
Contests started: ED SHEERAN (2, 7), FABLE (5), LIGHT (5), ANY CLUE NUMBER ACROSS/DOWN (? 6/4), SEESAW (6), DEVIL (5), GRAMMY (6), METROPOPOLIS (12), CASHEW (6)


All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2279 LAST RESORT (4, 6) When no other options exist, endless lag and stress leads to curious rot. (4, 6) LA(-g)+STRES(-s)+ORT*
Def: "When no other options exist"
Penzo 6
2472 NITROGEN (8) NYPD chief disperses riot with oddly green gas (8) N_+(ITRO)*+G_E_N = "gas" Penzo 5
2483 LEAD (4) Tip, like evidence aiding detective! (4) L_E_A_D_ (init.)
Penzo 5
2592 MEW (3) Secret in game world! (3) _ME W_
&lit (Pokémon)
Penzo 5
5331 ANY CLUE/ANSWER REFERENCING A CHRISTMAS SONG (?) Flirtatious lyrics woman has arranged! (3, 1, 4, 3, 9, 2, 3) ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU* &lit Penzo 5
2417 POTLUCK (7) Sinister dark cult operatives holding sacrificial feast? (7) _PO TLUC K_<
def:"Sacrificial feast?" Everyone in a potluck "gives up" a dish.
Penzo 4
3166 STAN (4) Separate myself from dirty fan on twitter (4) STA(-i)N = "fan on twitter" Penzo 4
4076 PRESIDENT (9) Political leader backed by party involved in real estate money! (9) P_+RE(SIDE)NT &lit Penzo 4
6395 ANY "AMONG US" THEMED CLUE (?) "Red is sus!" - evil minor (9) VERMILION* Penzo 4
2369 ACCRETION (9) Notice car crash increase (9) (NOTICECAR)* = "increase" Penzo 3
2503 VANITY (6) Self-love inevitably crumbles without sensible half (6) (INEVITABLY-ible)* = "Self-love" Penzo 3
2512 SULLIVAN (8) Name derived from one-eyed monster in Pixar movie (8) Ddef:
"Name derived from one-eyed": Irish last name derived from "one-eyed"
"Monster in Pixar movie": Sully from Monsters Inc
Penzo 3
2981 PHUB (4) Sinister computer company troubles hearts, favoring technology over humanity (4) PH<+_UB_ = "Favoring technology over humanity" Penzo 3
3209 CLUE CONTAINING A CHARACTER OR ITEM FROM CLUE (?) Report revolver missing shell as murder weapon (4) _ROPE_< = "murder weapon" (incorrect guess!) Penzo 3
3322 HONK (4) Blast one endlessly taken in by extremes of Homestuck (4) H_(ON(-e))_K = "blast" Penzo 3
3552 MORSE CODE (5, 4) The Reverend's crude approach to communication: repeating "lines" and other bits (5, 4) Spoonerism of COARSE MODE = "communication repeating lines and other bits" Penzo 3
4335 BABY SHARK (4, 5) Pup's yelp is welcoming bit of home after endless depths of hell (4, 5) B(ABYS(-s)+H_)ARK = "Pup" (the name for a shark's baby) Penzo 3
6647 RING (4) Surround sound (4) ddef: "surround" as in encircle, "sound" as in make noise Penzo 3
2390 PLUM (4) Desirable luncheon starts in the afternoon (4) P(LU_)M, def: "desirable" as in a "plum job" Penzo 2
2402 WASHMINSTER (11) System of a Down under water involving odd scheme with cursed sin (11) WA(S_H_M_(odd)+INS*)TER
Def: "System of a down under"
"A" down under = Australia
Penzo 2
2696 HARBORTH (8) Mathematics professor's imperfect diamond in harsh land, rejecting society (8) HAR(-s)(BORT)H = "Mathematics professor" Penzo 2
2839 NEWS (4) Looping cable broadcast! (4) "NOOSE" homophone, &lit Penzo 2
3703 ENUMERATION (11) Regularly seen universal bit after me! (11) _E_N+U+ME+RATION &lit Penzo 2
4014 FLU (3) Bug darted around in the audience (3) "flew" homophone
Def: "Bug"
Penzo 2
4443 GLOBAL (6) Lady holds throw blanket (6) G(LOB)AL = "blanket" (like "a blanket term") Penzo 2
2286 PROXY (5) Expert coordinates replacement (5) PRO+XY = "replacement" Penzo 1
2354 SENBAZURU (9) E. Zu's urban mobile crane factory? (9) (EZUSURBAN)* / def: paper crane "factory" Penzo 1
2385 RANGER (6) Rolling stone hit song with R&B twist (6) (b->R)ANGER, def: "Rolling Stone" Penzo 1
2403 INTERNET TROLL (8, 5) A troublesome rat in the display between nice German bread (8, 5) INTER+NETT+ROLL = "a troublesome rat in the (computer) display" Penzo 1
2452 OZONE (5) Trio of airheads needs to pay personal teller (5) "OWES OWN" homophone
Def: "Trio of airheads", "airhead" = single oxygen atom
Penzo 1
2467 URANIUM (7) Low-end Malibu rum in a mixer for yellowcake component (7) _U+(RUMINA)* = "yellowcake component"
Yellowcake is milled uranium oxide
Penzo 1
2562 BIRTHDAY (8) Unsettled at hybrid type of suit? (8) ATHYBRID* = "type of suit?" Penzo 1
2563 APPARATUS (9) Dad twists and tears apart extremely useless machine (9) AP<+PARAT*+U_S = "machine" Penzo 1
2566 BALBIS (6) Eating herbal biscuits makes two sides connect (6) _BAL BIS_ = "Two sides connect" Penzo 1
2635 LABOR DAY (5, 3) Los Angeles boardwalks, then Hollywood, essential for holiday (5, 3) LA+BORDA*+_Y_ = "holiday" Penzo 1
2751 ASBESTOS (8) Drug dealer gets lifted, embracing finest cough-inducing substance? (8) AS(BEST)OS< = "cough-inducing substance?" Penzo 1
2913 QUIDNUNC (8) Gossip prompt almost captures daughter and sister (8) QUI(D+NUN)C(-k)
Def: "Gossip"
Penzo 1
3374 BAD DOG (3, 3) The Reverend's father Moss is an ignorant animal (3, 3) Spoonerism of DAD BOG = "an ignorant animal" Penzo 1
3622 DISCOMFORT (10) 70's music and movies beginning to hold feeling of unease (10) DISCO+M_+FORT = "feeling of unease" Penzo 1
3989 CHEW (4) Gum is cold and hard, that's disgusting (4) C+H+EW = "gum" Penzo 1
4041 GRAMMY (6) Disheartened mom taken in by old nana (6) GRA(M(-o)M)Y = "nana" Penzo 1
4494 BASS (4) Audibly low! (4) Homophone of "base" (as in low/vulgar)
&lit (low-pitched voice)
Penzo 1
4657 CHARTREUSE (10) Swiss painting about application for shade of green (10) CH+ART+RE+USE = "shade of green" Penzo 1
2287 ED SHEERAN (2, 7) School glossed over initial research assistant for a team mate? (2, 7) ED+SHEE(R_A_)N
Def: "A Team" is Ed Sheeran's most famous song.
Penzo 0
2345 SET (3) Predetermined even ascent (3) _S_E_T Penzo 0
2350 RESONATE (8) Echoing sounds concerning GAB, replacing line (8) RE+SO+(l->N)A+T(i->E) Penzo 0
2355 MR BRIGHTSIDE (2, 10) Eight birds flock after gentleman in a hot fuss? (2, 10) MR+(EIGHTBIRDS)*
Def: Mr Brightside is from the album "Hot Fuss"
Penzo 0
2381 INTERSECT (9) Cross bug bites in hysteria (9) IN(_TER_)SECT Penzo 0
2393 DISENFRANCHISEMENT (18) Series swallowed by men with head backwards, surrounded by endlessly confusing destiny! Tyrant taking over a city, subjugating commoners? (18) DIS(EN(FRANCHISE)M)ENT*
Def: "Tyrant taking over a city, subjugating commoners?"
Penzo 0
2406 REMIX (5) Leaked premiere of Ed Sheeran's album has no original content, just old ideas reimagined. (5) _REMI_+X
Def: "has no original content, just old ideas reimagined"
Penzo 0
2441 ERDOS (5) Preached the book, saying "heart does not hate" (5) (-h)E(-a)R(-t)DO(-e)S
Def: "Preached the book, saying" (Erdos often referred to elegant proofs being "from the book")
Penzo 0
2477 FEVER (5) Essence of every 50's song (5) _F EVER_ = "50's song" (Fever by Little Willie John) Penzo 0
2493 BONZA (5) Oddly brown pizza ends in bloke's mouth, fantastic (5) B_O_N+_ZA = "in bloke's mouth, fantastic" Penzo 0
2639 CITADEL (7) Sion ousted from Diocletian's fancy palace (7) (DIOCLETIANS-sion)* = "palace" Penzo 0
2647 THE GAMBIA (3, 6) Extremely thorough wizard turns me into boar, oddly, for soil (3,6) T_H+EGAM<+B_(I)A_
def: "soil" as in country
Penzo 0
2649 JOKER (5) Partner of Arsene Wenger terminates following wisecrack (5) JOKE+_R = "Partner of Arsene" Penzo 0
3794 AWAY (4) Adult recalls roll over (4) A+WAY< = "over" Penzo 0
4015 FLU (3) Regressive bay area disregarding governor's top complaint (3) FLU(-g_)< = "complaint" (as in sickness) Penzo 0

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