


All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5039 DONUT (5) Refrain from eating unsatisfactory pastry (5) DON’T (refrain from) eating U Timwi 6
4240 EXONERATION (11) Pardon former single rogue particle (11) EX+ONE+RAT+ION = pardon Timwi 5
5076 DIAERESIS (9) Strange desire is a sign (9) DESIREISA* Timwi 5
8477 TAX (3) Texas has a debt to pay (3) Texas=TX has(contains) A
T(A)X = debt to pay
Timwi 5
2731 SMELL (5) Suspect minor involved in trade (5) S(M)ELL = “suspect” Timwi 4
2805 MEME (4) Viral volunteer outburst (4) ddef: “viral” = MEME (adj., e.g. “a meme posting”); “volunteer outburst” = ME! ME! Timwi 4
2840 ORDINAL (7) Counting in crazy Rio land (7) RIOLAND* Timwi 4
3806 NEKO (4) Cat is regularly on desktop (4) _N _E_K_O_ Timwi 4
4088 HAT (3) Piece of stylish attire! (3) &lit; hidden word Timwi 4
4239 EXONERATION (11) Nucleotide sequence with energy portion discharge (11) EXON + E + RATION = discharge Timwi 4
4367 HEARSE (6) That guy behind a vehicle carrying coffins (6) HE (that guy) + ARSE (behind) Timwi 4
4390 DELIVERY (8) We ultimately stay during boring speech (8) D(_E + LIVE)RY = speech Timwi 4
4427 HAIR (4) Whiff from Thai restaurant (4) _HAI R_
(whiff = hair = small amount)
Timwi 4
4438 UNFORTUNATE (11) Awkward, silly tune about supporting fish (11) FOR+TUNA about TUNE*
UN(FOR+TUNA)TE* = awkward
Timwi 4
4502 WEALTH (6) Break the law for money (6) THELAW* Timwi 4
4977 OREO (4) Cookie monster loses; game over (4) O(-g)RE + O = cookie Timwi 4
4979 THOUSAND (8) k, you smooth (8) THOU (you) + SAND (smooth, v.) = k Timwi 4
4998 LAME DUCK (4, 4) Loser starts to lament after massive election drop (4, 4) L_ A_ M_ E_ + DUCK (v.) = “Loser” Timwi 4
5131 MOGUL (5) VIP hiding in Alamo Gulf (5) _MO GUL_ = VIP Timwi 4
8382 CAPUT (5) Rapper turned prominent member (5) CAPUT< Timwi 4
8483 OUROBOROS (9) Infinite loop from algorithm wasted time in our control software (9) Algorithm = ROBOT
Wasted time = remove T
In OUR = OU(ROBO(-t))R
Control software = OS (operating system)
Def.: Infinite loop
Timwi 4
2190 APEX (4) Parrot with false crown (4) APE (parrot/imitate) + X (false) Timwi 3
2269 SAFE WORD (4 4 OR 8) Stop sign that few roads mess up (4 4) FEWROADS* Timwi 3
2442 ERDOS (5) Math oddball in higher doses (5) high_ERDOS_es // Time Magazine called him “The Oddball's Oddball” Timwi 3
2498 AMAZING (7) Impressive Reddit event with pizazz (7) AMA+ZING Timwi 3
2758 HARRIES (7) Troubles confuse Sir Hare (7) SIRHARE* Timwi 3
2842 NEWS (4) Stories from all directions (4) N+E+W+S = all directions Timwi 3
2884 CONSTANCE (9) City with no accents, strangely (9) NOACCENTS* Timwi 3
2961 ANY CLUE THAT RESOLVES TO THE EMPTY STRING (0) Nothing's without entropy (0) S-s Timwi 3
3069 SEDNA (5) Icy world of Swedish genes (5) SE+DNA Timwi 3
3075 ANY CLUE WHERE EVERY WORD IS THE SAME LENGTH (?) Interrogate peculiarity punctuation (8, 4) QUESTION + MARK
Timwi 3
3306 ISTHMUS (7) It seems to have made us strong at first, this connection (7) I_ S_ T_ H_ M_ U_ S_ Timwi 3
3335 SYNONYM (7) TCP packet sent over my backwards link (7) SYN+ON+(MY<)
TCP packet = SYN
sent over = ON (e.g. “a message on Skype” = “a message sent over Skype”)
Timwi 3
3360 LEVEL FIFTY ONE (5, 5, 3) Common palindrome. Stylish, loud becoming new. A Smogon hunter. (5, 5, 3) LEVEL + (-n+F)IFTY + ONE
(Haiku courtesy by Autumn Leaves & Timwi)
Timwi 3
3476 CRADLE (6) Strange card the French hold (6) CRAD* + LE = hold Timwi 3
3524 LEONINE (7) Powerful like a lion, El Niño messes up east (7) (EL NINO)* + E Timwi 3
3595 INCUS (5) Bone in pincushion (5) Hidden word Timwi 3
3898 WAX (3) Polish path with a change of direction (3) WA(-y+X) = polish Timwi 3
3918 BEAT (4) Fatigued person with unconventional style and no family backing (4) BEATNIK (person with unconventional style) - kin< Timwi 3
3919 BEAT (4) Band that hasn't got the French rhythm (4) BEAT(-les) Timwi 3
3931 NIDORAN OR NIDORAN♂ OR NIDORAN♀ (7 OR 8) Mix of iron and poison that can produce eggs when mixed with Ditto (7) (IRON AND)*. def = “poison that can produce eggs when mixed with Ditto” Timwi 3
4148 PERU (4) Country beholden to deeper understanding (4) _PER U_ Timwi 3
4150 PERU (4) Place of pure madness (4) PURE* Timwi 3
4152 NORMALCY (8) The usual tumultuous clamor in New York (8) N(CLAMOR*)Y = “the usual” Timwi 3
4376 DELIVERY (8) Food shop with unqualified labor (8) DELI with VERY = labor (childbirth) Timwi 3
4389 FUNCTION CALL (8, 4) Execution order comes first after Jack leaves intersection in autumn (8, 4) F((-j)UNCTION + C_)ALL = execution order Timwi 3
4461 PENALTY (7) Judge's verdict ordered aplenty (7) APLENTY* Timwi 3
4462 PENALTY (7) Fine, write your first letter under pen name (7) write = PEN
your first letter = Y_
pen name = ALT
PEN+ALT+Y_ = fine (down clue only)
Timwi 3
4896 REPLY (5) Order Polly regularly: “Say ‘Me too!’” _R_E_ P_L_Y = say, “Me too!” Timwi 3
4897 MALARKEY (8) Nonsense garbage alarm sound (8) MALAR* + KEY = nonsense Timwi 3
4899 MALARKEY (8) Jazz man takes boat admittance (8) MAL(ARK)E + Y = jazz (as in “all that jazz”); Y is symbol for admittance which is reciprocal of impedance Timwi 3
5030 ALEATORIC (9) Regardless of your choice, pal, eat or I come inside (9) _AL EAT OR I C_ = regardless of your choice Timwi 3
5032 BUTTERSCOTCH (12) Candy bar, right within supermarket, leads to itchy belly (12) BUT (bar, as in “all bar one” = “all but one”) + TE(R)SCO + _TCH_ = candy Timwi 3
5040 ECHO (4) Tennessee repulsed by electronic music imitation (4) (-t)ECH(-n)O = imitation Timwi 3
5126 HEAD (4) Periodically chief and captain (4) _H_E_A_D = captain Timwi 3
5146 WHATEVER (8) Any leader who dislikes endless gun opposition (8) W_ (leader, who) + HATE(-s) (dislikes, endless) + VER< (gun = rev, opposition) = any Timwi 3
8357 CAPYBARA (8) Limit admittance to keep out a rodent (8) CAP (limit) + Y (admittance in electronics) + BAR (to keep out) + A Timwi 3
8383 CAPUT (5) Calcium deposit where the mouth is (5) CA+PUT = caput (head; where the mouth is) Timwi 3
2239 BANDAGE (7) Luggage containing operator’s oriental dressing (7) B[AND]AG+E(ast) Timwi 2
2240 KINK (4) Fetish for potassium fluid (4) K+INK Timwi 2
2268 FETISH (6) Endless cheese, a rough fixation (6) FET[-a]+ISH Timwi 2
2349 SET (3) Scenery in grandiose town (3) grandio_SE T_own Timwi 2
2370 SOKOBAN (7) Game with boxes, or even — as you know — brains (7) aSyOuKnOwBrAiNs Timwi 2
2465 NITROGEN (8) Gas is back, minus the scrap contained (8) (NEG+ORT+IN)< Timwi 2
2515 GILBERT (7) Shaking, spinning, and forgetting Minnesota dramatist (7) (TREMBLING-MN)< Timwi 2
2730 HELLO WORLD (5, 5) Novice exercise with whole droll pandemonium (5, 5) WHOLEDROLL* Timwi 2
2808 BASEL (5) ABBA selection including “I Am the City” (5) ab_BA SEL_ection Timwi 2
3222 CLUE CONTAINING A PIECE OR TERM FROM CHESS (?) Pawns’ unnormal en passant move (8) (EN PASSANT-n)* = PEASANTS Timwi 2
3358 LEVEL FIFTY ONE (5, 5, 3) Puzzler has fleet, only five ships (5, 5, 3) Puzzler = (FLEET ONLY FIVE)*
ships (v.) = anagrind
Timwi 2
3366 FURNITURE (9) Home commodities ready around vessel guarded evenly (9) F(URN)IT + _U_R_E_ Timwi 2
3406 WEB (3) Us bibliophiles’ first repository of knowledge (3) WE + B_ Timwi 2
3452 HUMAN (5) Ethnic group contains, er... someone (5) H(UM)AN Timwi 2
3473 AMARETTO (8) First and second person to be teetotaler; no liqueur (8) AM + ARE + TT + O = liqueur Timwi 2
3529 SILLY SONG (5, 4) Fishy Sony gills for fishy tune (5, 4) (SONY GILLS)* Timwi 2
3612 BRUNCH (6) Held club-run Christmas banquet (6) Held = hidden word marker. _B-RUN CH_ Timwi 2
3650 OOF (3) Exclamation in Chicago office (3) _O OF_ Timwi 2
3652 NASHVILLE (9) Robert Altman movie named French town after economist John (9) VILLE after NASH = NASHVILLE, a movie directed by Robert Altman Timwi 2
3669 MALLEUS (7) From all EU stores offering a specific kind of hammer (7) hidden word Timwi 2
3695 MASCARA (7) Makeup for mom with endlessly raging rascal (7) MA + (RASCA(-l))* Timwi 2
3761 RICOCHET (8) Spring cheese, twice cut, with semi-skimmed ingredient (8) Cheese = RICOTTA
Ingredient = CHEESE
RICO(CHE(-ese))T(-t-a) = spring
Timwi 2
3787 VEGAN (5) View grain routinely as a healthy diet (5) V_E_ G_A_N = a healthy diet Timwi 2
3797 AWAY (4) Slaw, a yummy ingredient, is gone (4) _AW, A Y_ Timwi 2
3857 CRAMP/CRAMPS (5/6) Pain expressed by manic rampage (5) Hidden word Timwi 2
3873 ANIMAL (6) Savage note about dictator Idi’s return (6) L(AMIN)A< Timwi 2
3930 NIDORAN OR NIDORAN♂ OR NIDORAN♀ (7 OR 8) Pokemon regularly on Windsor Road North (7) Even letters of “ON WINDSOR ROAD” + N Timwi 2
3963 HEARTBEAT (9) Instant love master (9) HEART (love) + BEAT (master, v.) = HEARTBEAT (instant) Timwi 2
4069 HEARTS (6) Earth's strange organs (6) EARTHS* Timwi 2
4114 OVERHEAR (8) Catch attention after top of float fell behind (8) Attention = EAR
float (v.) = HOVER
(-h)OVER(+H) + EAR = catch
Timwi 2
4238 TURNIP (6) Vegetable involved in non-sequitur: nipple (6) _TUR NIP_ Timwi 2
4292 SOURDOUGH (9) Do us rough out there, prospector (9) DOUSROUGH* = SOURDOUGH* = a prospector in Alaska or northwestern Canada Timwi 2
4321 TIME STOP (4, 4) D&D ability permits no right to move around (4, 4) (PE(-r)MITS TO)* Timwi 2
4354 DEUSOVI (7) Amadeus, o virtuoso, bring out genius (7) _DEUS O VI_ Timwi 2
4357 INTERNET STALKING (8, 8) Pursuing eccentric’s tinkering talent (8, 8) (S TINKERING TALENT)* = pursuing Timwi 2
4377 FUNCTION CALL (8, 4) Invocation of cult clan in turmoil (8, 4) (FUNCTION CALL)* = invocation Timwi 2
4409 FEEDBACK (8) Nurture dorsal response (8) FEED+BACK Timwi 2
4433 HOOP SNAKE (4, 5) Noah spoke: “strange creature” (4, 5) HOOPSNAKE* Timwi 2
4452 BOOMER (6) 50’s person plucking leaf off flower (6) B(-l)OOMER Timwi 2
4459 CHROMATIC (9) Colorful talk about fixed storage discs, even (9) CH(ROM)AT + _I_C_ = colorful Timwi 2
4477 BELLA SWAN (5, 4) Vampire lover disrupts NBA as well (5, 4) BELLASWAN* = vampire lover Timwi 2
4818 ALARM (5) A plea from odd anxiety (5) A_L_A_R_M = anxiety (n.) Timwi 2
4980 POLYSEMOUS (10) Permitting multiple interpretations is bad, so employ us (10) SOEMPLOYUS* Timwi 2
5004 EXISTENTIAL (11) Endure the last insane Latin grammatical construct (11) EXIST + _E + NTIAL* = a type of grammatical construct (n.) Timwi 2
5037 ZYDECO (6) Genre of French buried cozy remixes (6) ZY(DE)CO* = Genre Timwi 2
5050 YO MAMA (2, 4) Joke involving day in Hebrew Reddit thread (2, 4) YOM (day in Hebrew) + AMA (Reddit thread) Timwi 2
8430 ANY ONE-WORD BAND NAME (?) Band that is confident on stage (7) ERA+SURE
(using “on” to mean “affixed to”, as in “picture on the wall”: confident=SURE on stage=ERA)
Timwi 2
8443 ID CARD (2, 4) Crazy Dr. Acid’s document (2, 4) DRACID* = IDCARD* Timwi 2
8480 TIGER (5) Feline friend of Pooh has lost $1000 (5) TIG(-g)ER = feline Timwi 2
8490 FLACON (6) Where to put perfume seal back on (6) Def.: Where to put perfume
“calf” is the young of a seal (among other animals)
Timwi 2
8586 SPRUCE (6) Elegant safety first pioneered by Rugby Union legend needing no introduction (6) Def: elegant
Safety: S
First pioneered: P_
(By: next to)
Rugby Union: RU
Legend: ACE, needing no introduction: _CE
Timwi 2
12936 NECROMANCY (10) Recipe for séance: guy wearing shoe amid misplaced desire (10) NE(CRO(MAN)C)Y< (or * if you don’t accept “misplaced” as “reverse”) Timwi 2
2169 OF (2) Having footless enemy back (2) OF = having; FO[-E] (enemy without last letter) backwards Timwi 1
2170 DISEASE (7) Ailment like AIDS, see? (7) DISEASE (ailment); DISEASE* (AIDS see, anagrammed) Timwi 1
2238 BONDAGE (7) Decorative scallop in grievance chains (7) BON[DAG]E Timwi 1
2270 LAST RESORT (4, 6) Desperate remedies persist, including French loot (4, 6) LAS(TRÉSOR)T (last=persist, trésor=French for treasure) Timwi 1
2296 WHAT'S UP (5, 2) Greetings, exotic wasp hut! (5, 2) WASPHUT* Timwi 1
2309 LAST (4) Ultimately even cleans it (4) CLeAnSiT Timwi 1
2315 LAST (4) Let's all sit together from start to finish (4) Initials of Let's All Sit Together Timwi 1
2316 LAST (4) Survive in plastic (4) p_LAST_ic Timwi 1
2322 POUDRETTEITE Oddly pro-gun, darkest, steep if-then pink mineral (12) PrOgUnDaRkEsTsTeEpIfThEn Timwi 1
2323 POUDRETTEITE Poet uttered, “I blend silicate” (12) POETUTTEREDI* Timwi 1
2325 RESONATE (8) Concerning family member had ring (8) RE + SON + ATE (def = ring) Timwi 1
2327 MUNCHAUSEN (10) Painter with strange endless nausea syndrome (10) (edvard)MUNCH + NAUSE* Timwi 1
2337 NOTEWORTHY (10) Remarkable observation! Exemplary! (10) NOTE + WORTHY; def: remarkable Timwi 1
2361 SOKOBAN (7) Warehouse keeper Vladimir came back with scalar instead of vector (7) NABOKO(-v+S)< Timwi 1
2383 RANGER (6) Stateless foreigner guard (6) (-st)RANGER Timwi 1
2466 URANIUM (7) Heavy metal remix of “I’m Nauru” (7) IMNAURU* Timwi 1
2492 VANITY (6) Pride is a reason for using a vector instead of a scalar (6) (-s+V)ANITY Timwi 1
2732 SMELL (5) Detect methionine in stock (5) S(M)ELL = “detect” Timwi 1
2759 MAILER (6) Mortal realm I razed (6) REALMI* Timwi 1
2813 ELISION (7) Constant threat is in exclusion (7) E “constant” + L(IS)ION “threat, is in” = “exclusion” Timwi 1
2817 ELISION (7) Botched silicone took base deletion (7) SILI(-c)ONE*. “base”=C because cytosine Timwi 1
2822 BARTITSU (8) What a surprised Homer might write in self-defense (8) “BART! IT'S U!” (ddef.) Timwi 1
2841 NEWS (4) Sewn-together headlines (4) SEWN* Timwi 1
2843 NEWS (4) Latest kickoff, not even weird stuff (4) N(ot) E(ven) W(eird) S(tuff) Timwi 1
2902 RAMESSES (8) Rulers hit letters (8) RAM + ESSES
(“Rulers” plural because there was more than one Ramesses; 11 in fact)
Timwi 1
2910 SEPTEMBER (9) Tempers be orderly at time of Michaelmas (9) TEMPERSBE* Timwi 1
2973 FIERY (5) Savagely burn plastic layer in flames (5) FIER(-cel)Y Timwi 1
2984 PHUB (4) Pass focus (4) &lit: def = pass focus to one's phone; wordplay = P+HUB Timwi 1
2987 PHUB (4) Vietnamese prefecture second in ignoring people in favor of tech (4) PHU (Vietnamese prefecture) + B (second) Timwi 1
2991 RELAYER (7) Recover strange, rare lye (7) RARELYE* Timwi 1
3031 CLUE CONTAINING UR LAST WINNING CLUE’S ANSWER (?) “Hi, Constance!” staggered the sports trainer (6 5) TENNIS COACH* Timwi 1
3032 CLUE CONTAINING UR LAST WINNING CLUE’S ANSWER (?) The thrilling part, i.e., Constance bungling (6 5) ACTION SCENE* Timwi 1
3097 REVOLVER (8) Arm advance in railroad (8) R(EVOLVE)R = arm (weapon) Timwi 1
3155 NEPTUNE (7) Crazy place surrounded by twin neon ocean (7) NE(PUT*)NE
Neptune = ocean
Timwi 1
3333 HONK (4) Block out for unsatisfactory blare (4) H(-u+O)NK = blare Timwi 1
3355 FURNITURE (9) Defenseless mashed fruit under the table, say (9) (FRUITUN(-d)ER)* Timwi 1
3361 LEVEL FIFTY ONE (5, 5, 3) Let five fly, confuse a puzzler (5, 5, 3) (LET FIVE FLY)* + ONE Timwi 1
3364 ISTHMUS (7) Bridge that is first to humour even Samuel (7) _I_S_T_H_M_U_ + S Timwi 1
3402 WEB (3) Mitchell’s partner detailed net (3) WEB(-b) (comedy partners David Mitchell and Robert Webb) Timwi 1
3455 HUMAN (5) Actress Thurman consumed by her noteworthy first race (5) H_ (UMA) N_ Timwi 1
3456 DANCER (6) Artist's horoscope turns cents to dollars (6) (-c+D)ANCER Timwi 1
3457 DANCER (6) Showgirl’s illness goes from 100 to 500 (6) (-c+D)ANCER Timwi 1
3464 THING (5) Good in tight hinges (5) _T HING_ Timwi 1
3475 AMARETTO (8) Nectaris, perhaps, in quintillionth drink (8) A(MARE)TTO = drink
Nectaris is one of the maria (sg. mare) on the moon
Atto- is the SI prefix for a quintillionth
Timwi 1
3502 LOREM IPSUM (5, 5) Typesetter scores trim-cut copyright in stormy summer (5, 5) LO(-p)+IP(copyright = intellectual property)-in-SUMMER*
LO(-p)+REM(IP)SUM* = typesetter scores
Timwi 1
3510 ERRATUM (7) Terror can't cut my regular trip (7) _E_R_R_A_T_U_M_ = trip (in the sense of mistake) Timwi 1
3522 LEONINE (7) One line off — like Simba, perhaps (7) (ONE LINE)* Timwi 1
3527 LEONINE (7) Dignified solo with English and Indian content (7) L(E)ON(IN)E Timwi 1
3528 ERRATUM (7) Bigger rat umbrella has defect (7) _ER RAT UM_ Timwi 1
3534 ORIFICE (7) Opening in honor if I celebrate (7) _OR IF I CE_ Timwi 1
3581 ANGEL (5) Jewel in strange light (5) _ANGE L_ Timwi 1
3586 ANGEL (5) Theater supporter has a new set (5) A+N+GEL = theater supporter (financial backer of a production) Timwi 1
3587 DEVIL (5) Monster from Vaudeville (5) _DEVIL_ Timwi 1
3588 ASH (3) Starts to admire some huge tree (3) A_ S_ H_ = tree Timwi 1
3606 BRUNCH (6) Sprint between Belgium and Switzerland to get something to eat (6) RUN between B and CH Timwi 1
3609 BRUNCH (6) Buffet leaders could have followed up on sick burn (6) BURN* + C_ H_ Timwi 1
3618 PERFORM (7) Enact quiet, orderly reform (7) P + REFORM* Timwi 1
3626 BRIDGE (6) Base bank bond (6) B + RIDGE Timwi 1
3643 ABCDE (5) Broadcaster of French mnemonic for critical medical care (5) ABC (broadcaster) + DE (“of” in French) = mnemonic for critical medical care (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure). Timwi 1
3645 REIMBURSEMENT (13) Even free film about rested M. Bennett gets compensation (13) _R_E_I_M_B_U_R_S_E_M_E_N_T_ Timwi 1
3670 COCKTAIL (8) Compound in peacock tails (8) Hidden word Timwi 1
3689 JACK-O'-LANTERN (4-1'-7) Clark, not Jane, confused pumpkin with a carved face (4-1'-7) CLARKNOTJANE* Timwi 1
3690 JACK-O'-LANTERN (4-1'-7) Gnarled oak, central to New Jersey, back in light at night (4-1'-7) N(OAKCENTRAL*)J< = light at night. Did you know jack-o'-lantern is also another term for will-o'-the-wisp? Timwi 1
3697 MASCARA (7) Makeup loses initial effect as camera rolls (7) (AS CAM(-e)RA)* Timwi 1
3711 ENGLISH (7) In plain terms, conversely, he's low in character (7) H(SI(L)GN)E< = in plain terms Timwi 1
3717 THE (3) This endless detail of Greek letter (3) THE(-t)(-a) = this Timwi 1
3721 THE (3) Half of blade from Teresina, Brazil (3) (-scy)THE = Teresina’s airport code Timwi 1
3722 THE (3) A particular leftover prune (3) (-o)THE(-r) = a particular Timwi 1
3739 TENDON (6) Nintendo never hides attachment (6) _TENDO N_ Timwi 1
3744 ZINFANDEL (9) Im Magazin fand Elias Wein (9) I don't expect anyone to vote for this but it works as a German-language clue. _ZIN FAND EL_ = Wein (wine). The surface reading means “In the magazine, Elias found wine”. Timwi 1
3745 ZINFANDEL (9) Unknown cooked final end product from California (9) Z + (FINAL END)* = product from California Timwi 1
3746 SECURITY (8) Protection from mad curse and half-being (8) CURSE* + (-ent)ITY = protection Timwi 1
3754 ELEMENT (7) Wild melee books suggestion (7) MELEE* + NT (New Testament)
“suggestion” = element, e.g. “I detected an element of sarcasm in her voice”
Timwi 1
3755 ELEMENT (7) Part of ukulele mentally internalized (7) Hidden word. Hoping that either “part of ukulele” or “mentally internalized” looks like the definition, misleadingly Timwi 1
3758 RICOCHET (8) Endless grass didn't fix Augusto’s rebound (8) RIC(-e) + (-pin)OCHET = rebound
(and yes, rice is apparently a grass)
Timwi 1
3768 SCRABBLE (8) Cold resistance from queen's uncle in bickering game (8) S(-qu+CR)ABBLE = game Timwi 1
3771 GULES (5) Red labor camp turns silver into einsteinium (5) GUL(-ag+ES) Timwi 1
3772 GIGAHERTZ (9) Gaze right to reconstruct processor benchmark (9) (GAZE RIGHT)* Timwi 1
3774 GIGAHERTZ (9) Unit mangled their gag with impedance (9) (THEIR GAG)* + Z Timwi 1
3788 VEGAN (5) Gave strange new dietary idea (5) GAVE* + N = dietary idea Timwi 1
3789 VEGAN (5) Lifestyle that doesn’t upset angry plant-eater (5) VEG(-etari<)AN = plant-eater
(upset angry = IRATE backwards)
Timwi 1
3790 BLACK (5) Very dark orderly bell cake with vitamin (5) B_L_(+A)C_K_ = very dark Timwi 1
3791 BLACK (5) Loose sister is brother’s evil (5) (-s+B)LACK = evil (e.g. “black deeds”) Timwi 1
3805 NEKO (4) Cat turns stove from 5 to 1000 (4) NE(-v+K)O< Timwi 1
3807 DUBIOUS (7) Suspicious duos dance about welfare program (7) D(UBI)OUS* = suspicious
(Misleading clue as “welfare program” looks very much like the definition and “suspicious” like an anagrind)
Timwi 1
3839 CREAM (5) “YELLOWISH” without initial “YELL” (5) (-s)CREAM Timwi 1
3842 ROBUST (6) Strong, refitted turbos (6) ROBUST* Timwi 1
3858 CUP (3) Charlie’s papa holds uniform and trophy (3) C(U)P Timwi 1
3862 PRIDE FLAG (5, 4) Camp emblem a group of lions pick out (5, 4) PRIDE FLAG Timwi 1
3872 ANIMAL (6) Troubled Manila being (6) ANIMAL* Timwi 1
3888 MINERAL (7) Gemstone that truly lost energy after belonging to me (7) MINE + R(-e)AL
(“real” used as an adverb here, e.g. “I'm real sorry about that”)
Timwi 1
3889 ANIMAL (6) Being’s soul link (6) ANIMA + L Timwi 1
3897 WAX (3) Grow a greasy substance (3) ddef. Timwi 1
3899 WAX (3) Show axe, hide coat (3) _W AX_ = coat (v.) Timwi 1
3901 ESCHATOLOGY (11) Key office science concerning the destiny of humanity (11) ESC + HAT + OLOGY Timwi 1
3926 SHAVE (5) Siemens’ own crop (5) S (symbol for the unit siemens) + HAVE (own) = crop (shave v.) Timwi 1
3955 ANY NON-ALPHANUMERIC GLYPH THAT ISN'T ♀ (1) British addition to labor union (1) ⋃ - union symbol, and “u” is what is added to “labor” to make “labour” Timwi 1
3960 ANY NON-ALPHANUMERIC GLYPH THAT ISN'T ♀ (1) Different lines, some parallel, some crossing (1) Timwi 1
4077 PRESIDENT (9) Quiet local chairman (9) P (quiet) + RESIDENT (local n.) = PRESIDENT (chairman) Timwi 1
4080 HAND (4) Hit and pass (4) H+AND. Def = pass (as in “hand me the towel”) Timwi 1
4094 LOSE (4) Drop in closer (4) Hidden word Timwi 1
4107 CONTEST (7) Competition mascot beheaded before examination (7) (-i)CON + TEST Timwi 1
4117 PACKET (6) Added a check to treasure box (6) treasure = pet
P(A+CK)ET = box
Timwi 1
4144 NO (2) Don't, it's on rewind (2) NO< Timwi 1
4147 PERU (4) Plutonium covers, let's say, about 1,285,216 km²? (4) P(ER)U Timwi 1
4149 PERU (4) Country holds back nature preserve (4) _P ERU_< Timwi 1
4151 PERU (4) Lost a dime, lost a whole country (4) PER(-d)U Timwi 1
4185 SAFE (4) Sound from timeless eccentric feats (4) FEATS*(-t) = safe (adj.) = sound (adj.) Timwi 1
4204 ENNUI (5) «Boredom at night...» says Pierre (5) Homophone of «en nuit» (at night) Timwi 1
4241 EXONERATION (11) Add on a struggle for absolution (11) struggle = EXERTION
EX(ON)ER(A)TION = absolution
Timwi 1
4279 ANOTHER (7) A new order on Earth (7) ANOTHER* = a new Timwi 1
4282 BESIDE (6) Belgium and Sweden embrace intelligent design also (6) BE+S(ID)E = also. Apologies for any psychological trauma caused by the surface Timwi 1
4293 ARENDELLE (9) Frozen people are born, remove the French (9) ARE + N (born) + DEL (delete=remove) + LE (the, French) = Frozen people (as in ethnicity, not plural of person) Timwi 1
4306 STARRY (6) OR STORY (5) OR STARRY STORY (6, 5) Small conservative narrative (5) S + TORY Timwi 1
4307 STARRY (6) OR STORY (5) OR STARRY STORY (6, 5) Crazy Rosy, try rat’s glittering tale (6, 5) STARRYSTORY* Timwi 1
4308 CULINARY (8) Close up in a straight manner, no energy left for dinner (8) CU + LIN(-e)AR(-l)Y = for dinner Timwi 1
4322 PULL REQUEST (4, 7) Suggested change to attract demand (4, 7) PULL (attract) + REQUEST (demand) = suggested change Timwi 1
4327 IMPETUS (7) Abolish old unit of unbridled energy (7) IMPETU(-ou)S Timwi 1
4339 CORPOREAL (9) Material or place or construct (9) “Construct” (v.) is anagram indicator.
ORPLACEOR* = material (adj.)
Timwi 1
4342 FUDDRUCKERS (11) Hamburger joint found us even with German printer (11) F_U_D (+DRUCKER) _S Timwi 1
4351 DEUSOVI (7) Puzzler took legal action against four—no backsies (7) Took legal action = SUED
four = IV
no = O
“against” means placed side by side
(DEUS+O+VI)< = puzzler
Timwi 1
4352 DEUSOVI (7) Puzzler is god of heartless virtuosi (7) DEUS + O’ + V_I Timwi 1
4373 AXIS (4) Fire is Descartes’s line (4) Fire = AX (as in fire from a job)
AX+IS = Descartes’s line
Timwi 1
4392 CELERY (6) Graveyard not cleared has large vegetable (6) cleared = MET (e.g. a payment)
Timwi 1
4407 LOKI (4) See, I lost no one from Asgard (4) LO(-o)K+I = one from Asgard Timwi 1
4453 BOOMER (6) Old guy's room be disorganized (6) (ROOM BE)* Timwi 1
4463 CHROMATIC (9) Colorful shoe absorbs heat, mass and electric current (9) C(+H)RO(+MAT)(+I)C
(mass = MAT as in a mat of hair)
Timwi 1
4469 ATROPOS (7) An endless cliché of some leading personification of fate (7) A + TROP(-e) + O’ + S_ = personification of fate Timwi 1
4470 ATROPOS (7) Morta from Greece: “a weather layer lost momentum here” (7) A + TROPOS(-p)(-here) Timwi 1
4474 BOB MARLEY (3, 6) Returning action hero wrapped in unkosher blanket for Jamaican singer-songwriter (3, 6) B(OBMAR<)L(-u)EY Timwi 1
4475 BOB MARLEY (3, 6) Boy with marble set up music icon (3, 6) BO(BMARLE*)Y Timwi 1
4478 BELLA SWAN (5, 4) Forbid to include enlisted woman with lines as Stephenie Meyer’s character (5, 4) B(E(LL + AS)W)AN Timwi 1
4510 COMPATIBLE (10) No charm able to be packed in harmony (10) COMPA(-c)TIBLE = in harmony Timwi 1
4902 ELECTORAL COLLEGE (9,7) Decrepit locale keeps lay reader, say, among the French voters (9,7) E(LECTOR)ALCOL* + L(EG)E = voters Timwi 1
4978 ANTEPENULTIMATE (15) Letter about a university, French satellite, animal, and reversed sometimes-stressed syllable (15) ET(A+MIT+LUNE+PET+N)A< Timwi 1
4999 LAME DUCK (4, 4) Still-incumbent savagely mauled in front of calm kindergarten (4-4) LAMEDU* + C + K = “still-incumbent” (adj.) Timwi 1
5001 ARAPAIMA (8) Even satanism was infiltrated by crack fish (8) A_(RAP)A_I_M_A_ = fish Timwi 1
5005 CHTHONIC (8) Response to the most extreme of the underworld (8) CH(r->TH_)ONIC = of the underworld Timwi 1
5006 CHTHONIC (8) Motionless with high instead of a lost time in hell (8) CATATONIC (motionless) with H (high) instead of A = CHTHTONIC; lost T (time)
C(a->H)T(a->H)(-t)ONIC = in hell
Timwi 1
5029 ALEATORIC (9) Random serving at Yorick’s Centre (9) ALE + AT + _ORIC_ Timwi 1
5033 CINNAMON (8) I’m cannon fodder for Raj’s dog (8) CINNAMON* = Raj’s dog from The Big Bang Theory Timwi 1
5075 DIAERESIS (9) Mark’s totals before donations retracted (9) totals = IS (e.g. “this is $5”)
before = ERE
donations = AID
(DIA + ERE + SI + S)< = mark
Timwi 1
5130 MOGUL (5) Notable sound change in detailed system (5) MO(-d+G)UL(-e) = notable (n.) Timwi 1
5166 ADVENT (6) Two-thirds of exciting experience is coming (6) ADVENT[ure] = coming (n.) Timwi 1
5357 GO (2) Essay starts to get out (2) G_ O_; “essay” in the sense of “attempt”, as in “have a go” Timwi 1
5404 CLICK (5) Beat cocaine taste (5) C + LICK = beat (from a metronome) Timwi 1
5406 CLICK (5) Select where to type with strikeout (5) Where to type = CLI (command-line interface)
With = C (in prescriptions)
Strikeout = K (in baseball)
Timwi 1
8354 SCRAP (5) Lose backup of golf scores that had charm (5) Pars with C, S(C)RAP< = lose (as in get rid of) Timwi 1
8355 DRAGON (6) Academic back with new constellation (6) DR+AGO+N = constellation Timwi 1
8444 ID CARD (2, 4) Offensively rancid day without new papers (2, 4) RA(-n)CID* + D (day) = (IDCAR*+D)-n Timwi 1
8478 TAX (3) Load times are time lost (3) Def: load (v.)
Times = X (multiplication sign)
Are = A (unit of area)
Time = T
Lost = going the wrong way
Timwi 1
8485 TEN-FOUR (3-4) The first being from UCR even? Yep. (3-4) The first = T_
“being from UCR” even letters = _E_N_ F_O_ U_R
def = yep
Timwi 1
12920 IN VAIN (2 4) Pointless Indiana-Virginia connection (2 4) IN (Indiana) + VA (Virginia) + IN (connection; as in, someone in a position of influence or power) Timwi 1
12935 NECROMANCY (10) Mayhem; may concern black magic (10) Mayhem = anagrind
Black magic = def
Timwi 1
12953 TREETOPS (8) Starter in sport backed by the Crown (8) TR(EET)OPS<; tee = starter as in starting place in golf
“the crown” of a forest = the treetops
Timwi 1
2171 BREXIT (6) First a breathed relief, then a death catastrophe in the making (6) B.R. [breathed relief, first letters] + EXIT (death) = BREXIT (def: catastrophe in the making) Timwi 0
2176 BREXIT (6) Leaving strange Potter without article (6) BREXIT [leaving] = [BE[-A]TRIX]* Timwi 0
2189 APEX (4) Top news agency foreshadows Plastikman album (4) AP (news agency) + EX (Plastikman album) Timwi 0
2241 HENTAI (6) Anime otorhinolaryngologist eaten by German shark (6) H[ENT]AI Timwi 0
2276 OUAGADOUGOU (11) Even gungho turn follows evenly popular guarddog in city (11) pOpUlArGuArDdOg+gUnGhO+U Timwi 0
2277 OUAGADOUGOU (11) Odd ocular guards opus goof-up in city (11) OcUlArGuArDsOpUsGoOfUp Timwi 0
2288 ED SHEERAN (2, 7) Plus musician hears need for remix (2, 7) HEARSNEED*, def: “plus” (+) is an album Timwi 0
2289 HORNY (5) Instrument, French and Spanish, turned on (5) HORN (Instrument, French) + Y (and Spanish) Timwi 0
2290 HORNY (5) Passionate about horrific felony (5) HOR(-rificfelo)NY Timwi 0
2291 PROXY (5) Alternate specialist axes (5) PRO+XY Timwi 0
2293 PROXY (5) Backup script extension hides Supernova album (5) P[ROX]Y (py = file extension for Python scripts), def: backup Timwi 0
2294 MUNCHAUSEN (10) Grind gold worth a fraction of a yen, Baron (10) MUNCH + AU + SEN Timwi 0
2295 LASAGNA (7) Odd liars nagging at pasta (7) LiArSnAgGiNgAt Timwi 0
2310 LAST (4) Stunted thrill ending (4) (-b)LAST Timwi 0
2312 LAST (4) Finale in hula stunt (4) hu_LAST_unt Timwi 0
2314 LAST (4) Close to wear (4) ddef. Timwi 0
2324 RESONATE (8) Sound treason, weird echo (8) TREASON*+E; def. sound Timwi 0
2338 SENBAZURU (9) A thousand paper cranes have Ezra unsub liberally (9) EZRAUNSUB* Timwi 0
2340 SENBAZURU (9) Sweden note that blue energy is an unsatisfactory folding challenge (9) SE+NB+AZUR(-e+U) Timwi 0
2343 SENBAZURU (9) Well-wishing thousand love the Zune bar us (9) ZUNEBARUS* / def: well-wishing thousand Timwi 0
2347 SET (3) Rigid? Testy? Grim? No thank you (3) TES(-ty)* Timwi 0
2348 MR BRIGHTSIDE (2, 10) Sir, quick! Face what the killers say (2 10) MR+BRIGHT+SIDE Timwi 0
2353 MR BRIGHTSIDE (2, 10) Single odd Mars bar wing, white suit dies (2, 10) MaRsBaRwInGwHiTeSuItDiEs Timwi 0
2356 MR BRIGHTSIDE (2, 10) British germ spreads amid demand for song of the decade (2, 10) (BRITISHGERM+D)* Timwi 0
2359 SET (3) Collectible card game (3) ddef.; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(card_game) Timwi 0
2364 SOKOBAN (7) Warehouse keeper shook toy boat end, oddly (7) ShOoKtOyBoAteNd Timwi 0
2365 ACCRETION (9) Supplement a nicer coat, weirdo. (9) (NICERCOAT)* Timwi 0
2386 INTERSECT (9) Meet me in front of the centers out there, Thomas. (9) I + CENTERS* + T (= Thomas in Western Union spelling alphabet) Timwi 0
2414 INTERNET TROLL (8, 5) Online commenter, not helpful shuffle, nor little rent (8, 5) (NOR LITTLE RENT)* / def: “online commenter, not helpful” Timwi 0
2416 REMIX (5) Reuse material from translated song lyrics fragments surrounding a vinyl (5) ddef: reuse material / translated song lyrics fragments surrounding a vinyl Timwi 0
2420 FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT (8, 9) Honest, that “nooser” evil frenzy was less than adequate for a person of high standing (8, 9) FRANK + (NOOSER EVIL)* + LT / def: adequate for a person of high standing Timwi 0
2431 SUNSHINE (8) Robbie Williams’ baboon went north-east after having seafood with nitrogen in it (8) def: baboon from “Me And My Monkey” by Robbie Williams = SU(N)SHI + NE Timwi 0
2459 OZONE (5) Strange zoo northeast of UV blocker (5) ZOO* + NE Timwi 0
2644 APPLAUD (7) Package hail salute (7) APP+LAUD Timwi 0
2645 THE GAMBIA (3, 6) Hypothesized ancient planet contains both whales and flat country (3, 6) THE(GAM+B)IA = “country” Timwi 0
2809 PUCCINI (7) Plutonium-carbon-carbon-indium-iodine composer (7) Chemical element symbols Timwi 0
2810 YUCCA (5) Yttrium-uranium-carbon-calcium plant (5) Chemical element symbols Timwi 0
2818 SUCCUBUS (8) Medieval legend Making History band not in Shatner movie (8) Making History (album) band = S.U.C.
Shatner movie = INCUBUS
SUC(-in)CUBUS = medieval legend
Timwi 0
2819 ZUCCHINI (8) Vegetable axis you copy your ass off the right ways (8) Z+U+CC+H(-e)INI(-e)
(the right ways = the easts)
Timwi 0
2820 LIGHT (5) A definite endless golden curtailed return to perch (5) A definite endless = TH(-e)
Golden curtailed = GIL(-t)
To perch = THGIL<
Timwi 0
2834 CARDINAL (8) Coach with currency changing a turn to see bird (8) CAR+DINA(-r+L) Timwi 0
2835 BULWER-LYTTON (6-6) Not the leader of twenty-one pilots in a tailspin west of endless oil-backing competition (6-6) [NOT+TYLRE+W+LUB(-e)]< Timwi 0
2844 NEWS (4) Frequent anger was a rumor (4) aNgErWaSa Timwi 0
2874 I DON’T KNOW (1, 4, 4) “Not Now, Kid” remix of Paul McCartney song (1, 4, 4) NOTNOWKID* Timwi 0
2885 CONSTANCE (9) Key new plan maker in a single-use lake (9) C (key) + [ STAN (new plan maker) in ONCE (a single use) ] Timwi 0
2886 VARIANCE (8) Shifting, blasting, changing a note and losing another inconsistency (8) “Shifting” = VARIABLE
“changing a note and losing another” = VARIA(-ti)N(-g+C)E
Timwi 0
2911 SPOONER (7) Sailing ship from Switzerland to Portugal through Antarctic bay (7) S(-ch+P)OONER Timwi 0
2912 QUIDNUNC (8) Busybody coins sister charge (8) QUID (coins, e.g. “it cost me 10 quid”) + NUN (sister) + C (charge) Timwi 0
2960 CASCADE (7) Classic candles regularly flood (7) ClAsSiCcAnDlEs Timwi 0
2962 IT (2) Neutered insect shell (2) I_T Timwi 0
2974 FIERY (5) Plant not about missing amount of roasting (5) (-re)FI(-n)ERY Timwi 0
2975 FIERY (5) Hot movie without live misery (5) FI(-l)(-m+ERY) Timwi 0
2983 BACTERIA (8) Sloth returned taxi back to cells (8) (AI + RET + CAB)< Timwi 0
2985 PHUB (4) Prioritize phone over Hungarian in lead (4) P(HU)B Timwi 0
2992 RELAYER (7) Yes album with arrangement of Earl Rye (7) EARLRYE* Timwi 0
3033 CLUE CONTAINING UR LAST WINNING CLUE’S ANSWER (?) Ol’ Constance, strangely, must remain open (6 5) CANNOT CLOSE* Timwi 0
3034 CLUE CONTAINING UR LAST WINNING CLUE’S ANSWER (?) Uh, Constance definitely knows her numbers (3 3 5) SHE CAN COUNT* Timwi 0
3221 CLUE CONTAINING A PIECE OR TERM FROM CHESS (?) Sticks to castling move (6, 2) CLINGS AT* Timwi 0
3223 CLUE CONTAINING A PIECE OR TERM FROM CHESS (?) South Italian guard’s gambit (8, 7) SICILIAN + DEFENSE Timwi 0
3354 PALINDROME (10) Perhaps racecar is hidden in opal in dromedary (10) _PAL IN DROME_ Timwi 0
3359 LEVEL FIFTY ONE (5, 5, 3) Tax tailless pixie, in case Northern Irish county isn’t right, dude (5, 5, 3) LEV(-y) + ELF + IF + TY(-r)ONE = dude Timwi 0
3362 LEVEL FIFTY ONE (5, 5, 3) Lines surround day before part success turns to failure and that drive vanishes in a towering story (5, 5, 3) Lines surround day before = L(EVE)L
part, success turns to failure = (-s+F)IFT
that, drive vanishes = YONDER-dr
a towering story = level 51 in a skyscraper, perhaps?
Timwi 0
3365 ISTHMUS (7) This sum sort of connects Suez, perhaps (7) (THIS SUM)* = connects Suez, perhaps Timwi 0
3408 WEB (3) Starts watching esteemed British documentary film (3) W_ E_ B_ = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_(2013_film) Timwi 0
3453 HUMAN (5) Hungarian male individual (5) HU + MAN Timwi 0
3454 HUMAN (5) Detailed color worker body (5) HU(-e) + MAN Timwi 0
3458 DANCER (6) Rhythmic mover turns vinyl or is not available (6) REC(-or+NA)D< Timwi 0
3459 BOURGEOIS (9) To an extent, sleep is only on in search of returning capitalist (9) (SI(-z+O)E + GRU(O)B)< Timwi 0
3461 CRADLE (6) First ward got round back support (6) First = ELDER (e.g. first son)
Ward = ER (emergency room)
ELD(-er+ARC)< = support
Timwi 0
3465 THING (5) Curious night incident (5) NIGHT* Timwi 0
3466 THING (5) Showering without bathroom fixture (5) (-ba)THING Timwi 0
3474 AMARETTO (8) Reddit questioning soak in honor of Italian crisp cookie (8) AMA (Reddit questioning) + RET (soak) + TO (in honor of) = Italian crisp cookie Timwi 0
3491 PROMISE (7) Experienced gentleman losing trust in word of honor (7) PRO + MISTER-tr = word of honor Timwi 0
3492 PROMISE (7) Contract phone card back into twisted rope (7) (please read “contract” as the verb in the surface :p)
SIM< in ROPE* = PRO(MIS<)E* = contract (oh look, it was the noun after all)
Timwi 0
3493 PROMISE (7) Sacred syllable in attempt to unlock vow (7) PR(OM)ISE = vow Timwi 0
3509 ERRATUM (7) Change back to first is real royal screw-up (7) MUTA(-t_+R+R)E< Timwi 0
3511 ERRATUM (7) Even Bear Bryant understands my first mistake (7) _E_R_R_A_T + U_ M_ = "mistake" Timwi 0
3513 ERRATUM (7) Two-thirds coy about Jack backing mistake (7) jack = sailor = tar
Timwi 0
3514 ORIFICE (7) GAP bag is on offer (7) (-sac+O)RIFICE = gap Timwi 0
3516 CRYPTIC CLUE (7, 4) Puzzle hints scream uncanny epic cult (7, 4) CRY + (EPIC CULT)* = obscure puzzle element
(a single cryptic clue contains multiple hints, so I claim the plural is fine :p)
Timwi 0
3525 LEONINE (7) Ferociously feline Tolstoy’s Circus Maximus album (7) LEO + NINE = ferociously feline Timwi 0
3562 JAMES CAAN (5, 4) Gamble in “Con Man”, Hooks in “Game Over”, About A Key in “Mother” (5, 4) JAN Hooks is an actress in “Game Over”
J(A+M(ESC)A)AN = actor who plays Agent Gamble in “Con Man”
Timwi 0
3563 JAMES CAAN (5, 4) Yes, German case man beats the Big Man from Dogville (5, 4) JA+(CASEMAN)* Timwi 0
3574 ASH (3) Residue of clean decapitation (3) (-w)ASH = “residue” Timwi 0
3575 ASH (3) KTANE modder has plan (3) HAS* Timwi 0
3576 TOLKIEN (7) Board game with English tireless author (7) T(-z)OLKI(E)N
Timwi 0
3578 TOLKIEN (7) Flimsy ten-kilo asteroid (7) TENKILO* (asteroid 2675) Timwi 0
3582 DEVIL (5) Divorced wicked beast (5) D + EVIL Timwi 0
3585 DEVIL (5) Dalmatian thief stayed back (5) LIVED< = (Cruella) de Vil Timwi 0
3596 INCUS (5) Atahualpa’s people’s answer is unsatisfactory sound transmitter (5) INC(-a+U)S Timwi 0
3599 INCUS (5) Malleus’s partner in endless swearing (5) IN + CUS(-s) Timwi 0
3604 BRUNCH (6) Type of moment eating North Carolina snack (6) BRU(NC)H = snack Timwi 0
3605 BRUNCH (6) Time to run into Bachelor of Surgery (6) B(RUN)CH Timwi 0
3613 BRUNCH (6) Organ lost before having kosher meal (6) BRANCH, lost A [=before], having U [=kosher]
BR(-a)(U)NCH = meal
Timwi 0
3615 JACKBOX (7) A few good men lead fight for party pack (7) A Few Good Men lead = Jack (Nicholson)
Timwi 0
3617 PERFORM (7) Do a cut (7) do = perform (def.)
a = PER (an apple a day = per day)
cut = shape = form
Timwi 0
3651 OOF (3) This means pain even to Goofy (3) (t)O(g)O(o)F(y) Timwi 0
3653 OOF (3) Dismayed response out of failure (3) O+O+F = dismayed response Timwi 0
3654 OOF (3) Roblox meme buried in bamboo forest (3) _OO F_ Timwi 0
3655 OOF (3) Melodramatic response to trimmed foot (3) (-h)OOF Timwi 0
3676 HALLOWEEN (9) Secretly shallow eeny-teeny trick-or-treating (9) _HALLOW EEN_ = teeny trick-or-treating (because let's face it, teens go trick-or-treating too) Timwi 0
3677 HALLOWEEN (9) Robert Hepler in Belgian municipality on October 31 (9) HAL(+LOWE)EN Timwi 0
3678 PLEDGE (6) Word in crippled German (6) Hidden word Timwi 0
3687 JACK-O'-LANTERN (4-1'-7) Normal membrane filters one tangled lock across initially jarring mirror sight on Halloween (4-1'-7) (N+RET(-i)NA+LOKC*+A+J)< = sight on Halloween Timwi 0
3688 JACK-O'-LANTERN (4-1'-7) Festive decoration beginning just before meals of nut and exotic poultry (4-1'-7) J_ + AC(=before meals) + KOLA + 'N' + TERN = festive decoration Timwi 0
3696 MASCARA (7) Cosmetic for mom’s coach area (7) MA’S + CAR + A Timwi 0
3707 ENGLISH (7) I'm in, taking note of philosopher Friedrich’s hot subject (7) Philosopher Friedrich’s = ENGELS’
ENG(-e)L(+I)S’ + H = subject (in school)
Timwi 0
3710 ENGLISH (7) Takes time and swallows $1000 to sign up Henry for literature class (7) EN(+G)LIS(-t) + H = literature class Timwi 0
3743 ZINFANDEL (9) Wine ordered from fine land after nap (9) Z + (FINELAND)* = wine Timwi 0
3747 SECURITY (8) Non-aggression pacts restored with one undetermined assurance (8) TRUCES backwards with I, then Y
SECUR(+I)T< + Y = assurance
Timwi 0
3769 SCRABBLE (8) Claw beetle capable of eating lava (8) SCARAB + ABLE - AA (a type of lava) = claw (v.) Timwi 0
3770 SCRABBLE (8) Botched BBC laser competition (8) (BBC LASER)* = competition Timwi 0
3796 AWAY (4) “Happy trees” Bob and Charlie return from New Guinea, ratite is gone (4) ROSS + C, reverse, remove from CASSOWARY (a New Guinea ratite).
(-c)A(-sso)WA(-r)Y = gone
Timwi 0
3804 HOT DOG (3, 3) Cooked canine food (3, 3) HOT+DOG Timwi 0
3815 BUTTER (6) Spread bravo, say (6) B + UTTER Timwi 0
3816 BUTTER (6) Cover servant list (6) [sorry elision :/ LIST = L is T] BUT(-l+T)ER Timwi 0
3817 BUTTER (6) Barn for gallons of sewer fat (6) (-g+B)UTTER Timwi 0
3841 SPEED (5) Change direction of use rate (5) SPE(-n+E)D Timwi 0
3876 VEGETABLE (9) Five beagles’ regular food is green and healthy (9) V + _E_G_E_ + TABLE
(Table n. = “the food and drink served at meals”)
Timwi 0
3877 VEGETABLE (9) Greens beg to leave party without love (9) (BEG T(-o) LEAVE)* Timwi 0
3900 ESCHATOLOGY (11) Unkosher tribute about gossip in such world-ending matters (11) E(-u)(S(CHAT)O)LOGY = world-ending matters Timwi 0
3905 BASS DROP (4, 4) OR BASSDROP (8) Not how PBS roadshow arranged a change of pace (8) (PBS ROADS -how)* Timwi 0
3906 BASS DROP (4, 4) OR BASSDROP (8) Dubstep stunt mysteriously adsorbs pressure (8) (BASSDRO)* + P Timwi 0
3953 ANY NON-ALPHANUMERIC GLYPH THAT ISN'T ♀ (1) Mouth box (1) 口 — looks like a box, means mouth in Chinese Timwi 0
3954 ANY NON-ALPHANUMERIC GLYPH THAT ISN'T ♀ (1) Paragraph about parking backwards (1) Timwi 0
3971 GOD MORGEN (3, 6) Oslo greeting even age-old “I’m sorry” Gretna (3, 6) aGeOlDiMsOrRyGrEtNa Timwi 0
4011 RESOLUTION (10) Ruling on wacky lotion ruse (10) (LOTION RUSE)* Timwi 0
4019 FUELS (5) Supplies from Tofu, El Salvador (5) Hidden word Timwi 0
4044 PI ( 2) Spike has character (2) Hidden word Timwi 0
4070 HEARTS (6) Game works, he's around (6) Hearts is a card game. HE(ART)S Timwi 0
4095 LOSE (4) Confuse the French with Unix, say (4) L(OS)E; LE (the, French) with OS (operating system; Unix, say); def=confuse, as in “you lost me” Timwi 0
4096 LOSE (4) Untidy Leos are defeated (4) LEOS*; def=“are defeated” Timwi 0
4097 LOSE (4) Greetings downright fail (4) “Greetings!” = “lo!”
Downright = SE (south-east)
Fail = LO+SE
Timwi 0
4101 MARRY (5) Enter into Bond movie: antagonist R.R. (yep, initials) (5) Enter into bond = MARRY
M_ A_ R_ R_ Y_
Timwi 0
4108 CONTEST (7) Deacon testified in trial (7) Hidden word Timwi 0
4118 PACKET (6) Wild carbon in-take connected to power box (6) P+A(C)KET* Timwi 0
4129 ANY CLUE THAT CONTAINS ITS ANSWER (?) This clue’s solution to be found during Summit Sans Werewolves (3,6) _ITS ANSWER_ Timwi 0
4132 PACKET (6) Science fiction visor isn't right but turns a fortune (6) Science fiction = TREK
Visor = CAP
(PAC+KE(-r)T)< = fortune (a lot of money)
Timwi 0
4143 NO (2) Knowledge breeds denial (2) _NO_ Timwi 0
4145 NO (2) Can one contain rejection? (2) _N O_; def is noun sense of no (e.g. is that a no?) Timwi 0
4146 PERU (4) Country outline without electricity (4) Outline = APERCU
Electricity = A.C.
(-a)PER(-c)U = country
Timwi 0
4153 NORMALCY (8) Standard clay, unusual prevalence (8) NORM+CLAY* Timwi 0
4165 SHATTER (7) Some “First!” troll has time to kill (7) some first = S_
troll = HATER
has time = +T
S_ + HAT(+T)ER = kill
Timwi 0
4173 SPAR (4) Knocks back dispute (4) RAPS< Timwi 0
4174 INCANDESCENT (12) Bright turndown of indecent scan (12) INCANDESCENT* Timwi 0
4175 INCANDESCENT (12) Shiny reorder of canned insect (12) INCANDESCENT* Timwi 0
4183 TRIP (4) Trimmed strips fall (4) _TRIP_ Timwi 0
4184 SAFE (4) Odd star-free vault (4) S_A_F_E_ Timwi 0
4203 ZOOM (4) Caesar's fourteen settle around a bucket (4) settle = LAY
settle around a = LAAY
Caesar shift +14 = ZOOM = bucket (v.)
Timwi 0
4220 FUNHOUSE (8) Building with attractions, e.g. tailless dog entangled in blend (8) F(UNHO-d)*USE = building with attractions, e.g. Timwi 0
4235 CHRYSOBERYL (11) Gem by Chel: “Sorry!” Awful. (11) BYCHELSORRY* Timwi 0
4236 TURNIP (6) Root has no energy per unit ordered (6) P(-e)RUNIT* Timwi 0
4280 ANOTHER (7) A throne, strangely, is an extra (7) ANOTHER* = an extra Timwi 0
4281 BESIDE (6) Except Abe's idea material (6) _BE’S IDE_ = except Timwi 0
4283 BENDY (5) Striped by surrounding border (5) B(END)Y = striped (in heraldry) Timwi 0
4301 ARENDELLE (9) Double-kerned Thorowgood typeface and inhabitants of fairy-tale kingdom (9) (-cl)AREND(-on) + (-dw)ELLE(-rs) Timwi 0
4319 SOCIAL DISTANCING (6,10) Crazy dancing socialist maintaining personal space (6, 10) SOCIALDISTANCING* Timwi 0
4320 SOCIAL DISTANCING (6,10) Partner drug with dose coloration; name is about pandemic mitigation strategy (6, 10) SO+(CIAL(D)IS)+TAN(-n+C)ING = pandemic mitigation strategy Timwi 0
4333 UTADA HIKARU (5, 6) Voilà! In, er... Kolss’s chess program, no small performer of Distance (5, 6) Kolss’s chess program = IKARUS.
U(TADA)H + IKARU(-s) = performer of Distance
Timwi 0
4340 CORPOREAL (9) Poor Clare, deranged mortal (9) POORCLARE* Timwi 0
4341 CORPOREAL (9) Physical sign is not genuine (9) “sign is not” = SCORPIO without IS
(-s)CORP(-i)O + REAL = physical
Timwi 0
4348 SCALAR (6) Quantity of wings made to follow initial specification cycle (6) of wings = ALAR
S_ + C + ALAR = quantity
Timwi 0
4356 INTERNET STALKING (8, 8) Online tracking has rest frequently added in bird’s vocalization (8, 8) IN TERN(_E_T)’S TALKING = online tracking Timwi 0
4358 ENDOTHERMIC (11) Kill fresh bug, absorbing heat (11) END+OTHER+MIC = absorbing heat Timwi 0
4359 ENDOTHERMIC (11) Warm-blooded native has right to eat hot puree (11) END(OTH*)E(R)MIC = warm-blooded Timwi 0
4374 AXIS (4) Rod that spins while containing letter (4) A(XI)S = rod that spins Timwi 0
4388 CELERY (6) Yell about skirmish in which I died a vegetable (6) C((-m)ELE(-e))RY = a vegetable Timwi 0
4391 DELIVERY (8) Include liver you partially transfer (8) _DE LIVER Y_ Timwi 0
4423 ATLANTIS (8) Book brought to a strange, dogless island described by Plato (8) a strange = A+OUTLANDISH
dogless = remove HOUND
book brought to = insert NT (New Testament)
A+(-ou)TLA(-nd+NT)IS(-h) = island described by Plato
Timwi 0
4425 HAIR (4) Hundred-seat dash?? (4) OK, hear me out. A seat is a chair, right? That’s c-hair, or centihair, so a hundred seat is obviously a hair. A hair of something is also a small amount, as is a dash of it. So... HAIR! Right?... Hm?... Yeah, me neither Timwi 0
4426 ANTIDOTE (8) Unkosher relative invites Yakko’s sister for corrective measure (8) Anyone remember Animaniacs?
A(-u)NTI(+DOT)E = corrective measure
Timwi 0
4431 QUARTIC (7) Fourth-degree city almost backed out after half-quarrels (7) QUAR_ + (-y)TIC< Timwi 0
4432 QUARTIC (7) Each skinned figure put a polynomial (7) figure = SQUARE
put = STICK
each skinned = _QUAR_+_TIC_ = a polynomial
Timwi 0
4447 GLOBAL (6) Involving the whole world turned even college science room around (6) _G_L_O_< (turned even college) + BAL< (science room, around) = involving the whole world Timwi 0
4448 WITH THE LIGHTS OUT (4, 3, 6, 3) Showing the 2016 Sandberg horror film in darkness (4, 3, 6, 3) showing = WITH (e.g. “he gave the presentation with/showing PowerPoint slides”)
the = THE
2016 Sandberg horror film = LIGHTS OUT
“in darkness” is the def
Timwi 0
4449 WITH THE LIGHTS OUT (4, 3, 6, 3) In total darkness while lacking that slight edge going forward (4, 3, 6, 3) while = containment indicator
lacking = WITHOUT
that = THE
slight, edge going forward = (-s)LIGHT(+S)
WITH(THE+(-s)LIGHT(+S))OUT = in total darkness
Timwi 0
4451 BOOMER (6) Mangled ribosome is not of a recent generation (6) R(-i)BO(-s)OME* Timwi 0
4460 PENALTY (7) Regrouped ten play soccer shot (7) TENPLAY* Timwi 0
4468 ATROPOS (7) Such style — a returning goddess (7) (A+TROP+OS)< = goddess. “style”=“port” as in demeanor Timwi 0
4473 BOB MARLEY (3, 6) Reggae pioneer initially believed no grain contains metal (3, 6) B_ + O + B(+M)ARLEY = Reggae pioneer Timwi 0
4484 METALLIC PUNISHER (8, 8) Element 50 cooler contains correct song from “Arcaea” (8, 8) METAL [element] + L [50, Roman numeral] + ICER [cooler] contains PUNISH [correct, v.]
METAL+L+IC(PUNISH)ER = song from “Arcaea”
Timwi 0
4489 HEALTH (6) Cure thorium for well-being (6) HEAL+TH Timwi 0
4490 HEALTH (6) Constitution is niche, although partly (6) _HE ALTH_ Timwi 0
4501 WEALTH (6) Mark Thorium for prosperity (6) WEAL, n.: a raised mark on the surface of the body produced by a blow
Timwi 0
4511 COMPATIBLE (10) Cognate radium and titanium switch consonant (10) COMPA(-ra+TI)BLE
I’m hoping that “cognate” looks like the definition and “switch consonant” like wordplay, but actually “consonant” is the definition part
Timwi 0
4513 SORE (4) Pain from breaking Eros (4) SORE* Timwi 0
4922 INTEGRAL (8) Basic skewed triangle (8) INTEGRAL* Timwi 0
4997 LAME DUCK (4, 4) Consumed by fortune, deranged dame obtains disabled waterbird (4, 4) L(AMED*)UCK Timwi 0
5015 RARE CANDY (4, 5) Generation-V reviver Newman who sings about Maple comeback (4, 5) RANDY (Newman who sings) about ACER<
RA(RECA<)NDY = Generation-V reviver
Timwi 0
5031 BUTTERSCOTCH (12) Involved in messed-up total scam not made for candy (12) B(UTTER + SC(-am))OTCH(-ed) Timwi 0
5165 RETRONYM (8) Spanish king devours sci-fi movie before making first regular coffee, e.g. (8) RE(TRON)Y + M_ = regular coffee, e.g. Timwi 0
5359 GO (2) Sound from annoying otter (2) _G O_ = sound as in “hear the alarm sound” = “hear the alarm go” Timwi 0
5405 CLICK (5) Band delivers African sound (5) “clique” homophone = CLICK (type of consonant in some African languages) Timwi 0
8356 PANCAKE (7) Land of the kneecap (7) “of the” = letter bank indicator. Def = land (as in, pull off a pancake landing) Timwi 0
8416 MASTERMIND (10) Captain Fancy Plan (10) MASTER (captain, n.) + MIND (fancy, n., as in “changed my mind”) = MASTERMIND (plan, v., as in “to mastermind a heist”) Timwi 0
8431 REJOIN (6) Lunatic on Jeri’s comeback (6) Anagram of ONJERI Timwi 0
8445 ANY ONE-WORD BAND NAME (?) Irish people’s spirit after messing up stew (8) WEST*+LIFE Timwi 0
8446 AUSTRALIAN OPEN (10, 4) A guest regularly recalls finger paint with outdoors tennis concept (10, 4) A_U_S_ + (TRA LIAN)< + OPEN = tennis concept Timwi 0
8475 TAX (3) Endless ride money (3) Is it money for an endless ride or endless money for rides? Nobody knows!
Timwi 0
8481 TIGER (5) The first king, Henry, regularly said: “Under pressure, you can win with your mind.” (5) Def.: Said: “Under pressure, you can win with your mind.” (a quote from Tiger Woods)
The first = T
King Henry regularly: _I_G _E_R_
Timwi 0
8482 OUROBOROS (9) Our wind’s energy is rather odd — starts like a snake that bites itself in the tail (9) Our = OUR
Wind’s = OBOES
Energy is... = replace E with...
Rather odd starts = R_ O_
Def: like a snake that bites itself in the tail
Timwi 0
8484 TEN-FOUR (3-4) X4? Got it. (3-4) X=ten, 4=four, def=got it Timwi 0
8488 FLACON (6) Bizarre falcon bottle (6) :-p
Timwi 0
8489 FLACON (6) Bottle of Clan Queer (6) :-p
Timwi 0
12921 IN VAIN (2 4) Unprofitable tavern with people (2 4) IN(VAI)N — the Vai are a minority ethnicity in Liberia Timwi 0

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