
Contests started: COCA-COLA (4-4), HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM (5://3.7.3), LIPOGRAM (8), HAT TRICK (3 5), EXPLETIVE (9), LET'S DO "YOUR USERNAME (?)" AGAIN THAT WAS FUN, FLAGRANT (8), POWWOW (6), ACE OF SPADES (3 2 6), NAG A RAM (3 1 3), NINETY NINE (6 4), WHODUNIT (8), QWERTY (6), A (1), B (1), C (1), D (1), E (1), F (1), G (1), H (1), I (1), J (1), K (1), L (1), M (1), N (1), O (1), P (1), Q (1), R (1), S (1), T (1), U (1), V (1), W (1), X (1), Y (1), Z (1), AND PER SE AND (3 3 2 3), LOOP (4), FLAGSHIP (8), FRESCO (6), LIMESTONE (9), NO ONE (2 3), UNHEARD-OF (7-2), NIX (3), A113 (4), NONAGON (7), TRIANGLE (8), LEFTIST (7), REDUX (5), PARSE (5), HUBRIS (6), BULBOUS (7), WARM (4), ANY NUMBER BIGGER THAN 1000 (?), ALL HALLOWS' EVE (3 7' 3), ERRING (6), FACE CARD (4 4), 8OO10CDC (8), ANY CLUE (3 4), BEE-EATER (3-5), HYDROGEN (8), SOAR (4), SLIM (4), BALDERDASH (10), HALF-ASSED (4-5), MULTIINSTRUMENTALIST (20), 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (3 8 6 5), MITMH (5), IRAQI (5), WHAT (4), BARBADOS (8), CRAPS (5), ANY CLUE THAT IS ALSO A METAPUZZLE (?), VENETIAN (8), UNIX (4), LOWERCASE (9), ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (26), PENPA (5), FORTHCOMING (11), PUNCH IN (5 2), WASD (4), CAPS LOCK (4 4), ASTERISK (8), CHIN UP (4 2), ANY HUMAN BONE (?), INCH (4), SUPERPOSITION (13), ROCKET SCIENCE (6 7), REDSTONE (8), GARBLED (7), FUCK (4), PASTE (5), CWM (3), DADA (4), ANY NON-CRYPTIC CLUE (?), ROGER (5), GOTCHA (6), PAIR OF HANDS (4 2 5), FIRST (5), LLAMA (5), TROUT (5), ANY MAGIC WORD(S) (?), OBGYN (5), CRUCIVERBALIST (14), NUMEROLOGY (10), ESPAÑOL (7), NEW AGE (3 3), SHRIMP (6), COMFORT (7), SYRUP (5), SHUFFLE (7), CARPOOL (7), FORLORN (7), STATUE PARK (6 4), EGOT (4), PORTLY (6), STAIRCASE (9), OREO O'S (4 2), ONE ON ONE (3 2 3), DURACELL (8), 1-UP (1-2), FOLLY (5), FORGE (5), ENIAC (5), KINDA (5), ESCAPE HATCH (6 5), LOTTERY (7), POLITE (6), TRAPEZOID (9), PEAR (4), UPVOTE (6), KNIGHT (6), FORT KNOX (4 4), GLEE (4), QUIZ (4), LATEX (5), BABA IS YOU (4 2 3), CAPTCHA (7), TOO OLD (3 3), HOTSHOT (7), COSMOS (6), STANDOUT (8), COOKIE (6), MATRIX (6), ROULETTE (8), SBURB (5), PARSEC (6)

Contests won: EMBRYO (6), CHORTLE (7), FUEL (4), GOOSE (5), COW TOOLS (3, 5), LITERALLY (9), ROBBER (6), AGENDA (6), MAKEMAKE (8), RESPOND (7), CLOSED (6), SQUINT (6), DOJO (4), HUNDRED (7), INTUITION (9), SUBSTANCE (9), WALLWORT (8), ESTIVAL (7), FOOL’S GOLD (5, 4), BALCONY (7), SLAKING (7), HOT WHEELS (3 6), COLON (5), MARS (4), COMPARISON (10), RUGGED (6), I AM GROOT (1 2 5), MILESTONE (9), UGLIEST (7), JAMBOREE (8), WONDER (6), SORE (4), FELT (4), VALET (5), TALOS (5), MALEFIC (7), LUPPYLUPPY (10), CRYPTIC CLUE-WRITING CONTESTS (7, 4-7, 8), ANTICIPATION (12), VENEER (6), TIMEOUT (7), MEOW (4), WOOF (4), FIDELITY (8), NATICK (6), MARNIX (6), BEST BOY (4, 3), CLOVER (6), POKE (4), POLLYANNA (9), DRAGON BALL (6, 4), BASED (5), FACED (5), GRACED (6), BLOKUS (6), SCORCHED EARTH (8, 5) OR (8-5), CMU (3), MONSTERS (8), STUN (4), STEM (4), AMEN BREAK (4, 5), DETROIT (7), TRIALS (6), JEDI (4), ON ICE (2, 3), CYNICAL (7), BROMATE (7), LOZENGE (7), NO DICE (2, 4), SCRIBBLE (8), SEA CHANGE (3, 6), DEFAULT (7)

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11769 SORE (4) Sober -> Drunk -> Black out -> In pain (4) SORE(-b)* Zimodo 6
12052 SOFA (4) GF starts to find another large couch (4) SO+F_ A_ Zimodo 6
12022 ANTICIPATION (12) Trick I set up... (6...) ANTIC+I... Zimodo 5
12318 DRAGON BALL (6, 4) Delay regarding large lab returning one of seven artifacts (6 4) DRAG×ON+BAL+L< Zimodo 5
11021 COW TOOLS (3, 5) Notable panel company puts the T in textiles (3, 5) CO + W (T)OOLS Zimodo 4
11092 BARRIER (7) Stop to listen to gravedigger? (7) BARRIER "burier" Zimodo 4
11825 MALEFIC (7) Yaoi about Saturn and Mars? (7) MALE FIC Zimodo 4
12027 ANTICIPATION (12) ...in a pot goes off and makes you shiver (...6) ...PATION* Zimodo 4
12043 TIMEOUT (7) Bad MIT error initially obstructing teams around the university! (7) TIM*+E+O_(U)T_ Zimodo 4
11017 GOOSE (5) Goes wild protecting egg! (5) GO(O)SE* Zimodo 3
11102 CHARLOTTE (9) City grifter takes last breath on air (9) CHARLOTTE "charlat(-an)"
charlatan homophone, but with the last syllable removed
Zimodo 3
11105 RESPOND (7) Talk about small lake (7) RE + S + POND Zimodo 3
11760 SORE (4) The god of love was upset and angry (4) SORE< Zimodo 3
12034 VENEER (6) Turn around english coat (6) V(EN)EER Zimodo 3
12069 MEOW (4) Homeowner hides pet's sound (4) _MEOW_ Zimodo 3
12081 WOOF (4) Two officers hide pet's sound (4) _WO OF_ Zimodo 3
12252 POKE (4) Punch well in gym class (4) P(OK)E Zimodo 3
12307 REDACT (6) Remove reply about disguised leader (6) RE(D_)ACT Zimodo 3
12342 CHAPERONE (9) Tee off the start of an escort (9) CHAP(-t)ER ONE Zimodo 3
12364 FACED (5) Dared to return coffee (5) FACED< Zimodo 3
12365 BASED (5) https://file.garden/X0Z2SJHWmTiKn2IW/Agree_d5.png ddef
this is the only way i could find to have a subscript d unicode has failed me
Zimodo 3
12380 BLOKUS (6) Puzzle game in car game (6) B(LOK)US Zimodo 3
10990 EMBRYO (6) A dying flame without energy. With a simple greeting, this can be the start of a new life (6) def: the start of a new life
EMB(-e)R + YO
Zimodo 2
11003 CHORTLE (7) Unit that dropped the ball led endlessly for a laugh (7) C(-o)HORT + LE_ Zimodo 2
11011 FUEL (4) Hydrogen pipe (NO NITROGEN) (4) FU(-nn)EL Zimodo 2
11030 LITERALLY (9) Really simple demonstration (9) LITE + RALLY Zimodo 2
11042 MAKEMAKE (8) "God, I got a great poker hand twice!" (8) M(AK)E + M(AK)E Zimodo 2
11047 MAKEMAKE (8) Make fun of a mother? Alright, if you speak to God (8) MAKEMAKE "mock a ma? kay" Zimodo 2
11094 BULWARK (7) Defense built from ox labor, allegedly (7) BULWARK "bull work" Zimodo 2
11117 ESCUTCHEON Shield cryptic clues with no number and techno babble ESCU(-l)* + TCHEON* Zimodo 2
11139 SOLARPUNK (9) Vibe with spouse and fool around with wordplay (9) SO + LAR(PUN)K Zimodo 2
11247 ANY CLUE THAT USES SAT-STYLE ANALOGIES AS WORDPLAY (?) Hot : Blue :: Time : Cell (10) H + IS TO + BL + AS + T Zimodo 2
11269 SQUINT (6) Sea creature with no feet, no bone, and narrow eyes (6) SQUI(-d) + N + T Zimodo 2
11289 HUNDRED (7) German dog near Red Square (7) HUND + RED Zimodo 2
11303 INTUITION (9) Through payment, understanding (9) IN + TUITION Zimodo 2
11314 WALLWORT (8) A plant that is, to some extent, now all worthless (8) _W ALL WORT_ Zimodo 2
11395 A (1) In article about the first keynote, per ace American author, "One very short scream." (1) 11def
In|article|about|the first|keynote,|per|ace|American|author,|"One|very short scream."
Zimodo 2
11420 ESTIVAL (7) Carnival, without fail, to appear in the summer (7) (-f)ESTIVAL Zimodo 2
11452 FOOL’S GOLD (5, 4) Bad logos during failure is a poor investment (5 4) FO(OLS GO*)LD Zimodo 2
11494 BORK (4) Icelandic singer doesn't have a second break (4) B(-j)ORK Zimodo 2
11508 BALCONY (7) Alcohol bottled by barren terrace (7) B(ALC)ONY Zimodo 2
11528 SLAKING (7) Californian hockey team lined up back to front for drinking water (7) (S)LAKING(-s) how tf do i annotate this Zimodo 2
11597 COMPARISON (10) Public land, without French address, accomodates Paris association (10) CO(-m)M(PARIS)ON Zimodo 2
11613 I AM GROOT (1 2 5) GotG gag got Mario aroar. (1 2 5) I AM GROOT*
+ only uses letters from IAMGROOT
Zimodo 2
11625 MILESTONE (9) A landmark moment of Davis' sound (9) MILES' + TONE Zimodo 2
11741 WONDER (6) Get a sense of awe from Taylor Swift's album now played backwards (6) WON+DER< Zimodo 2
12055 SOFA (4) Chesterfield in America is without a leader (4) _SOFA Zimodo 2
12094 BLATANT (7) Noisy black ant held near (7) BL(AT)ANT Zimodo 2
12119 NATICK (6) North American bug is kind of cross (6) NA+TICK Zimodo 2
12164 BEST BOY (4, 3) Your dog ball for you in store (4 3) BEST B(u->O)Y Zimodo 2
12215 CLOVER (6) Charlie and Romeo's charm (6) C+LOVER Zimodo 2
12374 GRACED (6) Embellished a speedrun in Geometry Dash (6) G(RACE)D Zimodo 2
12376 NEXUS (5) Toyota car with new lead core (5) (l->N)EXUS Zimodo 2
12383 HASTE (5) 'Expedite' contains X and no N (5) HAS+TE(-n) Zimodo 2
12388 CMU (3) University involved in electronic music (3) _C MU_ Zimodo 2
12420 STUN (4) Amaze with timeless feat (4) STUN(-t) Zimodo 2
12433 STEM (4) Spring break (4) ddef Zimodo 2
12508 JEDI (4) DJ i.e. mix master (4) JEDI* Zimodo 2
11031 FINNISH (7) Scandinavian woman in north, sorta (7) F + IN + N + ISH Zimodo 1
11032 ROBBER (6) Pitcher switches hands to cheat (6) (l -> R)OBBER Zimodo 1
11054 CATNIP (6) AC broke? Throw back a beer with a drug, like weed (6) CA* + TNIP< Zimodo 1
11072 SANDWICH (8) Plane over half of Kansas city for lunch (8) SAND + WICHita Zimodo 1
11073 TURNTABLE (9) A belt is let loose around pitcher over bat (9) def: A belt (anagram of table)
Zimodo 1
11119 JUMP (4) Hesitation in Japan gets you beat up (4) J(UM)P Zimodo 1
11135 ESTOC (5) Delivered a normal sword (5) ESTOC "a stock" Zimodo 1
11143 CLOSED (6) Shut down and left silenced (6) CLOS(-et)ED Zimodo 1
11155 PURGATORY (9) Fire a politician without note or anguish (9) PURG(-e) A TORY Zimodo 1
11239 REPEAT (6) Note: dirt is regular (6) RE + PEAT Zimodo 1
11259 CHANNEL (7) Anne left after church for some water? (7) CH + ANNE + L Zimodo 1
11288 DOJO (4) ||Knock up dear at school|| (4) DO + JO Zimodo 1
11305 SUBSTANCE (9) Thing to understand? (9) punny ddef Zimodo 1
11310 SANDBAG (7) Shilling and dollar made to underperform (7) S + AND + BAG
Zimodo 1
11357 COPY (4) Fancy Pocky loses thousands to imitation (4) COPY(-k)* Zimodo 1
11497 PERCENT (7) Part with a penny (7) PER + CENT Zimodo 1
11526 LEFT (4) Split without note! (4) (-c)LEFT Zimodo 1
11532 PARENTHESIS (11) Average english argument around 11 (11) PAR + EN + THESIS Zimodo 1
11538 BAROQUE (7) Fancy cookout has nothing replace the belly (7) BAR(O -be)QUE Zimodo 1
11552 ATLAS (5) Finally, endless maps (5) AT LAS(-t) Zimodo 1
11577 MARS (4) A lot of swamp ruins (4) MARS(-h) Zimodo 1
11584 BARTENDER Server shutdown amidst traffic (9) BART(END)ER Zimodo 1
11615 RUGGED (6) Carpeted firm? (6) punny ddef variant to appease the not-brits Zimodo 1
11723 REGRESSION (10) Return regular expression with no experience (10) REG + (-exp)RESSION Zimodo 1
11771 SORE (4) 20 - 100 is a lot (4) S(-c)ORE Zimodo 1
11789 VALET (5) Virginia permitted someone to drive a car (5) VA+LET Zimodo 1
11810 VALOR (5) Circle missing from oval or heart (5) (-o)VAL+OR Zimodo 1
11817 JEEPERS (7) Holy cow carers? (7) JEEP+ERS Zimodo 1
11856 CEVICHE (7) Replace piece of lamb with bits of eggplant and veal in stale appetizer (7) C(l -> EV)ICHE Zimodo 1
11874 SAOR (4) Free in Ireland to soar badly (4) SAOR* Zimodo 1
11895 LEMNISCATE (10) 8a is CLEMENT after editing (10) LEMNISCATE* Zimodo 1
11900 LOOPS (5) "Circles" album has 2 love songs at the end (5) L(OO)P+_S Zimodo 1
11930 RIZZ (4) NSFW ||Cum covering head makes ladies swoon|| (4) R+_IZZ Zimodo 1
11983 ANY CLUE WITH AN ENUMERATION OF "SOMETIMES" (SOMETIMES) 9 19 1 25 1 4 4 8 5 18 2 19 5 22 5 18 25 19 15 15 6 20 5 14 (SOMETIMES) 19 15 13 5 20 9 13 5 19 "19 21 13 20 8 25 13 5 19" Zimodo 1
11991 EXAMPLE (7) Used to be loads of stuff to go off of (7) EX+AMPLE Zimodo 1
12033 VENEER (6) Front facing (6) VENEER ddef Zimodo 1
12092 FIDELITY (8) "Castro, I thank you for the loyalty" (8) FIDEL+I+TY Zimodo 1
12101 MONGREL (7) Mixed a bit of rosemary into jelly after Monday (7) MON+G(R_)EL Zimodo 1
12108 NINJA (5) Spanish girl hugging Jack, a Japanese guy (5) NIN(J)A Zimodo 1
12126 LIED (4) Idled about taking day off! (4) LIED(-d)* Zimodo 1
12163 MARNIX (6) Refuse to disapprove of dragon (6) MAR+NIX Zimodo 1
12176 POO POO (3, 3) Discharge! (3 3) ddef both noun and verb form Zimodo 1
12266 MICHIGAN (8) Mix odd grains at a lake (8) MI+CHI+G_A_N_ Zimodo 1
12284 POLLYANNA (9) Parrot a north american optimist (9) POLLY+AN+NA Zimodo 1
12321 GRAPHIC (7) Good rap intro starting to create a picture (7) G+RAP+HI+C_ Zimodo 1
12353 TRENCHANT (9) Effective gutter worker (9) TRENCH+ANT Zimodo 1
12389 MAGICAL (7) Remarkable magazine with .1 caliber (7) MAG+I+CAL Zimodo 1
12473 JOB (3) Black coffee before work (3) JO+B Zimodo 1
12512 CYNICAL (7) Young Yankovic picks up nicotine /neg (7) CY(NIC)AL Zimodo 1
12561 PREMIUM (7) Before mom took my honor (7) PRE+M(I)UM Zimodo 1
12584 LOZENGE (7) There's peace in playing with lego. It soothes (7) LO(ZEN)GE* Zimodo 1
12585 NO DICE (2, 4) Vain democrat accepted by radical (2 4) NO (D)ICE Zimodo 1
12588 SCRIBBLE (8) Scratch penned in black! (8) SCRIB(BL)E Zimodo 1
12589 SEA CHANGE (3, 6) Mix together saengchae for a shift (3 6) SEA CHANGE* Zimodo 1
12624 ADAPT (5) Advertisement with captain losing hat and suit (5) AD+_APT Zimodo 1
12631 OUST (4) Fire used in religious traditions (4) _OUS T_ Zimodo 1
12643 DEFAULT (7) Fail to meet the standard (7) ddef Zimodo 1
12692 APPLE (5) Fruit quietly added to cider (5) A(PP)LE Zimodo 1
12702 VECTOR (6) ROT100 Ipigxvmg zilmgpi vizivwih hmvigxmsr (6) ZI+G+XSV< Zimodo 1
10980 OCTAVE (6) Starting out note: Don't begin staff with 2:1 ratio (6) O_ + C (note) + (-s)TAVE Zimodo 0
10997 ITINERARY (9) An uncommon set up interrupting small route (9) I + TIN(ERAR<)Y Zimodo 0
10998 XANADU (6) Told "Do endless drugs before getting to nirvana." (6) XANA(-x)¹ + DU ("do")
¹xanax is its own plural
Zimodo 0
11008 INDICATED (9) It's pointed out I hang around Charlie, but not Ted (9) INDI(C)A + TED Zimodo 0
11033 AGENDA (6) Plan a contract after the better part of an eternity (6) AGE(-s) + NDA Zimodo 0
11051 MATCHA (6) A bar replaces nothing in coffee or tea (6) M(o -> AT)CHA Zimodo 0
11129 LET'S DO "YOUR USERNAME (?)" AGAIN THAT WAS FUN ||I sodomize bareback|| (6) _ZIMODO_< Zimodo 0
11208 FACETIOUSLY (11) Jokingly fuck over your faculties without hesitation (11) FACETIOUSLY(-ur)* Zimodo 0
11260 KOROK (5) Zelda character made from iron and nickel, say (5) KOROK "core rock" Zimodo 0
11265 ANY CLUE THAT INCLUDES THE SAME WORD THREE OR MORE TIMES (?) Work about about about about about titanium (8) C(RE)A(TI)ON Zimodo 0
11266 ANY CLUE THAT INCLUDES THE SAME WORD THREE OR MORE TIMES (?) Meditative end end end end (3) Z + EN_ Zimodo 0
11297 BROOD (5) General that's absent to duck children (5) BRO(a->O)D Zimodo 0
11302 INTUITION (9) Getting it! (9) Reverse cryptic &lit
Zimodo 0
11360 COPY (4) Steal wordplay, ultimately, for the clue submitted before this (4) Steal = Cop
Wordplay, ultimately = Y
The clue submitted before this = def.
Zimodo 0
11374 TRAIN (5) Exercise without a top! (5) (-s)TRAIN Zimodo 0
11390 PUNT (4) Wordplay with tense for a kick (4) PUN + T Zimodo 0
11436 FRANTIC (7) French act is wild (7) FR + ANTIC Zimodo 0
11450 KEPI (4) Funny pike with hat (4) KEPI* Zimodo 0
11454 EXCLAMATION MARK (11, 4) Not surprised (11 4) ddef Zimodo 0
11457 RAIN CHECK (4, 5) God has to protect king for a promise (4 5) RA + IN CHECK Zimodo 0
11500 CARET (5) CRT power indicator (5) C ARE T Zimodo 0
11502 QUIVER (6) The queen and you head to the hospital around 4, as there's a lot of arrows in them (6) Q + U(IV)ER Zimodo 0
11506 AMPERSAND (9) ET shouts "Fire pocket sand!" (9) AMPERSAND ("amp purse sand") Zimodo 0
11523 COMMUTE (7) Commercial utility vehicle for travel (7) COMM + UTE Zimodo 0
11555 EMBARGO (7) Snapping turtle bites Gab more (7) EMBARGO*
def: https://www.ncpedia.org/media/1807-embargo-cartoon
Zimodo 0
11559 BARBIE (6) Cookout to ban bachelor, say (6) BARBIE "bar b" Zimodo 0
11574 HOT WHEELS (3 6) Small cars with women wearing sexy stilettos (3 6) HOT (W)HEELS Zimodo 0
11576 COLON (5) Column on punctuation (5) COL + ON Zimodo 0
11594 WOK (3) Pan Caeser's PhD (3) PhD ROT19 is WOK
also every word in the clue is capitalized that's neat
Zimodo 0
11614 RUGGED (6) Carpeted? (6) punny clue Zimodo 0
11660 GUTS (4) Initially gave you Tyler's heart (4) G_ + U + T'S Zimodo 0
11663 UGLIEST (7) 11660 damaged bottles rest horizontally, revealing the worst looking one (7) 11660 -> https://cryptics.jackbrounstein.com/contest/3020-guts-4?highlight=11660#clue11660


revealing is connector
Zimodo 0
11688 JAMBOREE (8) Jay and an uninteresting person, around morning, find energy for get together (8) J(AM)BORE+E Zimodo 0
11739 DIVEST (6) Free at 05:04 EST (6) DIV+EST Zimodo 0
11772 SEAT (4) Lost at sea wanting a place to relax (4) SEAT(-a)* Zimodo 0
11781 FELT (4) Seemed to be left out (4) FELT* Zimodo 0
11794 TALOS (5) 50% off puzzle game on Windows, macOS, or Linux! (5) (-por)TAL+OS Zimodo 0
11798 ERUDITE (7) Pretty true. I, Ed, am not a rock. (7) ERUDITE*
idk why every time i see this word i think its a rock but its not
Zimodo 0
11816 TO A T (2, 1, 1) Perfect speech by removing a section (2 1 1) TO A(-s) T Zimodo 0
11830 SWAG (4) Played at the park without new stuff (4) SWA(-n)G Zimodo 0
11839 ANY CHEESE (?) This cheese is made backwards (4) EDAM< Zimodo 0
11841 ANY CHEESE (?) Report on aged smell of cheese (7) GRUYERE "grew air" Zimodo 0
11844 ANY CHEESE (?) A naughty crime by a yellow square (8) A+MERIC*+AN Zimodo 0
11863 LUPPYLUPPY (10) "Dogs with large heads" is a combination of words (10) (p->L)UPPY(p->L)UPPY Zimodo 0
11894 ANY ANAGRAM OF STONE (5) English soundtrack is sort of rock? (5) EN+OST
def: STONE sorted slphabetically
i dont think this is a valid def at all i dont care
Zimodo 0
11928 CRYPTIC CLUE-WRITING CONTESTS (7, 4-7, 8) Tombs play host to cultic puzzling and gross rituals involving counting badly and out of turn, a favorite PC passtime (7 4-7 8) CRYP(TIC CLU*+E W+RIT(ING CONT(-u)*)ES)TS Zimodo 0
11967 GOAT (4) Got around an animal (4) GO(A)T Zimodo 0
12028 CAREEN (6) Race car driven after 1 (6) CAR+_EEN Zimodo 0
12114 MORTADELLA (10) Snack where a bit of steak has been replaced with a bit of Louisiana sausage (10) MOR(s->TAD)EL+LA Zimodo 0
12134 MIHOYO (6) Money pit makers beginning to make me a pit in Spain (6) M_+I+HOYO Zimodo 0
12136 ESCHEW (6) Avoid seat? (6) ES+CHEW Zimodo 0
12137 ESCHEW (6) Escape bind! (6) ESC+HEW Zimodo 0
12187 GIMME (5) Announced an attractive, attention grabbing freebie (5) GIMME "gimm(-ick)y" Zimodo 0
12295 EVONNE GOOLAGONG (6, 9) Angelov made up a tennis player (6 9) ANGELOV letter bank Zimodo 0
12329 WEIR (4) Energy coming back in cable channel (4) W(E<-)IR Zimodo 0
12343 CHAPERONE (9) Champion an A1 coach (9) CH+A+PER+ONE Zimodo 0
12347 CREMATE (7) Burn work about man (7) CRE(M)ATE Zimodo 0
12387 SCORCHED EARTH (8, 5) OR (8-5) 20 around church with lack of heart? (8 5) SCOR(CH)E+DEARTH Zimodo 0
12406 SINGING (7) Vocalizing a chant with a bit of an echo (7) SING+ING Zimodo 0
12418 MONSTERS (8) Demons from the north in most hospital areas (8) MO(N)ST+ERS Zimodo 0
12445 AMEN BREAK (4, 5) Sample name? (4 5) ddef but one of the defs is a revenge lol Zimodo 0
12492 TENOR (5) A singer's voice pounds (5) TENOR "tenner" Zimodo 0
12502 DETROIT (7) Nothing in trash, unamerican city (7) DETR(O)IT(-us) Zimodo 0
12503 DECIMATE (8) Devastate friend after December 9th (8) DEC+I+MATE Zimodo 0
12506 TRIALS (6) Sample fats orally for tests (6) TRIALS "try oils" Zimodo 0
12510 ON ICE (2, 3) Unneat musical ending? (2 3) ddef Zimodo 0
12519 CALLOUS (7) Heartless criticisms are less true (7) CALLOU(-t)S Zimodo 0
12524 SHELLAC (7) Gloss over her callback (7) SHE+LLAC< Zimodo 0
12525 SHELLAC (7) Unfinished shack contains 45 inch coat (7) SH(ELL)AC_ Zimodo 0
12527 BROMATE (7) Friend of a friend ate around 10:00?? (7) BRO(M)ATE
def is a reverse cryptic ddef
ximenes would murder me for this one
Zimodo 0
12568 EMERGE (6) Come up with a kinda funny image and put work into it (6) _EM(ERG)E Zimodo 0
12599 LEGO (4) A toy with a large ego (4) L+EGO Zimodo 0
12621 PERMIT (6) OK Au? (6) PER+MIT
reverse engineered clue
Zimodo 0
12636 ENSORCELL (9) English demisorcerer Ella without a hex (9) EN+SORC_+ELL(-a) Zimodo 0
12682 MOXIE (5) Nice friend not the first to eat cow chops (5) _M(OX)IE Zimodo 0
12705 KNIGHT (6) Think about heading to Germany and back for honor (6) KNI(G_)HT< Zimodo 0
12736 PLANE (5) The fifth attempt to fly (5) PLAN E/PLANE ddef Zimodo 0
12743 CHARGE (6) Burn General Electric battery (6) CHAR+GE Zimodo 0

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