Contests started: OVERMORROW (10), ALBATROSS (9), TOPIARY (7), STANCHION (9), OUTER (5), WAHOO (5), SIXTEEN (7), CHARCUTERIE (11), LIMINAL (7), QUOKKA (6), FARGO (5), EMACS (5)
Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
9914 | CLUE THAT HAS A DIFFERENT ANSWER DEPENDING ON WHETHER IT’S INTERPRETED BEFORE OR AFTER THE YEAR 1868 (?) | "First President with alive parents is extremely nurturing" - Observer Olivia, Northern Egypt (5) | Pre-1868 parse: Nurturing Observer Olivia Northern Egypt NO ONE has been elected president whose parents were alive. (Also it's <1868, so there's no space in NOONE.) Post-1868 parse: nurturinG observeR oliviA northerN egypT GRANT was elected in 1868. Research began and ended with |
dpad | 5 |
10786 | STEVIA (6) | Toothpaste vials found to contain artificial sweetener (6) | toothpaSTE VIAls found to contain = hidden word artificial sweetener = definition |
dpad | 5 |
11328 | WHITE WHALE (5, 5) | My obsession? Hearing a ghoul scream. (5, 5) | My obsession = definition Hearing = homophone ghoul scream = WIGHT WAIL |
dpad | 5 |
11994 | OFFICER (7) | Kill, kill! Right, sergeant? (7) | Kill = OFF kill = ICE Right = R sergeant = def |
dpad | 5 |
9329 | FOSSIL (6) | Borealis software reveals twisted relic. (6) | boreaLIS SOFtware reveals = hidden word twisted = reversed relic = definition |
dpad | 4 |
9333 | EGREGIOUS (9) | Like using any random phrase as an anagram indicator, e.g., "I grouse". | &lit Like using any random phrase as an anagram indicator - anagram indicator EGIGROUSE - anagram fodder |
dpad | 4 |
9523 | AREPA (5) | Software package Easter egg is a corny treat. (5) | softwARE PAckage Easter egg - hidden word indicator is a - link corny treat - def |
dpad | 4 |
11101 | CHARLOTTE (9) | A sweet web admin? (9) | A sweet = def, web-admin = punny def, |
dpad | 4 |
9153 | CLOUDS (6) | Computer science is about noisy services like Azure and AWS. (6) | Computer science = CS About = containing Noisy = LOUD Services like Azure and AWS = def |
dpad | 3 |
9305 | GENTOO (6) | Regularly agree not to top Linux distribution. (6) | Regularly = every other letter aGrEe NoT tO tOp Linux distribution = def |
dpad | 3 |
9330 | ARCHIVE (7) | Gas plant storage. (7) | Gas - AR (argon) plant - CHIVE storage - definition |
dpad | 3 |
9355 | A CLUE THAT ONLY WORKS IF ONE ASCRIBES TO A WIDELY DEBUNKED CONSPIRACY THEORY (?) | Outstanding saint hosts pyramid builder. (7) | Outstanding - def saint - ST hosts - {containing} pyramid builder - ALIEN |
dpad | 3 |
9398 | TREMOR (6) | Shake unrestrained nucleus, then shake more. (6) | Shake - def unresTRained - TR nucleus - center then - {unexciting placement word} shake - anagram indicator MORE - anagram fodder |
dpad | 3 |
9455 | ZUGZWANG (8) | Zeus' gaze oddly on Vera in a tight spot. (8) | ZeUs' GaZe oddly - {every other letter} on - {next to} Vera - designer vera WANG in a tight spot - def |
dpad | 3 |
9519 | FLICK (5) | Snap at frustratingly witless Professor. (5) | Snap - def at - {connector} frustratingly - {anagrind} witless - drop <WIT> Professor - FLItwiCK |
dpad | 3 |
9902 | CODSWALLOP (10) | Fish thrash foolish ideas. (10) | Fish - CODS thrash - WALLOP foolish ideas - def |
dpad | 3 |
10129 | BROMIDE (7) | Wife-to-be internalizing a mantra - so cliché (7) | Wife-to-be = BRIDE internalizing = containing a mantra = OM so cliché = definition |
dpad | 3 |
10191 | FLAKE (5) | Regularly film a skier and a bit of snow (5) | Regularly = every other letter FiLm A sKiEr and = link a bit of snow = definition |
dpad | 3 |
10716 | LICENSE (7) | It says you can essentially sponsor basic science following bugs (7) | It says you can = definition essentially = middle letters spoNsor baSic sciEnce following = after bugs = LICE |
dpad | 3 |
11045 | MATCHA (6) | Tea before a game (6) | Tea = definition before = juxtaposition A game = MATCH |
dpad | 3 |
11061 | BATHTUB (7) | Gin is made here with barium, some THC, and, oddly, thumbs (7) | Gin is made here = definition, with = link barium = BA some THc oddly = every other letter ThUmBs |
dpad | 3 |
11364 | HYPE (4) | Lengthy period full of excitement (4) | lengtHY PEriod | dpad | 3 |
11634 | LIMESTONE (9) | Elvis meets at lounge regularly, providing rock (9) | eLvIsMeEtSaTlOuNgE regularly = every other letter providing = link rock = def |
dpad | 3 |
11909 | CLEAT (5) | Shoe oddly called art (5) | CaLlEdArT | dpad | 3 |
11976 | EIGENLETTER (11) | Elite regent organizes two characters in similar spots (11) | ELITE REGENT = anagram fodder organizes = anagrind two characters in similar spots = def |
dpad | 3 |
12085 | WOOF (4) | Whiskey? Yikes, that's... gonna be a yikes from me dawg (4) | Whiskey = W Yikes = OOF that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg = def (yarr, me dawg say WOOF on occasion, 'tis the only word he knows!) |
dpad | 3 |
9081 | ANY TITLE OF A SONG, WHEREIN THE CLUE MUST CONTAIN LYRICS FROM THAT SONG (?) | I have changed, swapping dimensions after it's dead but there's a DJ Mayonnaise album. (5 5) | <I have> {changed}(anag) {swapping dimensions}(swap H to L) after {it's dead} (STILL) but there's [a DJ Mayonnaise album]. (5 5) I have changed = Mirror's Edge _Still Alive_ Dead but there's still = Portal _Still Alive_ |
dpad | 2 |
9114 | MOTHER (6) | The parent that's more like an insect. (6) | [The parent] that's more like(ER) an insect(ER) | dpad | 2 |
9115 | SPRING (6) | Pool season. (6) | Double def. | dpad | 2 |
9168 | LIAISON (7) | Fifty-one AIs covering Bond. (7) | Fifty-one = LI AIs = AIS covering = ON bond = def. |
dpad | 2 |
9174 | HÉLOÏSE (7) | Nun, He, and Lamed occur in scripture entrance exams primarily. (7) | [Nun], HE, and Lamed Occur In Scripture entrance(first letters) Exams primarily(first letter). | dpad | 2 |
9223 | CAPITAL (7) | Ripken munches on bread with hockey player. (7) | Ripken(CAL) munches on{contains} bread(PITA) with [hockey player]. | dpad | 2 |
9245 | A CLUE THAT HAS A DIFFERENT ANSWER DEPENDING ON WHETHER AMERICAN OR BRITISH ENGLISH IS USED (?) | First floor's Tlingit roommate urgently crashed Kyle's van. (5) | US: First floor's = first letters Tlingit Roommate Urgently Crashed Kyle's [van] UK: First floor = the floor above ground = second letters tLingit rOommate uRgently cRashed kYle's [van] |
dpad | 2 |
9246 | GARBAGE (7) | Fashion era riffraff. (7) | Fashion(GARB) era(AGE) [riffraff]. | dpad | 2 |
9328 | CINNAMON (8) | Theater cat leaves game of _Betrayal_ after action and even spice! (8) | Theater Cat (GUS) leaves{drop} Game of betrayal (AMONGUS) after{placement} aCtIoN aNd even{even letters} spice - def |
dpad | 2 |
9331 | PAPYRUS (7) | Font of syrup pa spills. (7) | Font - def (of - connector) SYRUP PA - anagram fodder spills - {anagram indicator} |
dpad | 2 |
9371 | ANY CLUE THAT HAS A DIFFERENT ANSWER BASED ON WHETHER IT'S AN ACROSS CLUE OR A DOWN CLUE (?) | This clue's direction? Primarily, mock fantasy character. | This clue's direction? - Across/Down Primarily, - take first letter mock - RAG ON fantasy character - def/def |
dpad | 2 |
9377 | COURTESY (8) | Favor octopus' rather shy regularity. (8) | Favor - def oCtOpUs' RaThEr ShY regularity - every other letter |
dpad | 2 |
9392 | ECCEDENTESIAST (14) | Characters in the distance identify a stepford wife. (14) | Characters in the = bank indicator DISTANCE = letter bank identify = connector a stepford wife = def |
dpad | 2 |
9416 | SALAD (5) | Liberal left Texan city, flipped to Green Party? (5) | Liberal - L left - delete Texan city - DALLAS flipped - backwards to - {connector} Green Party - salad |
dpad | 2 |
9493 | SPATCHCOCK (10) | Prepare chicken with one third pasta and a hint of tomato, then tip over anchovy and artichoke hearts. (10) | Prepare chicken - def with - {connector} one third pasta - SPAghetti and - {juxtaposition} a hint of - {first letter} Tomato then - {juxtaposition} tip - COCK over - {containing} ancHovy and artiChoke hearts - {middle letters} |
dpad | 2 |
9535 | MANTISSA (8) | Woman eats a bug on a bit of a log. (8) | Woman - MISS eats - containing a bug - ANT on - {atop} A bit of a log - def |
dpad | 2 |
9546 | JACKAL (6) | Sweet-talk the reverend's wild dog. (6) | Sweet-talk - CAJOLE the reverend's - spoonerism wild dog - definition |
dpad | 2 |
9556 | REPECHAGE (9) | Extra heat makes pancake bubble up with gas and time. (9) | Extra heat - def makes - connector pancake - CREPE bubble up - rotate to REPEC with gas - H and time - AGE |
dpad | 2 |
9570 | ASPECT (6) | Detail in a shirt's appearance. (6) | Detail - SPEC in - contained A shirt - T appearance - def |
dpad | 2 |
9578 | LYNX (4) | In Brooklyn, Xavier finds a Minnesota team. (4) | In... finds - hidden word brookLYNXavier a Minnesota team - def |
dpad | 2 |
9587 | CASHEW (6) | Content warning: ||contains Arthur's nut|| (6) | Content Warning: contains Arthur - ASHE nut - definition |
dpad | 2 |
9650 | ABANDON (7) | Withdraw blood and more blood from donor's heart. (7) | Withdraw - def blood - AB AND more blood - O from... 's heart - {middle letter} doNor |
dpad | 2 |
9679 | UNICODE (7) | School program with a ton of characters. (7) | School - UNI program - CODE with - link a ton of characters - def |
dpad | 2 |
9683 | SUPERTEAM (9) | Steam up re: confusing the Avengers with the Justice League. (9) | Steam up re - anagram fodder confusing - anagrind the Avengers with the Justice League - definitely a SUPERTEAM |
dpad | 2 |
9686 | ANY CLUE THAT HAS NO LETTERS IN COMMON WITH ITS ANSWER (?) | Beat up driver event? (4) | Beat - FLOG up - reversal driver event? - def GOLF |
dpad | 2 |
9710 | PODCAST (7) | People talking online results in shattered DotA PCs. (7) | People talking online - def results in - link shattered - anagrind DOTAPCS - anagram fodder |
dpad | 2 |
9715 | ANY CLUE THAT IS ALSO A COMPLETE LIE (?) | Hershey's candy is made of berries and cake. (3 8) | Hershey's candy - def, ICE BREAKERS is made of ... and ... - anagrind BERRIES CAKE - anagram fodder |
dpad | 2 |
9739 | ANY CLUE WITH TWO DIFFERENT ANSWERS DEPENDING ON WHETHER IT’S INTERPRETED IN BRITISH ENGLISH OR AMERICAN ENGLISH (?) | Refuse passengers running undersea bachelor brewpub _Iguana Swimming Hole_. (7) | US: Refuse - def passengers - passengers get in on the right side of the car, so we take those letters runninG underseA bacheloR brewpuB iguanA swimmingG holE UK: Refuse - def passengers - passengers get in on the left side of the car, so we take those letters Running Undersea Bachelor Brewpub Iguana Swimming Hole |
dpad | 2 |
9817 | CLUE THAT'S ENTIRELY IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ANSWER, DEFINITION, AND CRYPTIC READING) | | Jedi foe - def partially disbars - remove bars from one letter, see half a prison - SING-sing |
dpad | 2 |
9859 | AQUARIUM (8) | Schoolhouse resizes a constellation? (8) | Schoolhouse - def, home to a school of fish resizes - S->M a constellation - AQUARIUS |
dpad | 2 |
9880 | DETOUR (6) | Trends oddly flip before our departure. | TrEnDs oddly flip - DET before - juxtaposition OUR departure - def |
dpad | 2 |
9949 | CORNER (6) | Heartless medical examiner's catch-22 (6) | Heartless = drop middle letter medical examiner = CORoNER 's = link catch-22 = def, a troubling situation (backed into a corner) |
dpad | 2 |
10115 | ANY WORD OR PHRASE CONTAINING EXACTLY ONE HUNDRED LETTERS (?) | _King of the Hill_ episode with characters from _Cave Prowling Myths_ (4,7,2,3,8,7,3,10,2,7,5,2,3,8,7,3,10,2,7) | King of the Hill episode = definition with characters from = letter bank indicator Cave Prowling Myths = letter bank What Happens at the National Propane Gas Convention in Memphis Stays at the National Propane Gas Convention in Memphis |
dpad | 2 |
10139 | BOUNTY (6) | Premium nut chewed and swallowed by a kid (6) | Premium = def NUT = anagram fodder chewed = anagrind and swallowed by = contained in a kid = BOY |
dpad | 2 |
10306 | TERRITORY (9) | Habitat is really empty after moving otter outside of Rhode Island (9) | Habitat = definition is = link ReallY empty = outer letters after = juxtaposition moving = anagrind OTTER = anagram fodder outside of = containing Rhode Island |
dpad | 2 |
10377 | PIPIS (5) | Two detectives initially stumble identifying some shellfish (5) | Two = repeat detectives = PI initially = first letter Stumble identifying = link some shellfish = definition |
dpad | 2 |
10689 | TAKOYAKI (8) | Weirdly okay chip-wrapped snack (8) | Weirdly = anagrind OKAY = fodder chip = TAKI wrapped = inside snack = definition |
dpad | 2 |
10766 | SEXTANT (7) | Star-gazer confuses Texan in the middle of the street (7) | Star-gazer - definition confuses = anagrind TEXAN in the middle of = contained in the street = ST |
dpad | 2 |
10777 | THE GAME (3, 4) | Teams argue that regularly making sacrifices brought about a cognitohazard (3, 4) | tEaMs ArGuE tHaT regularly making sacrifices = every other letter brought about = reversal a cognitohazard = definition (Don't skip sleep during hunts!) |
dpad | 2 |
10827 | SWANS (5) | Game saw Magnus making regular sacrifices (5) | Game = definition, one of the collective nouns for a group of swans is a game (per wiki) SaW mAgNuS making regular sacrifices = every other letter |
dpad | 2 |
10863 | ANANASSA (8) | NASA reorgs twice, develops a strawberry (8) | NASA = anagram fodder (twice) reorgs = anagrind develops = link a strawberry = definition |
dpad | 2 |
11014 | GOOSE (5) | Cobra Chicken Beer - made with love! (5) | Cobra Chicken = def, Beer = GOSE made with = insert love = O |
dpad | 2 |
11343 | ACROSTIC (8) | An angry bug reportedly just looking at first letters (8) | An angry bug = A CROSS TICK reportedly = homophone just looking at first letters = def |
dpad | 2 |
11409 | SHOGI (5) | Gosh, I am struggling at chess (5) | GOSHI = anagram fodder am struggling at = anagrind chess = definition |
dpad | 2 |
11501 | CARET (5) | Scare tactics involving a powerful character? (5) | sCARETactics involving = hidden word a powerful character = def, in some programming languages, ^ is used for exponentiation |
dpad | 2 |
11556 | S (1) | Letter to an allegedly arty connector? (1) | Letter = def allegedly = homophone arty connector = R-T connector |
dpad | 2 |
11642 | EDGE CASE (4 4) | Boundary condition caused meltdown e.g. ceased (4 4) | Boundary condition = def caused = link meltdown = anagrind EGCEASED = anagram fodder |
dpad | 2 |
11910 | AUTHENTIC (9) | You and that chicken broke into the attic? For real? (9) | You = U that chicken = HEN broke into the = container indicator ATTIC for = link real = definition |
dpad | 2 |
11925 | SLIM (4) | Shady fellow? It's me, trying on every size! (4) | Slim fellow = def (Slim Shady) me = I trying on = containment indicator every size = S L M |
dpad | 2 |
11964 | FOLDEROL (8) | Fool loses love, embraces older nonsense (8) | FoOL loses love = drop one O embraces = surrounding OLDER nonsense = def |
dpad | 2 |
11979 | KRAMPUS (7) | Oddly, Korean MapQuest leads to a monster (7) | Oddly = every other letter KoReAnMaPqUeSt (Hey kids! Back before google maps, we had to use to get places _and_ we had to print it out ahead of time! Wild!) leads to = link a monster = def |
dpad | 2 |
12040 | ASTRAY (6) | Hydrogen-free cigarette receptacle gone wrong (6) | Hydrogen-free = drop H cigarette receptacle = AShtray gone wrong = definition |
dpad | 2 |
12087 | MEOW (4) | Persian's greeting reaches Emperor Wu regularly (4) | Persian's greeting = definition reaches = link eMpErOr Wu regularly = every other letter. |
dpad | 2 |
12311 | REDACT (6) | Edit inspired action piece (6) | Edit = def inspiRED ACTion piece = hidden word indicator |
dpad | 2 |
9096 | HAYWIRE (7) | "Straw" (with anger) "all yellow in Wordle!" (7) | Straw(HAY) with(W) anger(IRE) [all yellow in Wordle](yellow letters in wordle mean they're in the wrong place) | dpad | 1 |
9122 | FINALE (6) | Find Alex cut short at wrap-up. (6) | FINd ALEx cut short(remove last letters) at [wrap-up]. | dpad | 1 |
9154 | INCORRIGIBLE (12) | Scruffy corgi rib line can't be fixed. (12) | Scruffy (anag.) <CORGI RIB LINE> [can't be fixed] | dpad | 1 |
9167 | TICONDEROGA (11) | New York fort before the German icon puts on a robe. (11) | New York fort = def before = placement the German = DER icon = ICON puts on = inside robe = TOGA T(ICON+DER)OGA |
dpad | 1 |
9175 | ENTERPRISE | Venture to genetically modify, ripen trees. (10) | Venture = definition genetically modify = anagram RIPENTREES = anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
9179 | BOONDOGGLE (10) | Artifice is a godsend to pup with broken leg. (10) | [Artifice] is a godsend(BOON) to pup(DOG) with broken <LEG>. | dpad | 1 |
9202 | BROADWAY (8) | Wicked location to laugh loudly about cry of pain when stabbed by plug. (8) | Wicked location - Wicked is a musical on Broadway to laugh loudly - BRAY about - containing cry of pain - OW when stabbed by - containing plug - AD BR(O(AD)W)AY |
dpad | 1 |
9213 | FOUR-LETTER WORD (4-6, 4) | Loud lead-free dour mail item: "WotC dark foes flip like each term here." (4-6 4) | Loud(F) lead-free{drop first letter} dOUR mail item(LETTER) WotC dark foes(DROW) flip{reverse} [like each term here] | dpad | 1 |
9222 | BASMATI (7) | Rice mat bias is problematic. (7) | Rice - def MAT BIAS - anagram fodder is problematic - anagram indicator |
dpad | 1 |
9225 | OBVIATE (7) | Anticipate lithium-free memory charm. (7) | [Anticipate] lithium-free(-LI) memory charm(OBliVIATE). | dpad | 1 |
9232 | CONCERTO (8) | Instrumented piece with Spanish core corrupted over time. (8) | [Instrumented piece] with Spanish(CON) <CORE> corrupted over{containing} Time. | dpad | 1 |
9252 | SPIRIT LEVEL (6, 5) | Elvis' triple-retuned instrument. (6, 5) | <elvistriple> retuned{anag.} [instrument] | dpad | 1 |
9306 | DOUBLE SIDED (6, 5) | Two-faced claim -"of course the cow was seen!" (6, 5) | Two-faced - def claim - homophone of course - DUH the cow - BULL was seen - SIGHTED |
dpad | 1 |
9309 | HABANERO (8) | Spicy pepper and bad brains regularly eaten by hero. (8) | Spicy pepper = definition bAd BrAiNs regularly = ABAN eaten by = contained in HERO H(ABAN)ERO |
dpad | 1 |
9321 | BUFFET (6) | Strike a psychic Pokémon after scratching its head a lot. (6) | Strike - def a psychic Pokémon - WOBBUFFET scratching its head a lot - drop WOB |
dpad | 1 |
9322 | SMORGASBORD (11) | Mishmash of endless campfire treats and smoke oddly abhorred. (11) | Mishmash - def (of - connection) endless campfire treats - SMORes (and) smoke - GAS oddly abhorred - aBhOrReD |
dpad | 1 |
9323 | TRANSNISTRIA (12) | Even out terrain using inset artisan breakaway state. (12) | Even out - (drop evens) TeRrAiN uSiNg InSeT aRtIsAn breakaway state - def |
dpad | 1 |
9327 | PATHETIC (8) | Sad about the plastic dropping two sizes. (8) | Sad - def about - containing the - THE plastic - PLASTIC dropping two sizes - drop L and S PA(THE)TIC |
dpad | 1 |
9342 | ANY CLUE BEGINNING WITH "HARRY POTTER AND" (?) | Harry Potter and the Steadily Retreating Head Infection (5) | Harry Potter And The Steadily retreating - reversal head - first letters Infection - definition |
dpad | 1 |
9351 | FISHING (7) | Seeking animated shin gif. (7) | Seeking - def animated - anagram indicator SHINGIF - anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
9372 | BLESS (5) | Ballets as odd praise. (5) | BaLlEtS aS odd - odd letters praise - def |
dpad | 1 |
9387 | SPACEMAN (8) | Astronaut's coming back from Codename: Capsule. (8) | Astronaut's - def coming back - reversal from - hidden word codeNAME: CAPSule |
dpad | 1 |
9407 | IOUEA (5) | Pilot uses a regular old sponge. (5) | pIlOt UsEs A regular - every other letter old sponge - def. |
dpad | 1 |
9408 | SPLENDOR (8) | _Bejeweled_ game involves removing duplicates from organ entrance. (8) | _Bejeweled_ game - def (BGG 148228) involves - link removing duplicates from - for any letter that shows up more than once, replace it with just one copy of itself organ - SPLEeN entrance - DOoR |
dpad | 1 |
9411 | CENTER (6) | Penny... uh... core? | Penny - CENT uh - ER core - def |
dpad | 1 |
9432 | FEINT (5) | "I heard it's a barely noticeable fake." (5) | I heard it's a - homophone indicator barely noticeable - FAINT fake - def |
dpad | 1 |
9433 | BREACH (6) | The break-in's about... about a famous musician? (6) | The break-in's - def about - {around} about - RE a famous musician - BACH |
dpad | 1 |
9436 | CHTHONIC (8) | Infernal speedster loses Sajak's wares over a fake coin. (8) | Infernal - def speedster - CHEETAH loses Sajak's wares - drop the vowels, EEA over - (useless) positioning indicator a fake - {anagram indicator} COIN - anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
9448 | EA-NASIR (2-5) | Copper swindler's arena is reforging. (2-5) | Copper swindler - def ARENA IS - anagram fodder reforging - anagram indicator |
dpad | 1 |
9486 | PERPETUITY (10) | Eternity appears pretty, even without bearing harmony. (10) | Eternity - def aPpEaRs PrEtTy even - even letters without - drop bearing - N harmony - UnITY |
dpad | 1 |
9490 | SPLOOT (6) | Smol pupper opens with "Henlo! Where's chimkin? Flippin' catto...", ends with comfy stretch. (6) | Smol - S Pupper - P opens with - {first letter} HENLO where's chimkin? - drop HEN Flippin' - {reversal} catTO ends - {last two letters} with - {connector} comfy stretch - definition |
dpad | 1 |
9537 | ELEVEN (6) | Knievel flips through half-open brand new windows? (6) | EVEL Knievel flips through - reverse half opEN brand new Windows - latest version of Windows is ELEVEN |
dpad | 1 |
9561 | GHOTI (5) | Scam has utterly bad spelling. (5) | Scam - PHISH has utterly - homophone bad spelling - (comically bad) definition |
dpad | 1 |
9586 | SWIATEK (7) | Wisconsin's odd anthem _In the Endless Blue, a Cardinal_. (7) | Wisconsin - WI odd AnThEm In - contained in Endless - drop last letter Blue - SKy A Cardinal - def, Kazimierz Świątek |
dpad | 1 |
9589 | LECHONK (7) | John Locke scratches head twice, carves up a monster of a hog. (7) | joHNLOCKE - anagram fodder scratches head twice - drop first two letters carves up - anagram indicator a monster of a hog - def, Lechonk is the Hog (Pocket) Monster |
dpad | 1 |
9593 | LAGNIAPPE (9) | Extra pull-ups essential to bicep pain galore. (9) | Extra - def pull-ups - reverse essential to - hidden word bicEP PAIN GALore |
dpad | 1 |
9624 | TÜRKIYE | Concert closed with Mötley Crüe's penultimate fringe rock vinyl _Oddly Not the Last Republic_. (7) | concerT closed - last letter with - link Mötley Crüe's penultimate - Ü fringe - outer letters RocK vInYl oddly not - even letters only thE last - last letter Republic - definition |
dpad | 1 |
9628 | ANY CLUE THAT IS A MASSIVE SPOILER (OF A BOOK/MOVIE/SHOW ETC.) (?) | (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) ||Dumbledore's killer peels off for a short rest.|| (3) | Dumbledore's killer - sNAPe peels off - drop first and last letter for - link a short rest - definition |
dpad | 1 |
9631 | TANGIBLE (8) | Bagel tin shaped like a solid. (8) | BAGEL TIN - anagram fodder shaped like a - anagram indicator solid - def |
dpad | 1 |
9636 | TONER (5) | More weight for bodybuilder? (5) | ddef More - TON-ER bodybuilder - one who TONEs their body - a TONER |
dpad | 1 |
9653 | COASTER (7) | Pub freebie for a firm, unsettling stare. (7) | Pub freebie - definition for - link a firm - CO unsettling - anagram indicator STARE - anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
9655 | CLEANSE (7) | Scrub jar containing the French sardine wrappers. (7) | Scrub - def jar - CAN containing - container indicator the French - LE SardineE wrappers - first and last letters |
dpad | 1 |
9700 | ANGST (5) | Worry about memory-free unit. (5) | Worry - def about - link memory-free - drop ROM unit - ANGSTROM |
dpad | 1 |
9701 | FREE-FOR-ALL (4-3-3) | Anarchy? Or in rapid decline? (4-3-3) | Anarchy - def OR in - contained rapid decline - FREEFALL |
dpad | 1 |
9713 | ANY CLUE THAT IS ALSO A PARADOX (?) | "A number is this clue's answer" initially negates Lagrange's extreme confusion. (3) | A number - def, ONE is - link this clue's answer - one=I initially Negates - N Lagrange's extreme - L confusion - anagrind ...wait, that's not right. A number - def, NIL is - link this clue's answer - Nil=O initially Negates - N lagrangE's extreme - E confusion - anagrind [STACK OVERFLOW] |
dpad | 1 |
9751 | ANY CLUE THAT ENDS WITH "... THIS IS NOT A PUZZLE." (?) | Kissing, for some, perplexingly starts in Burkina Faso (really!), ends "This is not a puzzle". (5 4) | Kissing, for some - def perplexingly - anagrind starts - first letters In Burkina Faso Really ends - last letters thiS iS noT A Puzzle |
dpad | 1 |
9756 | BISHOP (6) | Underground club is hoppin' with mulled wine. (6) | Underground - hidden word cluB IS HOPpin' with - link mulled wine - def |
dpad | 1 |
9765 | VIEW (4) | Voices we oddly see? (4) | VoIcEsWe oddly - odd letters see - def |
dpad | 1 |
9791 | ROSE (4) | A flower grew, had its head plucked. (4) | A flower - def grew - AROSE had its head plucked - drop A |
dpad | 1 |
9825 | CANDELABRA (10) | Light support able to half-state interminable boast. (10) | Light support - def able to - CAN half-state - DELAware interminable boast - BRAg |
dpad | 1 |
9918 | VITO (4) | Danny gets two haircuts in a van. (4) | Danny = deVITO gets two haircuts = drop first two letters in = link a van = def |
dpad | 1 |
9938 | CONTACT (7) | Touch with Spanish diplomacy (7) | Touch = def with Spanish = CON diplomacy = TACT |
dpad | 1 |
9946 | SNAKE (5) | Brick game with a plumber's tool (5) | ddef Brick game = the Nokia "Brick" had a game simply called SNAKE with = link a plumber's tool = tool to clean out drains |
dpad | 1 |
9948 | CORN (4) | Pluck a seed, get an earful? (4) | Pluck A = drop A seed = ACORN get = link an earful = corn (measured by the ear) |
dpad | 1 |
9968 | SMACK-DAB (5-3) | Squarely hit a dance move (5-3) | Squarely = def hit = SMACK a dance move = DAB |
dpad | 1 |
9969 | JOVIAL (6) | Friendly average guy briefly joins a vessel (6) | Friendly = def average guy = JOe briefly = drop last letter joins = (juxtaposition) a vessel = VIAL |
dpad | 1 |
9970 | CORONER (7) | "I see dead people" lies crooner (7) | "I see dead people" = def, a coroner would say this lies = anagrind CROONER = anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
9971 | JESUS (5) | Trinity's son judges outsiders over converting Sue (5) | Trinity's son = def, the holy trinity JudgeS outsiders = first and last letters over = containing converting = anagrind SUE = anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
9986 | RIVER PEBBLE (5, 6) | Poem by Belle oddly opens "After seventeen steps down an arena / Something in an otter's pocket..." (5,6) | PoEm By BeLlE oddly = every other letter opens = juxtaposition after seventeen steps down an = rot17 ARENA = RIVER Something in an otter's pocket = def, |
dpad | 1 |
10023 | TEN THOUSAND (3, 8) | Haunted snot sculpted into a square (3,8) | HAUNTED SNOT = anagram fodder sculpted into = anagrind a square = def, 100*100 |
dpad | 1 |
10104 | MYOPIA (6) | IPO may result in short-sightedness (6) | IPO MAY = anagram fodder result in = anagrind short-sightedness = def |
dpad | 1 |
10122 | TAPE (4) | Record PETA being ridiculous (4) | Record = definition PETA = anagram fodder being ridiculous = anagrind |
dpad | 1 |
10161 | BISCUIT (7) | Fawn's first cousin regularly captured by heartless android (7) | Fawn = def, vs (synonyms on 's = link fIrSt CoUsIn regularly = every other letter captured by = contained in heartless = drop middle letter android = BoT |
dpad | 1 |
10169 | QUINTET (7) | Time-consuming self-replicating program's central feature is a small band (7) | Time = T consuming = contained in self-replicating program = QUINE central feaTure is a = link small band = definition |
dpad | 1 |
10203 | EXCISE (6) | Cut a workout? Uh, no. (6) | Cut = definition a workout = EXERCISE uh = ER no = drop |
dpad | 1 |
10244 | LIBRARY (7) | Light artillery starts and ends with an integral support depot full of magazines (7) | LIght artilleRY starts and ends = first and last letters with an integral = containing support = BRA depot full of magazines = definition |
dpad | 1 |
10276 | WATERMELON (10) | Lawmen tore apart Oklahoma's state vegetable (10) | LAWMEN TORE = anagram fodder apart = anagrind Oklahoma's state vegetable = definition, seriously, |
dpad | 1 |
10277 | VAGUE (5) | General hidden among Villanova guests (5) | General = definition hidden among = hidden word villanoVA GUEests |
dpad | 1 |
10311 | DESPERATE (9) | Having lost hope, a magic shard interrupts a night out (9) | Having lost hope = definition a magic shard = ESPER, in Magic: the Gathering, there are five wedges interrupts = inside a night out = DATE |
dpad | 1 |
10336 | DAVID BOWIE (5, 5) | Ziggy Stardust and I were enthralled when a performing diva bowed (5,5) | Ziggy Stardust and I were enthralled when a performing diva bowed (5,5) Ziggy Stardust = definition and = link I = I were enthralled when a = contained in performing = anagrind DIVA BOWED = anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
10386 | LOOKDOWN (8) | Even Elmo worked and oddly won a fish (8) | Even = every other eLmO wOrKeD and = next to oddly = anagrind WON = anagram fodder a fish = definition |
dpad | 1 |
10387 | DESCARTES (9) | Mercedes' car testing involves a French coordinator (9) | merceDES CAR TESting involves = hidden word a French coordinator = definition, Descartes invented Cartesian coordinates |
dpad | 1 |
10412 | CORNCOB (7) | Inner ear shown by cold bucking bronco (7) | Inner ear = definition, middle of an ear of corn shown by = link Cold = C bucking = anagrind BRONCO = anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
10452 | GROK (4) | Understand that a tight end is pointless (4) | Understand = definition that = link a tight end = GROnK is pointless = drop any compass points |
dpad | 1 |
10456 | ANY PUZZLEHUNT TEAM (?) | The Saviors of Bookspace's Banach-Tarski meta (8) | The Saviors of Bookspace = definition, TEAMMATE were the first team to solve the 2022 MIT Mystery Hunt 's = link Banach-Tarski = cut apart each letter into finite pieces then reassemble them into two copies of each letter META = Banach-Tarski fodder |
dpad | 1 |
10710 | MOOCH (5) | Anthony trades love for a badly brewed mocha (5) | Anthony = definition, Scaramucci aka "The Mooch" trades...for = swap love = O A badly brewed = anagrind MOCHA = anagram fodder |
dpad | 1 |
10719 | PETRICHOR (9) | Pleasant smell coming from a trumpet-rich orchestra (9) | Pleasant smell = definition coming from = hidden word trumPET RICH ORchestra |
dpad | 1 |
10770 | BINGLE (6) | Crimew's Sprigatito is secretly disturbing Ledybas (6) | Crimew's Sprigatio = definition is = link secretly = hidden word disturBING LEdybas |
dpad | 1 |
10771 | INTERNET EXPLORER (8, 8) | Someone gaining experience with an alien, a boy scout, and an old computer program (8, 8) | Someone gaining experience = INTERN with = juxtaposition an alien = ET a boy scout = EXPLORER and = link an old computer program = definition |
dpad | 1 |
10773 | TRIQUETRA (9) | Retweet "tequila changes hands, drunkenly creates a simple knot" (9) | Retweet = RT TEQUIlA changes hands = L->R drunkenly creates = anagram a simple knot = definition |
dpad | 1 |
10814 | MONTAGE (7) | My French professor's assistant heartlessly gave a jumble (7) | My French = MON professor's assistant = TA heartlessly GavE jumble = definition |
dpad | 1 |
10823 | GIZMO (5) | A creature you shouldn't feed after midnight secretly ascends random ziggurat (5) | A creature you shouldn't feed after midnight = definition, from the movie Gremlins secretly = hidden word ascends = reversal randOM ZIGgurat |
dpad | 1 |
10852 | POTOOOOOOOO (11) | Tyrant's dad provides weed? Nope, none, zip, zilch, nada, zero, naught, diddly-squat! (11) | Tyrant's dad = definitiin provides = link weed = POT nope = O none = O zip = O zilch = O nada = O zero = O naught = O diddly-squat = O |
dpad | 1 |
10966 | FLOP ERA (4, 3) | Heavy metal musical _Rabbit Season_? (4, 3) | Heavy metal = FL (Flerovium) musical = OPERA Rabbit Season = punny def |
dpad | 1 |
11024 | FINNISH (7) | Reportedly, Kanye will let you do this in a foreign language (7) | Reportedly = homophone Kanye will let you do this = FINISH, in a = link foreign language = definition |
dpad | 1 |
11352 | PASTA (5) | Arepas take secret ingredients, flour, and water (5) | arePAS TAke | dpad | 1 |
11386 | PUZZLE HUNT (6, 4) | Up, up! Then catch some Zs! Then lutetium is anagrammed for one or more metas! (6, 4) | UP< ZZ <THEN+LU> One or more metas = def |
dpad | 1 |
11465 | VERBOTEN (8) | Vancouver bot encounter is secretly taboo (8) | vancouVER BOT ENcounter is secretly = hidden word taboo = def |
dpad | 1 |
11466 | AT SIGN (2, 4) | Two shift a bit of the Bat-Signal (2, 4) | Two shift = def (two on a qwerty keyboard gives @ if shift is held) a bit of the = hidden word bATSIGNal |
dpad | 1 |
11472 | LABEL (5) | Identify odd leaf beetle (5) | LeAfBeEtLe | dpad | 1 |
11496 | PERCENT (7) | Supercenter speakeasy is just a small part (7) | suPERCENTer speakeasy = hidden word indicator just a small part = definition |
dpad | 1 |
11636 | NO ONE (2 3) | Nary a soul extracts lithium from a Pokémon (2 3) | Nary a soul = def extracts lithium from = -LI a Pokémon = LINOONE |
dpad | 1 |
11641 | FLAPS (5) | Florida public school panics (5) | FLA+PS | dpad | 1 |
11846 | ANY CHEESE (?) | Something mythical, something from the zoo, something welcoming, something blue (10) | Something mythical = GORGON something from the = pick one letter from Zoo something welcoming = OLA (Portuguese for "hello") something blue = definition, GORGONZOLA is a blue cheese |
dpad | 1 |
11867 | YABBA DABBA DOO (5, 5, 3) | Cry produced by a body (5, 5, 3) | Cry = def produced by = letter bank indicator A BODY = bank |
dpad | 1 |
11927 | CUBEWANO (8) | Sandwich filled with a bit of mutton and something a little eccentric (8) | Sandwich = CUBANO filled with = containing a bit of mutton = EWe something a little eccentric = definiton, "a low-eccentricity Kuiper belt object" |
dpad | 1 |
11947 | BALDERDASH (10) | Run with less hair? Nonsense! (10) | Run with less hair = punny def, bald-er dash Nonsense = straight def |
dpad | 1 |
11995 | HALF-ASSED (4-5) | He'd catch an alien with a donkey... badly (4-5) | HED catch = containing an alien = ALF a donkey = ASS badly = definition |
dpad | 1 |
12086 | OFFSTAGE (8) | Behind the scenes, monster eats confused staff - it's not right! (8) | Behind the scenes = def monster = OGRE eats = containment confused = anagrind STAFF = anagram indicator it's not right = drop R |
dpad | 1 |
12088 | PORTCULLIS (10) | Left pick is a gate (10) | Left = PORT pick = CULL IS a gate = definition |
dpad | 1 |
12152 | SATURNINE (9) | Moulin Rouge dancer stashes a vase with a cold disposition (9) | Moulin Rouge dancer = SATINE stashes = containing a vase = URN with = link cold disposition= definition |
dpad | 1 |
12180 | POO POO (3, 3) | ||Oops, I did it again / I flipped you over / I lost some seconds / Oh... shit (3, 3)|| | OOPS I did it again = repeat, so OOPSOOPS I flipped you over = reversal I lost some seconds = drop S Oh... shit = definition |
dpad | 1 |
12640 | MARGIN (6) | G+T replacement for a drink without a rim (6) | G+T replacement for = swap G for T a drink = MARTINI without a = drop I (Roman numeral) rim = definition |
dpad | 1 |
9090 | TORRENT (7) | In Elden Ring, mount mold back on king tree folk. (7) | [In Elden Ring, mount] mold(ROT) back(rev.) on king(R) tree folk(ENT). (7) | dpad | 0 |
9095 | FORWARD (7) | Send on because of drawback. (7) | [Send on] because of(FOR) DRAW(backwards). | dpad | 0 |
9098 | GALOSH (6) | Cry of surprise about headline "All-Leather Footwear". (6) | Cry of surprise(GOSH) about(around) headline(first letters) (A)ll (L)eather [Footwear] | dpad | 0 |
9117 | VOW (3) | I owe you, I swear! (3) | IOU is 3/5 of the VOWel letters I swear = def |
dpad | 0 |
9123 | INDICATOR (9) | Swap bases in GTA or go after a mostly blue litmus test. (9) | Swap bases = DNA, swap G/C and A/T so GTA->CAT or = OR go after = positioning indicator mostly blue = INDIgo litmus test = definition |
dpad | 0 |
9130 | HELICOPTER (10) | Ingenuity, e.g. detailing spiral for the heartless boss' odd pet bear. (10) | [Ingenuity, e.g]: The Mars rover's helicopter detailing - remove last letter spiral = HELIx for the (fluff) heartless boss' = CtO odd pet bear = PeT bEaR |
dpad | 0 |
9136 | ONIGIRI (7) | Snack on pig iris endlessly. (7) | [Snack] ON pIG IRIs endlessly |
dpad | 0 |
9139 | SOAP (4) | Second cheap replica ICO ends up being a bubble creator. (4) | Second - S cheaP replicA icO [ends up] = OAP being {a bubble creator} = def |
dpad | 0 |
9146 | PRANK (5) | Silent but deadly stinkbomb. (5) | Silent = P Deadly (smelling) = RANK Stinkbomb = def |
dpad | 0 |
9149 | CREAM CHEESE (5, 6) | Transformed mecha captured by retired oracle tucking in to this French spread. (5, 6) | Transformed (anag.) MECHA=AMCHE Captured by = {inside} Retired (reversed) oracle = REES Tucking in to = {inside} This French = CE C(RE(AMCHE)ES)E Spread = Definition |
dpad | 0 |
9161 | RABBIT (6) | _Night of the Lepus_ star left bar for a second. (6) | [_Night of the Lepus_ star] left bar = RAB a second = BIT |
dpad | 0 |
9178 | APRON (5) | Monkey marathon broadcast coverage. (5) | Monkey marathon = APE RUN broadcast = sounds like coverage = def. |
dpad | 0 |
9181 | SONI (4) | Arithmancer captured during _Crisis on Infinite Earths_. (4) | Arithmancer = Soni is a member of Arithmancy captured during = hidden word crisiSONInfiniteearths |
dpad | 0 |
9185 | OSTRICH (7) | Most rich folks hide their exotic bird. | mOSTRICHfolks hide = hidden word exotic bird = def. |
dpad | 0 |
9204 | ANY CLUE THAT USES THE SAME DEFINITION AND WORDPLAY (?) | The same definition ends up as wordplay and somewhat Orwellian bad news. (2'2-2-4) | thE samE definitioN ends up = reverse last letters <word>play = anagram WORD somewhat orwELLian = ELL bad news = definition |
dpad | 0 |
9208 | TURTLE (6) | Shelled water fauna hurries after palmy genesis. (6) | Shelled = take middle letter of each other word waTer faUna hurRies afTer paLmy genEsis &lit - turtles are shelled creatures that are born on beaches (palmy genesis) and need to hurry to the water. |
dpad | 0 |
9226 | HADES (5) | Hot drinks in hell. (5) | (H)ot drinks(ADES) in [hell]. | dpad | 0 |
9227 | HADES (5) | Later, Pluto was betrayed by extremely vindictive scientists. (5) | [Later, Pluto] was betrayed(HAD) by extremely{ends} vindictivE scientistS. "Pluto (Greek: Πλούτων, Ploutōn) was the ruler of the underworld in classical mythology. The earlier name for the god was Hades" |
dpad | 0 |
9233 | STAB (4) | Try the Saint of Blood Types? (4) | [Try] the Saint(ST) of blood types(AB) | dpad | 0 |
9235 | SEA LION (3, 4) | Circus performer pops a lesion. (3 4) | [Circus performer] pops{anag.} <a lesion>. | dpad | 0 |
9253 | MF DOOM (2, 4) | Vaudeville villain rapper's fringe motif reversed decree. (2, 4) | [Vaudeville Villain rapper]'s fringe{outer edges} MotiF reversed{flip} decree(DOOM). | dpad | 0 |
9263 | EASTER (6) | The Sunday after Lent is this repressed feast eruption. (6) | [The Sunday after Lent] is this repressed{hidden} fEAST ERuption. | dpad | 0 |
9264 | CHARLIE PARKER (7, 6) | Ornithology writer burns and lies to valets endlessly. (7, 6) | [Ornithology writer] burns(CHARs) and LIEs to valets(PARKERs) endlessly{drop all last letters}. | dpad | 0 |
9266 | CARBON (6) | _Need for Speed_ entry dragster is good in France. (6) | [_Need for Speed_ entry] dragster(CAR) is good in France(BON). | dpad | 0 |
9269 | ERROR (5) | Ore bank fault. (5) | ORE = letter bank bank = {letter bank} fault = definition |
dpad | 0 |
9279 | UBE (3) | Regular, humble yam. (3) | Regular{every other letter} hUmBlE [yam]. | dpad | 0 |
9280 | MCDONALD'S (9) | Scold damn salad chain. (9) | Scold damn=anagram fodder salad={anagram} chain=definition |
dpad | 0 |
9299 | DESSERT SPOONS (7,6) | Bank portends to have cutlery. (7,6) | Bank = word bank PORTENDS = bank letters to have = connection cutlery = definition |
dpad | 0 |
9300 | LYDIAN (6) | Unicode block where I, L, and Y mingle. (6) | [Unicode block] where <I L AND Y> mingle{anag.}. | dpad | 0 |
9301 | VAMP (4) | Improvise a bloodsucker who calms down? (4) | Improvise = definition bloodsucker = VAMPIRE who calms down? = drop IRE |
dpad | 0 |
9303 | PISTACHIO (9) | Posit chia mutations related to Poison Ivy. (9) | Posit chia - anagram fodder mutations - anagram indicator related to poison ivy - definition (verb phrase, poison ivy and pistachios are both in the Anacardiaceae family) |
dpad | 0 |
9324 | FRITO (5) | Chip broadcasts complimentary digit. (5) | Chip = definition broadcasts = homophone complimentary = FREE digit = TOE |
dpad | 0 |
9357 | TURIN (5) | Anti-plagiarism service debugs shroud site. (5) | Anti-plagiarism service - TURNITIN debugs - drop NIT shroud site - def |
dpad | 0 |
9378 | BANANA (6) | "Tropicana: Naboo" contains zero-gravity fruit. (6) | "tropicANA: NABoo" contains - hidden word zero-gravity - flipped fruit - def |
dpad | 0 |
9379 | AMORE (5) | DaVinci's love sings of an eel. (5) | DaVinci's love - def Sings of - homophone indicator An eel - A MORAY |
dpad | 0 |
9385 | MUSTARD (7) | Relish Zappy and friends rolling in mud. (7) | Relish - definition Zappy and friends - RATS rolling - flip in - contained mud - MUD MU(STAR)D |
dpad | 0 |
9393 | TESTIFY (7) | Swear to show gratitude for hosting an endless messy fiesta. (7) | Swear - def To show gratitude - TY (Thank You) Hosting - contains Endless - drop last letter Messy - anagram FIESTa - fodder |
dpad | 0 |
9404 | STEFANIA (8) | Crater a fansite by mistake. (8) | Crater - def, Stefania Crater on Venus A FANSITE - fodder by mistake - anagram indicator |
dpad | 0 |
9413 | GOOGLE-FU (6-2) | Acquiring skills through sludge, a broken leg, and endless garbage. (6-2) | Acquiring skills - def through - {connection} sludge - GOO a broken - anagram indicator LEG - anagram fodder endless - drop outer letters garbage - reFUse |
dpad | 0 |
9414 | GLOOM (5) | Pokémon with the blues. (5) | double def Pokémon // the blues |
dpad | 0 |
9447 | DIDACTIC (8) | Preachy Queen performs briefly, I see. (8) | Preachy - def Queen - DIDo performs - ACTs briefly - drop last letters I see - IC |
dpad | 0 |
9466 | PERFIDY (7) | Faithlessness from pro-compassion Reverend. (7) | Faithlessness - definition from - {connector} pro-compassion - FOR PITY Reverend - {spoonerism} (say it like "fer") |
dpad | 0 |
9467 | COAX (4) | Persuade to help cut down a tree? (4) | Double def Persuade help(CO-) cut down a tree(AX) |
dpad | 0 |
9480 | CRAZY (5) | Mad god replaces clue? Gaudy! (5) | Mad - definition god - RA replaces - {instead of} clue - HINT gaudy - C(HINT)ZY |
dpad | 0 |
9489 | THANOS (6) | Utah rainbows regularly lead to a snappy fellow? (6) | uTaH rAiNbOwS regularly - every other letter lead to - {link} snappy fellow - def |
dpad | 0 |
9506 | DEMAGOGUE (9) | Corrupt mage fed to hound by somewhat sad prejudiced leader. (9) | Corrupt - anagrind MAGE - anagram fodder fed to - inside hound - DOG by - {link} somewhat sad - blUE prejudiced leader - def |
dpad | 0 |
9516 | WONT (4) | Likely town rezoning. (4) | Likely - def TOWN - anagram fodder rezoning - anagrind |
dpad | 0 |
9529 | REDEEM (6) | Auntie's after a _Scarlet Letter_ cash-in. (6) | Auntie - EM 's after a - {juxtaposition} Scarlet - RED Letter - E cash-in - def |
dpad | 0 |
9536 | EXPONENT (8) | Advocate prior foe get nerfed. (8) | Advocate - definition prior - EX foe - OPPONENT get nerfed (make them no longer OP) |
dpad | 0 |
9555 | ANY URL (?) | Flee, flee before half-trivial MMORPG! (9.3) | Flee - RUN flee - ESCAPE before - {connector} half-trivial - COMmon MMORPG - [def] |
dpad | 0 |
9559 | CALICO CAT (6, 3) | Unenergetic celiac reacts badly, throws up a taco and something tricolored. (6, 3) | Unenergetic - -E celiac - CLIAC reacts badly - anagram indicator throws up a - reversal TACO and - link something tricolored - def |
dpad | 0 |
9560 | EPEE (4) | Extremely French summer overwhelms central government organization of fish guts and accented crosswordese. (4) | Extremely - ends French summer - ÉtÉ overwhelms - containing central - middle letter government organization - ePa of - {connector} fish - eEl guts - middle letter and - {link} accented crosswordese - def |
dpad | 0 |
9569 | OEUVRE (6) OR, IF YOU PREFER, ŒUVRE (5) | Work mineral around revolutionary French sight. (6) | Work - def mineral - ORE around - containing revolutionary - reversal French sight - VUE |
dpad | 0 |
9595 | TRIFLE (6) | Annoy entire broadcast for a bit. (6) | Annoy - TRY entire - FULL broadcast - homophone for - {link} a bit - def |
dpad | 0 |
9605 | ASPHODEL (8) | Leads bad tour of soup plant. (8) | LEADS - anagram fodder bad - anagram indicator tour of - containing soup - PHO plant - definition |
dpad | 0 |
9608 | YANK (4) | Deep down, Priyanka's a jerk. (4) | Deep down - hidden word priYANKa 's - link a jerk - definition |
dpad | 0 |
9610 | GREEN EGGS (5, 4) | Eco-friendly, like emptying propane barbecues. (5, 4) | Eco-friendly - GREEN like - EG emptying - remove middle letters propane - GaS barbecues - def, |
dpad | 0 |
9611 | SATISFIED (9) | Sorry? About what? Sit up straight, the document isn't large, okay? (9) | Sorry - SAD about what - containing SIT up straight - reversal the document - FIlE isn't large - drop L okay - definition |
dpad | 0 |
9635 | BOX (3) | Wine without a rude ill-formed container. (3) | Wine - BOrdeauX without - drop A RUDE - anagram fodder ill-formed - anagram indicator container - def |
dpad | 0 |
9656 | ANY CLUE THAT STARTS WITH "ANY CLUE THAT" (?) | ANY CLUE THAT ENDS WITH A CRYPTID (4) | anY cluE thaT ends - last letters with - juxtaposition a - I cryptid - def, YETI |
dpad | 0 |
9661 | GRANULAR (8) | Finely detailed, relative to Ulaanbaatar's outer limits. (8) | Finely detailed - definition relative - GRAN to - {juxtaposition} ULaanbaatAR 's outer limits - start and end of the word |
dpad | 0 |
9663 | IDIOCY (6) | Folly is abruptly raising cash in the middle of a DIY project. (6) | Folly - def is - link abruptly - drop last letter raising - reversal cash - COIn in the middle of a - contained in DIY - anagram fodder project - anagram indicator |
dpad | 0 |
9678 | ANY CLUE ENTIRELY MADE UP OF WORDS FROM PREVIOUS CONTESTS' PROMPTS (?) | Shave and amputate oblong product then jail Othello top to bottom with oddball and Oregon trail dough. (8) | Shave and amputate - drop edge letters twice oblong - anagram prODUct then - juxtaposition jail...with...and - contain OthellO top to bottom - outer letters odd BaLl oregoN trail - last letter dough - def DOU BL OO N |
dpad | 0 |
9681 | EQUIVALENCE (11) | Parity between points includes a brief test covering mostly orange. (11) | Parity - def between...includes - contained in points - E...E a brief test - QUIz covering - atop mostly orange - VALENCia |
dpad | 0 |
9689 | AWESOME (7) | "Nemo, sewage is made of... rear dynamite." (7) | nEMO SEWAge is made of - containing rear - reversal dynamite - def |
dpad | 0 |
9745 | HACK (4) | Protip: you can recycle chalk without any loss. (4) | Protip - def (life hack) you can recycle - anagrind CHALK - anagram fodder without any - drop loss - L |
dpad | 0 |
9748 | CAVE (4) | Inca vehicle found in a grotto. (4) | inCA VEhicle found in - hidden word a grotto - def |
dpad | 0 |
9783 | BOWSER (6) | Mario's foe imprisoned by the Rainbow Serpent. (6) | Mario's foe - def imprisoned by the - hidden word rainBOW SERpent |
dpad | 0 |
9784 | SEVERANCE (9) | Snape mostly gets barnacles for a golden parachute. (9) | Snape - SEVERus mostly - drop last two letters gets - juxtaposition regular - every other letter bArNaClEs for - link a golden parachute - def |
dpad | 0 |
9790 | ROUND TRIP (5, 4) | _There and Back Again_ runt: "I prod fanatically". (5,4) | There and Back Again - def runt I prod - anagram fodder fanatically - anagrind |
dpad | 0 |
9826 | CONVEX (6) | Decepticon vexillology secretly blown up. (6) | deceptiCON VEXillology secretly - hidden word blown up - def |
dpad | 0 |
9843 | 11780 (5) | Saint James' code flips Four Tet's album in bits. (5) | Saint James' code - def, the zip code of Saint James, NY flips - reversal Four Tet's album - 871 in - contained by bits 1...0 |
dpad | 0 |
9860 | CRISIS (6) | Confrontation at the middle of Ludacris' island. (6) | Confrontation - def at the middle of - hidden word ludaCRIS' ISland |
dpad | 0 |
9863 | A CLUE THAT COULD GET YOU CHARGED WITH A CRIME IF SPOKEN/PUBLISHED IN A PARTICULAR CONTEXT (?) | Vanquish DVD encryption with this mixed color flag or by spreading this number. (8,11,3,7,5,3,9,3,7,7,5,9,5,7,6,5,9,4,7,6,4,10,4,7,5,5,10,3,7,5,3,11,8,11,5,7,5,4,8,4,7,3,7,4,7,3,7,5,7,4,8,3,7,5) | Vanquish DVD encryption with this mixed color flag or by - letter bank spreading - letter bank indicator this number - def thirteen undecillion two hundred fifty-six decillion two hundred seventy-eight nonillion eight hundred eighty-seven octillion nine hundred eighty-nine septillion four hundred fifty-seven sextillion six hundred fifty-one quintillion eighteen quadrillion eight hundred sixty-five trillion nine hundred one billion four hundred one million seven hundred four thousand six hundred forty |
dpad | 0 |
9979 | MERCURY (7) | Quicksilver merely replaces Chicago's train with a dog (7) | Quicksilver = definition MERELY = swap fodder replaces...with = swap Chicago's train = EL a dog = CUR |
dpad | 0 |
10029 | THE CAT IN THE HAT (3, 3, 2, 3, 3) | The Inca spread this tale (3,3,2,3,3) | THE INCA = letter bank spread = bank indicator this tale = def |
dpad | 0 |
10100 | SLANT (5) | Pitch hollowing out a tiny bug (5) | Pitch = definition hollowing out a = drop middle letters tiny = SmalL bug = ANT |
dpad | 0 |
10111 | ANY WORD OR PHRASE CONTAINING EXACTLY ONE HUNDRED LETTERS (?) | 10 hungover alabaster-ore war-sharks, 8 diamond starfish-countrymen, and 4 true amethyst dolphins merge, rupture, err in an unconventional book (1,8,6,2,7,5,3,6,7,7,6,6,7,3,4,2,7,2,3,4,4) | 10 hungover alabaster-ore war-sharks, 8 diamond starfish-countrymen, and 4 true amethyst dolphins merge, rupture, err in an = anagram fodder unconventional = anagrind book = def A Northern Summer; or, Travels Round the Baltic, Through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and Part of Germany in the Year 1804 |
dpad | 0 |
10138 | MUTINY (6) | Likely nit: Uma's secret uprising becomes a revolution (6) | likelY NIT: UMa's secret = hidden word uprising = reversal becomes = link a revolution = def |
dpad | 0 |
10140 | UNTIDY (6) | Sloppy Upsilon Tauri Documentary is completely hollow (6) | Sloppy = definition UpsiloN TaurI DocumentarY is completely hollow = drop middle letters |
dpad | 0 |
10142 | STEALTH (7) | Private makes "teal" their password (7) | Private = definition makeS TEAL THeir password = hidden word indicator |
dpad | 0 |
10162 | COMPARE (7) | Pro came prepared to assimilate (7) | PRO CAME = anagram fodder prepared to = anagrind assimilate = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10165 | SWALLOW (7) | A bird's directions contain everything and nothing (7) | A bird = definition 's = link directions = SWW contain = container indicator everything = ALL nothing = O |
dpad | 0 |
10176 | SANDSTORM (9) | Stand shirtless backed up by a drumbeat - it's a rock move! (9) | StAND shirtless = drop T backed up by a = juxtaposition drumbeat = STORM it's a rock move = definition, Sandstorm is a rock-type move in Pokémon |
dpad | 0 |
10188 | SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS (19) | Candy bar's small unfinished crumb worth nothing? Ref is out, that's completely wrong (19) | Candy bar = definition 's = link Small = S unfinished CRUMb worth nothing? = diddly Ref = UMP IS OUT = anagram fodder that's completely wrong = anagrind |
dpad | 0 |
10205 | BURSAR (6) | Pub with endless wurst supplying an officer (6) | Pub = BAR with = containing endless = drop outer letters wURSt supplying = link an officer = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10206 | DUBLIN (6) | Build an engineering nightmare without any initial capital | BUILD AN = anagram fodder engineering nightmare = anagrind without = dropping Any initial = first letter capital = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10207 | REYKJAVIK (9) | Jedi gets 21 and 6 between kings, yielding capital (9) | Jedi = REY gets = juxtaposition 21 = (blackjack) Jack and Ace and = juxtaposition 6 = VI (Roman) between = contained in kings = KK yielding = link capital = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10208 | RAMBUNCTIOUS (12) | Cranium bouts become rowdy (12) | CRANIUM BOUTS = anagram fodder become = anagrind rowdy = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10250 | CLOCK (5) | Pot changing hands is an alarming thing (5) | Pot = CROCK changing hands = R becomes L is = link an alarming thing = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10251 | BENIGN (6) | Kindly begin anew around November 1st (6) | Kindly = definition BEGIN = anagram fodder anew = anagrind around = containing November 1st = first letter |
dpad | 0 |
10299 | ANY PHINEAS AND FERB CHARACTER (?) | Someone not wearing a hat blasts a rural supply gate with a change-inator-inator (1 7 8) | Someone not wearing a hat = definition, Perry can't be identified without his hat and is merely A REGULAR PLATYPUS blasts ... with a change-inator-inator = anagrind A RURAL SUPPLY GATE = anagram fodder |
dpad | 0 |
10328 | BOOLEAN (7) | True or false: a startling cry comes before half of Alderaan is destroyed (7) | True or false: = definition a startling cry = BOO comes before = juxtaposition half of... is destroyed = delete every other letter aLdErAaN |
dpad | 0 |
10390 | SEAHORSE (8) | Animal identifies a weird rho between two points (8) | Animal = definition identifies = link A weird = anagrind RHO = anagram fodder between = contained in two points = SE, twice |
dpad | 0 |
10420 | STAND (6) | Tolerate a state getting colored in (5) | Tolerate = definition a state = SD getting colored in = fill with/containing TAN |
dpad | 0 |
10430 | BOO (3) | True or false: without any inclination, we get a space hamster (3) | True or false = BOOLEAN without any = drop inclination = LEAN we get = link a space hamster = definition, Boo is a hamster in Baldue's Gate 2 - |
dpad | 0 |
10431 | MEMORY (6) | Recall the brief message that Roy is heartless (6) | Recall = definition the brief message = MEMO that... is heartless = drop central letter RoY |
dpad | 0 |
10432 | OVERWATCH (9) | Game on a timer (9) | Game = definition on = OVER a timer = WATCH |
dpad | 0 |
10441 | DOOBLYDOO (9) | Text below a video is oddly bulky, sandwiched between endless skeleton noises (9) | Text below a video = definition is = link oddly = every other letter BuLkY sandwiched between = contained in endless = drop last letter skeleton noise = DOOt s = plural, put on either side |
dpad | 0 |
10494 | TRIPTYCH (8) | Hint: cheat the Reverend with a piece of art (8) | Hint = TIP cheat = TRICK the Reverend = Spoonerism with = link a piece of art = def |
dpad | 0 |
10539 | CORAL (5) | Oracle endlessly confused by a skeleton (5) | ORACLe = anagram fodder endlessly = drop last letter confused by = anagrind a skeleton = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10572 | TSUNAMI (7) | Wave first to star, _then_ French friend (7) | Wave = definition first = first letter To star = SUN then = juxtaposition French friend = AMI |
dpad | 0 |
10706 | XENIAL (6) | No pressure - explain settings things up to be hospitable (6) | No pressure = drop P EXpLAIN = anagram fodder setting things up to be = anagrind hospitable = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10718 | XEME (4) | Ximenes, without contacts, cooks a bird (4) | XiMEnEs = anagram fodder without contacts = drop INS cooks = anagrind a bird = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10729 | CARNIVOROUS (11) | Carnival worker mostly 5-0 against upset sour vegetable-hater (11) | Carnival worker = CARNIe mostly = drop last letter 5-0 = VO against = (juxtaposition) upset = reversal SOUR vegetable-hater = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10734 | DEAD SET (4, 3) | Certain word from our sponsors interrupted the translated deets (4 3) | Certain = definition word from our sponsors = AD interrupted the = in the middle of translated = anagrind DEETS = anagram fodder |
dpad | 0 |
10735 | MATE (4) | Capture a king with prime smarties (4) | Capture a king = definition (as in chess) with = link prime = take prime letters sMArTiEs |
dpad | 0 |
10784 | TELETUBBIES (11) | TV characters demolish bee-built set (11) | TV characters = definition demolish = anagrind BEE BUILT SET = anagram fodder |
dpad | 0 |
10790 | SCP (3) | ASPCA endlessly organizes fun games (3) | aSPCa endlessly = drop ends organizes = anagrind fun games = Solving Challenges Pro |
dpad | 0 |
10826 | GOSSAMER (8) | Beware: Ma's so gingerly bottling up cobweb thread (8) | bewaRE: MA'S SO Gingerly bottling = hidden up = reversal cobweb thread = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10828 | KISMET (6) | Pitching without a mistake is fate (6) | Pitching = anagrind without A = drop A MISTaKE = anagram fodder is = link fate = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10833 | TACHYCARDIA (11) | The initially sore joker recalls ChatGPT, gets an increased heart rate (11) | The initially sore = ACHY joker = CARD recalls ChatGPT = AI< gets [link] an increased heart rate = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10834 | THE LAST OF US (3, 4, 2, 2) | Characters help flesh out a video game (3, 4, 2, 2) | Characters help = letter bank indicator FLESH OUT A = letter bank video game = definition |
dpad | 0 |
10867 | HOLST (5) | Composer's most intact recording (5) | Composer = definition most intact = WHOLEST recording = homophone |
dpad | 0 |
11098 | GEORGE (6) | Curious fellow gets a reward for defeating a vengefly, tapers urges (6) | Curious fellow = definition gets = link a reward for defeating a vengefly = GEO, the currency in Hollowknight tapers uRGEs |
dpad | 0 |
11383 | POIGNANT (8) | Bishop gets a mad gain - how touching (8) | Bishop = PONT gets = containing a mad GAIN = anagram GAIN how touching = def |
dpad | 0 |
11396 | A (1) | One note, centrally - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (1) | One note = def centrally = middle letter |
dpad | 0 |
11399 | B (1) | Bug dictator's letter (1) | Bug = BEE dictator = homophone Letter = def |
dpad | 0 |
11400 | PUNT (4) | Soulless puzzlehunt is a fail (4) | Soulless = drop center letters PUzzlehuNT is = link a fail = def, internet slang |
dpad | 0 |
11408 | C (1) | Middle one of seven, we hear (1) | Middle = def, middle C one of seven = SEAs we hear = homophone |
dpad | 0 |
11413 | LUMPIA (6) | Undefined behavior imp in a programming language's internals is just an appetizer (6) | Undefined behavior = anagrind IMP = anagram fodder in... 's internals = containing programming language = LUA is just = link an appetizer = definition |
dpad | 0 |
11438 | FRANTIC (7) | Distraught Reverend: "Beige? Dang!" (7) | Distraught = def Reverend = spoonerism beige = TAN dang = FRICK |
dpad | 0 |
11478 | OCTOTHORPE (10) | Sharp small child I made up obliterates Herpo (10) | Sharp = def small child I made up = OC TOT obliterates = anagrind HERPO = anagram fodder |
dpad | 0 |
11540 | Q (1) | British line heard from Picard's nemesis (1) | British line = queue heard = homophone Picard's nemesis = def, |
dpad | 0 |
11590 | PAELLA (6) | Rice dish made by extracting liquid from a bone (6) | Rice dish = def made by = link extracting liquid = drop T bone = PAtELLA |
dpad | 0 |
11632 | MINESTRONE (10) | Digs jumbled tenor soup (10) | Digs = MINES jumbled = anagrind TENOR= anagram fodder soup = def |
dpad | 0 |
11639 | R2D2 (2) | Four directions to reproduce an edge case? (4) | Four directions = Right 2, Down 2 to reproduce = link an edge case? = This contest was created to find an edge case in the autoenumerate function delete Back |
dpad | 0 |
11649 | GOBBLEDYGOOK (12) | Make turkey noises daily, vacuously turn out fine, it's just jargon (12) | Make turkey noises = GOBBLE DailY vacuously = DY turn out fine = GO OK it's just = link jargon = def. |
dpad | 0 |
11666 | GUTS (4) | Gout's not nothing in the intestinal tract (4) | GoUTS not nothing = drop O in = link the intestinal tract = def |
dpad | 0 |
11881 | SAOR (4) | Wing Rosa's Italian preparation (4) | Wing = anagrind ROSA = anagram fodder Italian preparation = def, |
dpad | 0 |
11882 | SOAR (4) | Wing Rosa's Italian preparation (4) | Wing = definition (see def 2 on ) ROSA = anagram fodder Italian preparation = l'indicatore anagrammatico |
dpad | 0 |
12006 | SLOTH (5) | Second heartless Queen of Spiders is one of seven (5) | Second = S heartless = drop middle letter Queen of Spiders = LOlTH ( ) is = link one of seven = def, one of the seven sins |
dpad | 0 |
12012 | NYE (3) | Scientist samples bunny ears (3) | Scientist = def samples = hidden word indicator bunNYEars |
dpad | 0 |
12061 | IPHONE (6) | Apple product from IHOP's new secret retro menu (6) | Apple product = definition from = link IHOP = anagram fodder 's new = anagrind secret = hidden retro = reversal mENu |
dpad | 0 |
12089 | MITMH (5) | Sleepless event initially happens after a cyberattack (5) | Sleepless event = definition initially happens = H after = juxtaposition a cyberattack = MITM (Man In The Middle attack) |
dpad | 0 |
12151 | MERCURIAL (9) | Mr. Curie recklessly inverts the Spanish drug (9) | MRCURIE = anagram fodder recklessly = anagrind inverts = reversal the Spanish = LA drug = definition |
dpad | 0 |
12154 | VENETIAN (8) | Before an alien invades Caesar's first casino (8) | Before = juxtaposition AN alien = ET invades = inside Caesar's first = VENI (veni, vidi, vici) casino = def |
dpad | 0 |
12355 | CREMATE (7) | Aldrin to Armstrong: "You're semi-heartless. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuurn!" (7) | Aldrin to Armstrong = CREWMATE you're semi-heartless= drop one middle letter Buuuuuuuuuuuuuurn = definition, and _definitely_ how astronauts talk to each other |
dpad | 0 |
12539 | GOAT YOGA (4, 4) | The best pointless agony - contorting and stretching with kids (4, 4) | The best = GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) pointless = drop N AGOnY = anagram fodder contorting = anagrind stretching with kids = def |
dpad | 0 |
12540 | TESTING (7) | Something you do in production? What a weird setting! (7) | Something you do in production = definition (I mean, where else would you test?) What a weird = (admittedly verbose) anagrind SETTING = anagram fodder |
dpad | 0 |
12859 | EGGNOG (6) | Drink from, say, an inverted instrument (6) | Drink = def from = link say = E.G. inverted = reversal an instrument = GONG |
dpad | 0 |