Contests started: ED SHEERAN (2, 7), FABLE (5), LIGHT (5), ANY CLUE NUMBER ACROSS/DOWN (? 6/4), SEESAW (6), DEVIL (5), GRAMMY (6), METROPOPOLIS (12), CASHEW (6)
Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
2279 | LAST RESORT (4, 6) | When no other options exist, endless lag and stress leads to curious rot. (4, 6) | LA(-g)+STRES(-s)+ORT* Def: "When no other options exist" |
Penzo | 6 |
2472 | NITROGEN (8) | NYPD chief disperses riot with oddly green gas (8) | N_+(ITRO)*+G_E_N = "gas" | Penzo | 5 |
2483 | LEAD (4) | Tip, like evidence aiding detective! (4) | L_E_A_D_ (init.) &lit |
Penzo | 5 |
2592 | MEW (3) | Secret in game world! (3) | _ME W_ &lit (Pokémon) |
Penzo | 5 |
5331 | ANY CLUE/ANSWER REFERENCING A CHRISTMAS SONG (?) | Flirtatious lyrics woman has arranged! (3, 1, 4, 3, 9, 2, 3) | ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU* &lit | Penzo | 5 |
2417 | POTLUCK (7) | Sinister dark cult operatives holding sacrificial feast? (7) | _PO TLUC K_< def:"Sacrificial feast?" Everyone in a potluck "gives up" a dish. |
Penzo | 4 |
3166 | STAN (4) | Separate myself from dirty fan on twitter (4) | STA(-i)N = "fan on twitter" | Penzo | 4 |
4076 | PRESIDENT (9) | Political leader backed by party involved in real estate money! (9) | P_+RE(SIDE)NT &lit | Penzo | 4 |
6395 | ANY "AMONG US" THEMED CLUE (?) | "Red is sus!" - evil minor (9) | VERMILION* | Penzo | 4 |
2369 | ACCRETION (9) | Notice car crash increase (9) | (NOTICECAR)* = "increase" | Penzo | 3 |
2503 | VANITY (6) | Self-love inevitably crumbles without sensible half (6) | (INEVITABLY-ible)* = "Self-love" | Penzo | 3 |
2512 | SULLIVAN (8) | Name derived from one-eyed monster in Pixar movie (8) | Ddef: "Name derived from one-eyed": Irish last name derived from "one-eyed" "Monster in Pixar movie": Sully from Monsters Inc |
Penzo | 3 |
2981 | PHUB (4) | Sinister computer company troubles hearts, favoring technology over humanity (4) | PH<+_UB_ = "Favoring technology over humanity" | Penzo | 3 |
3209 | CLUE CONTAINING A CHARACTER OR ITEM FROM CLUE (?) | Report revolver missing shell as murder weapon (4) | _ROPE_< = "murder weapon" (incorrect guess!) | Penzo | 3 |
3322 | HONK (4) | Blast one endlessly taken in by extremes of Homestuck (4) | H_(ON(-e))_K = "blast" | Penzo | 3 |
3552 | MORSE CODE (5, 4) | The Reverend's crude approach to communication: repeating "lines" and other bits (5, 4) | Spoonerism of COARSE MODE = "communication repeating lines and other bits" | Penzo | 3 |
4335 | BABY SHARK (4, 5) | Pup's yelp is welcoming bit of home after endless depths of hell (4, 5) | B(ABYS(-s)+H_)ARK = "Pup" (the name for a shark's baby) | Penzo | 3 |
6647 | RING (4) | Surround sound (4) | ddef: "surround" as in encircle, "sound" as in make noise | Penzo | 3 |
2390 | PLUM (4) | Desirable luncheon starts in the afternoon (4) | P(LU_)M, def: "desirable" as in a "plum job" | Penzo | 2 |
2402 | WASHMINSTER (11) | System of a Down under water involving odd scheme with cursed sin (11) | WA(S_H_M_(odd)+INS*)TER Def: "System of a down under" "A" down under = Australia |
Penzo | 2 |
2696 | HARBORTH (8) | Mathematics professor's imperfect diamond in harsh land, rejecting society (8) | HAR(-s)(BORT)H = "Mathematics professor" | Penzo | 2 |
2839 | NEWS (4) | Looping cable broadcast! (4) | "NOOSE" homophone, &lit | Penzo | 2 |
3703 | ENUMERATION (11) | Regularly seen universal bit after me! (11) | _E_N+U+ME+RATION &lit | Penzo | 2 |
4014 | FLU (3) | Bug darted around in the audience (3) | "flew" homophone Def: "Bug" |
Penzo | 2 |
4443 | GLOBAL (6) | Lady holds throw blanket (6) | G(LOB)AL = "blanket" (like "a blanket term") | Penzo | 2 |
2286 | PROXY (5) | Expert coordinates replacement (5) | PRO+XY = "replacement" | Penzo | 1 |
2354 | SENBAZURU (9) | E. Zu's urban mobile crane factory? (9) | (EZUSURBAN)* / def: paper crane "factory" | Penzo | 1 |
2385 | RANGER (6) | Rolling stone hit song with R&B twist (6) | (b->R)ANGER, def: "Rolling Stone" | Penzo | 1 |
2403 | INTERNET TROLL (8, 5) | A troublesome rat in the display between nice German bread (8, 5) | INTER+NETT+ROLL = "a troublesome rat in the (computer) display" | Penzo | 1 |
2452 | OZONE (5) | Trio of airheads needs to pay personal teller (5) | "OWES OWN" homophone Def: "Trio of airheads", "airhead" = single oxygen atom |
Penzo | 1 |
2467 | URANIUM (7) | Low-end Malibu rum in a mixer for yellowcake component (7) | _U+(RUMINA)* = "yellowcake component" Yellowcake is milled uranium oxide |
Penzo | 1 |
2562 | BIRTHDAY (8) | Unsettled at hybrid type of suit? (8) | ATHYBRID* = "type of suit?" | Penzo | 1 |
2563 | APPARATUS (9) | Dad twists and tears apart extremely useless machine (9) | AP<+PARAT*+U_S = "machine" | Penzo | 1 |
2566 | BALBIS (6) | Eating herbal biscuits makes two sides connect (6) | _BAL BIS_ = "Two sides connect" | Penzo | 1 |
2635 | LABOR DAY (5, 3) | Los Angeles boardwalks, then Hollywood, essential for holiday (5, 3) | LA+BORDA*+_Y_ = "holiday" | Penzo | 1 |
2751 | ASBESTOS (8) | Drug dealer gets lifted, embracing finest cough-inducing substance? (8) | AS(BEST)OS< = "cough-inducing substance?" | Penzo | 1 |
2913 | QUIDNUNC (8) | Gossip prompt almost captures daughter and sister (8) | QUI(D+NUN)C(-k) Def: "Gossip" |
Penzo | 1 |
3374 | BAD DOG (3, 3) | The Reverend's father Moss is an ignorant animal (3, 3) | Spoonerism of DAD BOG = "an ignorant animal" | Penzo | 1 |
3622 | DISCOMFORT (10) | 70's music and movies beginning to hold feeling of unease (10) | DISCO+M_+FORT = "feeling of unease" | Penzo | 1 |
3989 | CHEW (4) | Gum is cold and hard, that's disgusting (4) | C+H+EW = "gum" | Penzo | 1 |
4041 | GRAMMY (6) | Disheartened mom taken in by old nana (6) | GRA(M(-o)M)Y = "nana" | Penzo | 1 |
4494 | BASS (4) | Audibly low! (4) | Homophone of "base" (as in low/vulgar) &lit (low-pitched voice) |
Penzo | 1 |
4657 | CHARTREUSE (10) | Swiss painting about application for shade of green (10) | CH+ART+RE+USE = "shade of green" | Penzo | 1 |
2287 | ED SHEERAN (2, 7) | School glossed over initial research assistant for a team mate? (2, 7) | ED+SHEE(R_A_)N Def: "A Team" is Ed Sheeran's most famous song. |
Penzo | 0 |
2345 | SET (3) | Predetermined even ascent (3) | _S_E_T | Penzo | 0 |
2350 | RESONATE (8) | Echoing sounds concerning GAB, replacing line (8) | RE+SO+(l->N)A+T(i->E) | Penzo | 0 |
2355 | MR BRIGHTSIDE (2, 10) | Eight birds flock after gentleman in a hot fuss? (2, 10) | MR+(EIGHTBIRDS)* Def: Mr Brightside is from the album "Hot Fuss" |
Penzo | 0 |
2381 | INTERSECT (9) | Cross bug bites in hysteria (9) | IN(_TER_)SECT | Penzo | 0 |
2393 | DISENFRANCHISEMENT (18) | Series swallowed by men with head backwards, surrounded by endlessly confusing destiny! Tyrant taking over a city, subjugating commoners? (18) | DIS(EN(FRANCHISE)M)ENT* Def: "Tyrant taking over a city, subjugating commoners?" |
Penzo | 0 |
2406 | REMIX (5) | Leaked premiere of Ed Sheeran's album has no original content, just old ideas reimagined. (5) | _REMI_+X Def: "has no original content, just old ideas reimagined" |
Penzo | 0 |
2441 | ERDOS (5) | Preached the book, saying "heart does not hate" (5) | (-h)E(-a)R(-t)DO(-e)S Def: "Preached the book, saying" (Erdos often referred to elegant proofs being "from the book") |
Penzo | 0 |
2477 | FEVER (5) | Essence of every 50's song (5) | _F EVER_ = "50's song" (Fever by Little Willie John) | Penzo | 0 |
2493 | BONZA (5) | Oddly brown pizza ends in bloke's mouth, fantastic (5) | B_O_N+_ZA = "in bloke's mouth, fantastic" | Penzo | 0 |
2639 | CITADEL (7) | Sion ousted from Diocletian's fancy palace (7) | (DIOCLETIANS-sion)* = "palace" | Penzo | 0 |
2647 | THE GAMBIA (3, 6) | Extremely thorough wizard turns me into boar, oddly, for soil (3,6) | T_H+EGAM<+B_(I)A_ def: "soil" as in country |
Penzo | 0 |
2649 | JOKER (5) | Partner of Arsene Wenger terminates following wisecrack (5) | JOKE+_R = "Partner of Arsene" | Penzo | 0 |
3794 | AWAY (4) | Adult recalls roll over (4) | A+WAY< = "over" | Penzo | 0 |
4015 | FLU (3) | Regressive bay area disregarding governor's top complaint (3) | FLU(-g_)< = "complaint" (as in sickness) | Penzo | 0 |