire - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9065 | ROTOM (5) | Backwards mover controls appliances (5) | mover - MOTOR controls appliances - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9071 | BOLD (4) | Rash, botched lobotomy conceals cutback (4) | rash - def botcheD LOBotomy conceals - hidden word cutback - reversal |
Botaku | 0 |
9073 | WES CRAVEN (3, 6) | Small charge interrupting snitch with stitches clipped, in turn writing Krueger (3,6) | small charge - EV (electronvolt) interrupting - container snitch - NARC with stitches - SEWN clipped - last letter deletion in turn - reversal writing Krueger - def (N(+EV)ARC+SEW(-N))< |
Botaku | 0 |
9077 | CONSEQUENCE (11) | Comeuppance for a row of crooks (11) | ddef - CONSEQUENCE, CON+SEQUENCE | Botaku | 0 |
9092 | HAYWIRE (7) | "Why I are out of order?" (7) | &lit - a robot asking itself a question like this suggests it has gone haywire <WHY I ARE> out of order - anagram |
Botaku | 0 |
9097 | GALOSH (6) | Group theorist loses identity, with heart in boot (6) | group theorist - GALOIS loses - removal identity - I with - juxtaposition heart - H in - filler boot - definition GALO(-I)S+H |
Botaku | 0 |
9113 | VOW (3) | Whoever regularly returns, loses Queen's oath (3) | whoever regularly - WOVR returns - reversal loses Queen('s) - delete R oath - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
9118 | INDICATOR (9) | Mark caught in India, in front of Jena gate (9) | Mark - def caught - C in - insertion in front of - appends Jena gate - TOR (gate in German) INDI(C)A+TOR |
Botaku | 0 |
9132 | ONIGIRI (7) | Jelly donuts: endless tonic, unfinished gin, even fruit! (7) | jelly donuts - def (in the Pokémon anime, onigiri was localised as jelly donuts) tONIc + GIn + fRuIt |
Botaku | 0 |
9150 | CLOUDS (6) | Water with Metal backing Wood reported as having no wins and losses, flanked by negative acolytes of Earth and infernal ally of Fire (6) | water with metal backing - def (i.e. vapour which is said to have a silver lining) reported - homophone (wood - would) as having no wins and losses - remove W and L flanked by - double juxtaposition negative acolytes of Earth - CL (acolytes of earth - salt, the negative ions in salt being chlorine) infernal ally of fire - S (sulphur = brimstone, hell being described as fire and brimstone) CL+(w)OU(l)D+S |
Botaku | 0 |
9156 | RABBIT (6) | Crab bites prisoner's pet (6) | cRAB BITes prisoner(')s - hidden word pet - definition |
Botaku | 0 |
9183 | SONI (4) | Artisan caste's regularly astounding, not grand (4) | artisan caste - def aStOuNdInG not grand - delete G |
Botaku | 0 |
9193 | ANY CLUE THAT USES THE SAME DEFINITION AND WORDPLAY (?) | The same definition and wordplay leads revolution, accepting European mortgage (6) | WADSET leads - initial letters revolution - reversal accepting - inclusion European - E mortgage - def (TSDAW)< +E |
Botaku | 0 |
9205 | BLOOD PACT (5, 4) | Broadcast regularly replaced by cut content for a contract (5,4) | B_O_D_A_T + _L_O_P_C_ regularly replaced by - every second letter replaced by cut - LOP content - C for - link a contract - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9230 | STAB (4) | Bats abandoned, leading to another attack (4) | (BATS)* abandoned - anagram leading to - link another attack - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9258 | CHARLIE PARKER (7, 6) | Fool-Stopper Yardbird (7,6) | ddef fool - CHARLIE (BrE slang) stopper - PARKER Yardbird - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9268 | CARBON (6) | Dinn, Obra came back in ashes, basically (6) | emaC ARBO Nnid back - reversal in - hidden word ashes, basically - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9282 | MCDONALD'S (9) | Old farmer's fast food chain (9) | ddef old farmer's ("Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O") fast food chain |
Botaku | 0 |
9308 | HABANERO (8) | Mocha ban erodes contents of Amazonian export (8) | mocHA BAN EROdes contents - hidden word of - link Amazonian export - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9310 | CRUCIBLE (8) | Club rice around in vessel (8) | (CLUBRICE)* around - anagram in - link vessel - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9313 | BUFFET (6) | Warren cut short in canteen (6) | Warren - BUFFETT cut short - delete last letter in - link canteen - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9316 | SMORGASBORD (11) | Ångström broods in ruins, not without choice (11) | (ÅNGSTRÖMBROODS)*-(NOT) = SMÖRGÅSBORD in ruins - anagram without - excluded (in the old-fashioned sense of "not within", should work after the keyword as well, I imagine?) choice - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9318 | TRANSNISTRIA (12) | Banach-Tarski trains crashed in breakaway state (12) | Banach-Tarski - double the string (TRAINSTRAINS)* crashed - anagram in - link breakaway state - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9347 | ANY CLUE BEGINNING WITH "HARRY POTTER AND" (?) | "Harry Potter and the Gossip Columnist" absurdly drops shot puts for seafaring skill (9,12) | SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY and - anagram fodder link (HARRYPOTTERTHEGOSSIPCOLUMNIST)* absurdly - anagram drops - deletion -SHOTPUTS for - link seafaring skill - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9358 | A CLUE THAT ONLY WORKS IF ONE ASCRIBES TO A WIDELY DEBUNKED CONSPIRACY THEORY (?) | Bin constructed with rotating tool, bra companion, even jet fuel-resistant stuff in the middle (11) | WASTEBASKET bin - def constructed with - link or juxtaposition, whichever way you want to look at it rotating - reversal tool - SAW bra companion - KET (in bra-ket notation) even - take even letters jet fuel-resistant stuff - sTeEl BeAmS in the middle - place between the previous two (SAW)< + TEBAS + KET |
Botaku | 0 |
9359 | TURIN (5) | I hear you are in the can; papyrus for the throne? (5) | I hear - homophone you are - U R in - container the can - TIN papyrus for the throne - def (see Turin King List) |
Botaku | 0 |
9367 | BLESS (5) | Get word from Pope, say, that Lim scratched out once arms and legs torn off (5) | Get word from Pope, say - def that - link Lim scratched out - LIM deleted once - link (i.e. once you have the word LIMBLESS, LIM is deleted) arms and legs torn off - LIMBLESS (Can you tell I'm annoyed at how long it took me to figure out Lim's fate in Obra Dinn?) |
Botaku | 0 |
9376 | COURTESY (8) | Respect lost eco yurts (8) | respect - def lost - anagram (ECOYURTS)* |
Botaku | 0 |
9380 | SPACEMAN (8) | Endless enamel caps zero-gravity astronaut (8) | endless - delete first and last letter zero-gravity - reversal astronaut - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9383 | TESTIFY (7) | A bit of latest, if you swear (7) | a bit of - hidden word laTEST IF You swear - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9384 | ECCEDENTESIAST (14) | Stepford wife with possibly seediest accent (14) | Stepford wife - def (cf. the trope Stepford Smiler) with - link possibly - anagram (SEEDIESTACCENT)* |
Botaku | 0 |
9399 | STEFANIA (8) | Eurovision-winning song in rhythm game makes evening loud (8) | Eurovision-winning song - def in - link rhythm game - STEPMANIA makes evening loud - replaces PM by F |
Botaku | 0 |
9422 | CHTHONIC (8) | Hiding in yacht, hon? I curse the infernal! (8) | hiding in - hidden word yaCHT HON I Curse the infernal - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9423 | BREACH (6) | Chasm within sombre Achilles (6) | chasm - def within - hidden word somBRE ACHilles |
Botaku | 0 |
9434 | ANTHEM (6) | Hymn about bug before border (6) | hymn - def about - link bug - ANT before - juxtaposition border - HEM |
Botaku | 0 |
9435 | DIDACTIC (8) | Characters in sordid act, icily instructive (8) | characters in - hidden word sorDID ACT ICily instructive - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9446 | EA-NASIR (2-5) | Ear full of soda and glass cations for disappointing copper merchant (2-5) | full of - insertion soda and glass cations - NA and SI EA(+NA)(+SI)R for - link disappointing copper merchant - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9459 | COAX (4) | Butter up dual of hatchet (4) | butter up - def dual of - CO- hatchet - AX |
Botaku | 0 |
9483 | SPATCHCOCK (10) | Butterfly coming from Belgian town, followed by "The Birds" director without greeting (10) | butterfly - def (spatchcocking is a special form of butterflying) coming from - link Belgian town - SPA followed by - juxtaposition "The Birds" director - HITCHCOCK without greeting - delete HI |
Botaku | 0 |
9515 | REDEEM (6) | Save 007 imprisoned by "7 Chinese Bros." group (6) | save - def 007 - (John) DEE, signed his letters with 007 imprisoned by - container "7 Chinese Bros." group - R.E.M. |
Botaku | 0 |
9525 | ELEVEN (6) | German elf Scheele ventilates components (6) | German elf - def ("elf" is German for "eleven") ScheELE VENtilates components - hidden word |
Botaku | 0 |
9542 | EPEE (4) | Protégée's bottom half containing its head, no good sport (4) | protégée's bottom half - ÉGÉE containing its head - ÉG(+P)ÉE no good - delete G sport - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9616 | ANY CLUE THAT IS A MASSIVE SPOILER (OF A BOOK/MOVIE/SHOW ETC.) (?) | (Curtain, A. Christie) ||Norton, i.e. X uses extreme confusion and eseroline, say (10)|| | NEUROTOXIN = (NORTONIEX+U_)* extreme - first letter confusion - anagram and - link eseroline, say - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9740 | HACK (4) | Shackled prisoners get along (4) | sHACKled prisoners - hidden word get along - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9741 | GRADUATION (10) | Range-limiting uniform ceremony (10) | range - GRADATION limiting - container uniform - U ceremony - def (Thanks to dohz for their consultation!) |
Botaku | 0 |
9742 | A CLUE (1, 4) | The faintest thrashing about locality in UTC+8:45 (1,4) | the faintest - def ("haven't a clue" = "haven't the faintest") thrashing about - anagram locality in UTC+8:45 - EUCLA |
Botaku | 0 |
9759 | BISHOP (6) | Tupac's role in two works (6) | Tupac's role - def in - link two - BI- works - SHOP (e.g. workshop) |
Botaku | 0 |
9760 | CUCKOO (6) | Clutch Kronos regularly in card game (6) | ClUtCh KrOnOs regularly - letters at odd positions in - link card game - def |
Botaku | 0 |
9841 | 11780 (5) | (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) ||Desired number of votes from Sayaka's dying message and year of Byzantine insurrectionist's defeat|| (5) | desired number of votes - def from - link [DR:THH spoiler] - 11037 and - addition year of Byzantine insurrectionist's defeat - 743 (the insurrectionist being Artabasdos) |
Botaku | 0 |
9846 | AQUARIUM (8) | Aquinas' "Scriptum super libros Sententiarium" contents dropped into fish tank (8) | contents - hidden "word" (INASSCRIPTUMSUPERLIBROSSENTENTI) dropped - deleted into - link fish tank - def |
Botaku | 0 |
10674 | INBOX (5) | Letter tray of stainless steel doped with boron (5) | letter tray - def of - link stainless steel - INOX doped with - insertion boron - B IN(+B)OX |
Botaku | 0 |
10704 | MOOCH (5) | Wander in camo? O Christ! (5) | wander - def in - hidden word caMO O CHrist |
Botaku | 0 |
10740 | 爱 (1) | I expressed love in Beijing (1) | 爱 (ài) as a homophone of "I" expressed - homophone indicator love in Beijing - def (i.e. "love" in Simplified Chinese) |
Botaku | 0 |
10751 | RAGDOLL (7) | Dollars laundered? Solve a Nuri-Maze by Baker's Cat (7) | DOLLARS - anagram fodder laundered - anagram solve a Nuri-Maze - go from S to G by - link Baker's cat - def (a cat breed developed by Ann Baker) |
Botaku | 0 |
10794 | FFXIV (5) | Decapitate, kill, strike me: vaster, opener critically acclaimed MMORPG (5) | decapitate - delete first letter kill - OFF strike - X (in bowling) me - I opener - first letter critically acclaimed MMORPG - def _FF+X+I+V_ |
Botaku | 0 |
10803 | BIKE LANE (4, 4) | Be like an oddly common occurrence in the Netherlands (4,4) | (BELIKEAN)* oddly - anagram indicator common occurrence in the Netherlands - def |
Botaku | 0 |
11132 | LET'S DO "YOUR USERNAME (?)" AGAIN THAT WAS FUN | About K, about Zero Escape fan (6) | (ABOUTK)* about - anagram Zero Escape fan - def |
Botaku | 0 |
11209 | ACE OF SPADES (3 2 6) | Motörhead hit, peeled face off, beat hearts (3,2,6) | Motörhead hit - def peeled "face off" - (-F)ACE OF(-F) beat hearts - in bridge, spades rank higher than hearts |
Botaku | 0 |
11218 | ELOPE (5) | Ruminant shed insect? Flee! (5) | ruminant - ANTELOPE shed - deletion insect - ANT (-ANT)ELOPE flee - def |
Botaku | 0 |
11245 | TCHOTCHKE (9) | Some XTC - Hotch keeps souvenir (9) | some - hidden word xTCHOTCHKEeps souvenir - def |
Botaku | 0 |
11268 | SQUINT (6) | Served opener (coq au vin & nuts) regularly, not cold, to peer (6) | opener - first letter COQAUVINNUTS regularly - C_Q_U_I_N_T_ not cold - delete C to - link peer - def |
Botaku | 0 |
11340 | LAUTREC (7) | Toulouse artist's novella "Utrecht's gems" (7) | Toulouse artist - punny def for (Toulouse-)Lautrec novelLAUTRECht's gems - hidden word |
Botaku | 0 |
11361 | POIGNANT (8) | Odds, then evens to pin nog at touching (8) | odds - P_I_N_N_ then evens +_O_G_A_T touching - def i.e. the odd letters followed by the even letters yield "PIN NOG AT" |
Botaku | 0 |
12111 | WHAT (4) | Nani? Luffy's crewmate's other half? (4) | nani - def Luffy's crewmate - STRAW HAT (in One Piece, Luffy leads the Straw Hats) |
Botaku | 0 |
12906 | TOO SOON (3 4) | Thompson leaving hotel behind, machine pistol fired to make two holes for a certain public response (3,4) | leaving hotel behind - -H machine pistol fired - -MP make two holes - +O +O a certain public response - def T(-H)O(+O)(-MP)SO(+O)N |
Botaku | 0 |