Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
1214 | CITY (4) | Oddly chintzy metropolis (4) | (C)h(I)n(T)z(Y) | l_powell | 7 |
1223 | ACCOUTREMENTS (13) | Accessories spoiled cutest romance (13) | Anagram | l_powell | 6 |
1191 | NOSFERATU (9) | Monster afflicted to fear sun (9) | Anagram: “to fear sun” also &lit | l_powell | 5 |
1519 | INEPT (5) | It holds revolutionary writing implement out of place (5) | I(PEN<)T | l_powell | 5 |
1622 | SEE (3) | View the speed of light, reportedly (3) | C sounds like See | l_powell | 5 |
1689 | STRANGE BREW (7, 4) | Stew containing wingless crane, pig’s tail, eel’s head, and filleted bear makes odd concoction (7,4) | ST EW c(RAN)e pi(G) E(el) B(ea)R |
l_powell | 5 |
1137 | PALLET (6) | Platform obscured among opal letters (6) | o(PAL LET)ters | l_powell | 4 |
1235 | SYNOD (5) | Church assembly dwells in heresy? No: dogma (5) | here(sy no d)ogma | l_powell | 4 |
1253 | SCOLD (5) | Chastise addled clods (5) | Anagram | l_powell | 4 |
1666 | KINDLE (6) | E-book reader linked incorrectly (6) | Linked anagram | l_powell | 4 |
1668 | MUSEUM (6) | Mum accommodated use for gallery (6) | M(USE)UM | l_powell | 4 |
1790 | CAKE (4) | Erica keeps hiding dessert (4) | ameri(CA KE)eps | l_powell | 4 |
1859 | PROJECT (7) | Quietly, deviously jot rec for scheme (7) | P+JOTREC* | l_powell | 4 |
1885 | MERCENARY (9) | Mere carny disfigured hired killer (9) | MERECARNY* | l_powell | 4 |
2070 | WHEAT (5) | Energy included in what crop? (5) | WH(E)AT | l_powell | 4 |
2104 | KICKSTARTER (11) | Crowdfunding site reportedly abandons fish fry condiment (11) | Kicks tartar | l_powell | 4 |
11085 | BARRIER (7) | Wall Street ditched by British lawyer (7) | Def = wall BARRI(-st)ER |
l_powell | 4 |
11298 | BROOD (5) | Issue banging head on revolving door (5) | def. = issue (as in offspring) wordplay B+<ROOD |
l_powell | 4 |
11368 | MATISSE (7) | Frenchman working with canvas ruined its seam (7) | Frenchman working with canvas = def Ruined = anagrind <itsseam> |
l_powell | 4 |
1194 | DEAD HORSE (4, 5) | Object of beating damaged odd hearse (4,5) | Anagram: odd hearse | l_powell | 3 |
1212 | SAFFRON (7) | Spice principally savory and full flavored, relished over naan (7) | Acrostic | l_powell | 3 |
1317 | OTHELLO (7) | Bard’s jealous husband hides in brothel, longingly. (7) | Br(OTHEL LO)ngingly | l_powell | 3 |
1334 | SCINTILLATE (11) | Misbehave into the night, reportedly to entertain (11) | Homophone: Sin till late | l_powell | 3 |
1360 | NIGHTSHADE (10) | Knights had everyone concealing poison (10) | k(NIGHTS HAD E)veryone | l_powell | 3 |
1380 | TOWER (5) | In vibrato we roar, “Lookout!” (5) | Lookout = tower vibra(TO WE R)oar |
l_powell | 3 |
1431 | GRADE (5) | General Electric including plutonium measurement for evaluation (5) | G(RAD)E | l_powell | 3 |
1434 | ARGUMENT (8) | Row of sugar gum enthusiasts (8) | Sug(AR GUM ENT)husiasts | l_powell | 3 |
1435 | PARADOX (7) | Mystery beast of burden tailed endless parade (7) | PARAD(-e) + OX | l_powell | 3 |
1534 | EPISODIC (8) | Recurring legend contains one turf (8) | EP(I)(SOD)IC | l_powell | 3 |
1552 | ANY CLUE ENDING IN LEVEL (5, 1) | Titular rockabilly woman reportedly petitions against bass/treble level (5,1) | Petitions against: sues Bass/treble level: EQ Sues EQ sounds like Susie Q |
l_powell | 3 |
1560 | MOONLIGHT (9) | Work two jobs for Academy award winning film (9) | Ddef | l_powell | 3 |
1602 | MAYPOLE (7) | Spy receives wrong pay for object wrapped in ribbons (7) | M(AYP)OLE | l_powell | 3 |
1676 | NURSE (5) | Run back, nearly see caretaker (5) | Run> se(-e) | l_powell | 3 |
1680 | APRICOT (7) | Endless April starts to chill our taste for fruit (7) | APRI(-l) C(hill) O(ur) T(aste) | l_powell | 3 |
1782 | PICKUP (6 OR 4,2) | Baby dog carries gross catch (4,2) | P(ICK)UP Catch is syn for pick up (verb) |
l_powell | 3 |
1820 | MASKING TAPE (7, 4) | Painter’s assistant haphazardly making paste (7,4) | Makingpaste* | l_powell | 3 |
1834 | PHILOSOPHY (10) | Oh, sly hippo, gone berserk for the love of wisdom (10) | Ohslyhippo* | l_powell | 3 |
1898 | RUBBLE (6) | Barney remains (6) | Ddef | l_powell | 3 |
1918 | MIND (4) | Concern in interrupting doctor (4) | M(IN)D | l_powell | 3 |
1967 | A CLUE THAT USES THE SAME NON-STOP WORD >=3X (?) | Vile, vile vile (4) | Evil | l_powell | 3 |
2029 | EMPANADA (8) | Canada’s leader removed after anti-tech weapon turnover (8) | EMP(-c)ANADA | l_powell | 3 |
2037 | DUPLICATE (9) | Cupid late? Recklessly reproduce! (9) | Cupidlate* Exclamation mark is emphasis, not &lit |
l_powell | 3 |
2103 | PATREON (7) | Peasant carried diseased rat to popular site of support? (7) | P(ATR*)EON | l_powell | 3 |
2199 | APEX (4) | Former lover pursues news service tip (4) | EX after AP = TIP | l_powell | 3 |
11300 | WHODUNIT (8) | A mystery unraveled with udon (8) | def = a mystery <withudon> |
l_powell | 3 |
11485 | RED FLAG (3, 4) | Newspaper covering Delaware brought up Florida’s all too often unheeded indicators (3, 4) | Newspaper covering = R()AG Delaware brought up = DE< Florida = FL def = all too often unheeded indicators |
l_powell | 3 |
1140 | MOBILE PHONE (6,5) | Alabama city asian soup gutted nucleotide cell (6, 5) | MOBILE + PHO + NE | l_powell | 2 |
1254 | SHALLOTS (8) | Everyone aboard tries garlic relatives (8) | Everyone = ALL Tries = SHOTS Garlic relatives = S(HALL)OTS |
l_powell | 2 |
1258 | SCOLD (5) | Lambast South Carolina elderly (5) | SC+OLD | l_powell | 2 |
1304 | OTHELLO (7) | Old Testament greeting for Shakespeare protagonist (7) | OT + Hello | l_powell | 2 |
1352 | QUALIFY (7) | Timeless feature acquires force to add reservations (7) | QUALI(-t)(+F)Y | l_powell | 2 |
1365 | NOZZLE (6) | Choke point for tech bro returning and getting some sleep (6) | ELON< +ZZ | l_powell | 2 |
1382 | DOMINION (8) | Control yellow movie star after party (8) | Control = dominion Party= DO Yellow movie star= MINION |
l_powell | 2 |
1383 | TOWER (5) | Damaged or wet minaret (5) | Anagram | l_powell | 2 |
1405 | LYRICALLY (9) | Break down, lay ill, cry soulfully (9) | Anagram lay ill cry | l_powell | 2 |
1447 | SOLITAIRE (9) | A trio lies about secluded in France (9) | A trio lies* | l_powell | 2 |
1451 | SKEPTICISM (10) | Initial standpoint maintained here in France, principally Socratic Method for extreme doubt (10) | (S)tandpoint Maintained -> (KEPT) Here in France - (ICI) (S)ocratic (M)ethod |
l_powell | 2 |
1515 | PICASSO (7) | Painter and sculptor destroyed, as is cop (7) | Anagram: as is cop | l_powell | 2 |
1522 | MILLENNIAL (10) | Generation of Shakespeare’s tongue, lain backwards following Bentham’s godson (10) | Shakespeare’s tongue: EN LAIN< Bentham’s godson: MILL |
l_powell | 2 |
1535 | EPISODIC (8) | Cod pie is arranged in installments (8) | Anagram: cod pie is | l_powell | 2 |
1548 | DISTRICT ATTORNEY (8, 8) | Tiny drastic otter ruined one who tries (8,8) | Anagram | l_powell | 2 |
1555 | DEFENSE OF THE ANCIENTS (7, 2, 3, 8) | Eons hence, if daft teens engineered multiplayer battle arena (7,2,3,8) | Anagram | l_powell | 2 |
1564 | HORSE (5) | Cowboy’s companion from calamitous shore (5) | Anagram | l_powell | 2 |
1580 | HORSE (5) | He covers surgical suites for colt or filly (5) | H(ORS)E | l_powell | 2 |
1590 | THEME (5) | Motif exhibited by lithe men (5) | Li(THE ME)n | l_powell | 2 |
1611 | FERTILE | Fruitful file contains beginnings of emergency room timetable (7) | F(ERT)ILE | l_powell | 2 |
1642 | SAAG PANEER (4, 6) | An eager asp destroyed popular Indian dish (4, 6) | An eager asp* | l_powell | 2 |
1663 | SMASH (5) | Victor’s garb holding lead medal for what Hulk does (5) | S(M)ASH | l_powell | 2 |
1733 | GLEAN (5) | Discern from eccentric angle (5) | Angle* | l_powell | 2 |
1739 | GUIDE (5) | Languid expert furnishes manual (5) | lan(GUID E)xpert | l_powell | 2 |
1755 | SWITCH (6) | Yearn after southwest branch (6) | (SW)(ITCH) | l_powell | 2 |
1758 | ANAGRIND (8) | For example, fermented and containing a leading rye-infused gin (8) | Fermented is example anagrind AN(A)(G(R)IN)D |
l_powell | 2 |
1764 | AMPUTATE (8) | Current university teaching assistant written up and cut off (8) | AMP + U + TA + TE< | l_powell | 2 |
1783 | PICKUP (6 OR 4,2) | Detective destroyed puck for unorganized game (6) | PI + PUCK* Unorganized game = pickup |
l_powell | 2 |
1786 | TAUTOLOGY (9) | Double pi to logarithm of y gives formally redundant proposition (9) | 2pi = Tau + TO + LOG(Y) |
l_powell | 2 |
1822 | ATELIER (7) | I reply back after horrendously late workshop (7) | ATEL* + I + ER< | l_powell | 2 |
1863 | PREY (4) | Orally beseech quarry (4) | Prey/pray | l_powell | 2 |
1881 | NAMETAG (7) | Old horse carries self-referential label (7) | Old horse = NA_G Self-referential = META |
l_powell | 2 |
1909 | HOT AIR BALLOON (3, 3, 7) | Hair holds over time, everyone in favor to tour the skies, perhaps (3, 3, 7) | H(OT) AIR B(ALL)OON | l_powell | 2 |
1919 | ALPHABET (8) | Beginning wager for owner of google (8) | Alpha = beginning Bet = wager Alphabet inc owns google |
l_powell | 2 |
1921 | DAIRY QUEEN (5, 5) | “Prosecutor?” I confusedly query in Spanish restaurant (5, 5) | DA + I + RY QUE* + EN | l_powell | 2 |
1938 | TRIVIAL (7) | Frivolous trial about fastest medical delivery method (7) | TR(IV)IAL | l_powell | 2 |
1971 | SHIITAKE (8) | Quietly, I repeatedly take a certain mushroom (8) | SH + I I + TAKE | l_powell | 2 |
1977 | A CLUE THAT USES THE SAME NON-STOP WORD >=3X (?) | “Ride! Ride! Ride!” contributed a contemptuous sort (7) | ri(DE RIDE R)ide | l_powell | 2 |
1999 | DIE/DICE (3/4) | Chop Yahtzee supplies (4) | Ddef | l_powell | 2 |
2006 | POSSUM (6) | Early intel group up in the evening for one who plays dead (6) | P(OSS+U)M | l_powell | 2 |
2046 | YOUR FAVORITE WORD/PHRASE FOR GYM SHOES (?) | Tin ears embracing oddly keen footwear (8) | SN + EA(KE)RS | l_powell | 2 |
2051 | DOUBT (5) | To dub “haphazard” is skepticism (5) | Todub* | l_powell | 2 |
2058 | CHRYSANTHEMUMS (14) | Friends, including Roy, heartlessly start to sing song to flowers (14) | CH(R(-o)Y+S+ANTHEM)UMS | l_powell | 2 |
2141 | ESSEN (5) | Scottish Lake dweller returned, without me, to German city (5) | NESS(I)E< | l_powell | 2 |
2196 | OPUS (4) | Stirred soup for work (4) | OPUS* | l_powell | 2 |
2265 | LAST RESORT (4, 6) | Confusedly arrest lots for Nu-metal hit (4, 6) | Arrest lots* Cut my life into pieces This is my last resort Suffocation No breathing Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm, bleeding This is my last resort |
l_powell | 2 |
2267 | LAST RESORT (4, 6) | Organize again after disorganized salt hail, Mary (4,6) | Organize again = resort After disorganized salt = last Hail Mary = last resort |
l_powell | 2 |
2274 | DISCOVERY (9) | Completed following recording and Spanish exploration (9) | DISC + OVER + Y | l_powell | 2 |
3126 | FRACTURE (8) | Break from crazy curt fear (8) | CURTFEAR* | l_powell | 2 |
7832 | GENUFLECT (9) | Bend the knee, contortedly, feet clung (9) | anagram | l_powell | 2 |
11274 | OMBUDSMAN (9) | Dumb mason ruined public office (9) | <dumbmason> anagram public office = def |
l_powell | 2 |
11329 | ESPRIT DE CORPS (6, 2, 5) | Outspoken sea hawk furnishing a feeling of pride or loyalty (6, 2, 5) | Homophone indicator: outspoken sea hawk = Osprey furnishing = decor a feeling of pride or loyalty = def |
l_powell | 2 |
11337 | CHEESE (6) | Lychee seedling conceals processed dairy element (6) | Processed dairy element = def Ly(CHEE SE)eds |
l_powell | 2 |
11459 | RAIN CHECK (4, 5) | Hacker inc mucked up torrent fix (4, 5) | <hackerinc> Def = torrent fix |
l_powell | 2 |
11499 | CARET (5) | Tend to start warning of error in writing (5) | CARE + T(o) def = warning of error in writing |
l_powell | 2 |
11589 | PAELLA (6) | Revolutionary Dall-E App reveals Valencian point of pride (6) | D(all-E ap)P< def = Valencian point of pride |
l_powell | 2 |
11595 | WOK (3) | Endless right-wing complaint target is site of huge stir? (3) | WOK(e) def = site of huge stir? |
l_powell | 2 |
1164 | GROOKEY (7) | Spying rook eyes hiding shield starter (7) | Spyin(G ROOK EY)es | l_powell | 1 |
1168 | MAYDAY (6 OR 3, 3) | Call of alarm at returning root vegetable, district attorney yelped, initially.(6 or 3,3) | Call of alarm = YAM< (D)istrict (A)ttorney (Y)elped | l_powell | 1 |
1195 | MEAN (4) | Impressive average (4) | Double definition | l_powell | 1 |
1216 | MUNICIPALITY (12) | German city lost healthcare to industry, before compassion surrounded extremely antisocial region (12) | MUNIC(-h) (+I) PITY A(-ntisocia)L |
l_powell | 1 |
1257 | SWARM (5) | Conflict among San Marino crowd (5) | S(WAR)M | l_powell | 1 |
1269 | SHOT (4) | Simply beautiful picture (4) | S+HOT | l_powell | 1 |
1285 | BABA (4) | Puzzle protagonist reported a sheep’s utterance (4) | “Baa baa” black sheep | l_powell | 1 |
1286 | LAVENDER (8) | City of Angels latino to sell purple flower (8) | LA (SoCal) + VENDER (sp. to sell) | l_powell | 1 |
1287 | GLIMMER (7) | Wavering light injured grim elm (7) | Anagram grim elm = glimmer | l_powell | 1 |
1316 | PANGRAM (7) | Satyr initially gives memory for alphabetically inclusive sentence (7) | PAN + G + RAM | l_powell | 1 |
1319 | ANNEXATION (10) | Inane tax on unsettled seizure (10) | Anagram inane tax on | l_powell | 1 |
1329 | MNEMONIC DEVICE (8,6) | Method for remembering Minnesota post-punk genre: Mostly nice casual programmer endlessly froze (8,6) | MN + EMO + NIC(-e) + DEV + ICE(-d) | l_powell | 1 |
1347 | VIRIDIAN (8) | Ian followed flick incorporating smallest state for eco-friendly design movement (8) | VI(RI)D+IAN | l_powell | 1 |
1351 | ON THE HOUSE (2,3,5) | One thous, eh? Absurd! Priceless! (2, 3, 5) | Anagram one thous eh | l_powell | 1 |
1361 | ISLAND (6) | “Isolated soul, loving absolutely none dearly”: originally how Donne described no man. (6) | Initials How Donne described no man: island |
l_powell | 1 |
1368 | QUIET (5) | Stop incorporating echoes for peace’s partner (5) | QUI(E)T | l_powell | 1 |
1407 | ORALLY (6) | Sun god, carried by skate board trick, spoke this way? (6) | O(RA)LLY | l_powell | 1 |
1446 | PROLIX (6) | Tedious flicks included endless reel (6) | Flicks = PIX Endless reel = ROL(-l) |
l_powell | 1 |
1507 | DELETE (6) | Summer in France after long lasting light turned clear (6) | LED< + ETE | l_powell | 1 |
1516 | MILLENNIAL (10) | A linen mill about every thousand years (10) | Anagram: a linen mill | l_powell | 1 |
1518 | INEPT (5) | Pristine pterodactyls hide all thumbs (5) | Prist(INE PT)erodactyls | l_powell | 1 |
1521 | INEPT (5) | Clumsy ten pi conversion (5) | Anagram: ten pi | l_powell | 1 |
1523 | GO ABROAD (8) | Travel deity holding support group including male sibling (2,6) | GO(A(BRO)A)D | l_powell | 1 |
1524 | GO ABROAD (8) | Getting over a bad relationship, or absinthe drinking, leads to vacation (2,6) | Acrostic | l_powell | 1 |
1541 | ANY CLUE ENDING IN LEVEL (5, 1) | Superstar confidential informant possessing initially accurate research describing subterranean level (5,1) | Cardi B Confidential informant: CI Initially accurate research describing +ARD Subterranean Level: B (on an elevator) |
l_powell | 1 |
1545 | ZEAL (4) | Analyze all obscured enthusiasm (4) | Hidden | l_powell | 1 |
1547 | DISTRICT ATTORNEY (8, 8) | Prosecutor arranged strident atrocity (8,8) | Anagram | l_powell | 1 |
1553 | DEFENSE ATTORNEY (7,8) | Accused’s counsel arranged for attendee’s yen (7,8) | Anagram | l_powell | 1 |
1565 | TONSILLOLITH (12) | Fickle tool thins ill throat growth (12) | Anagram | l_powell | 1 |
1570 | ETCH (4) | Monet, Chagall showing imprint (4) | mon(ET CH)agall | l_powell | 1 |
1581 | HEDGEHOG (8) | Go back after barrier first halts spiny mammal (8) | HEDGE + H + OG< | l_powell | 1 |
1608 | IODINE (6) | Hesiod ineptly conceals thyroid treatment (6) | hes(IOD INE)ptly | l_powell | 1 |
1609 | SUBLIME (7) | Treat soil after bus returns Long Beach band (7) | Treat soil = lime Bus returns = sub Long Beach band = sublime |
l_powell | 1 |
1623 | DO (2) | Osteopath party (2) | Osteopath = D.O. | l_powell | 1 |
1641 | KAPUT (5) | Doomed presidential beginner introduced in Kansas and Utah (5) | KA + P + UT | l_powell | 1 |
1645 | WAIT (4) | Hold off genius computer included in heartless wishlist (4) | W(AI)T | l_powell | 1 |
1650 | GRINDER (7) | Smile, revolutionary communist hero (7) | GRIN + RED< | l_powell | 1 |
1653 | LAMPSHADE (9) | Acknowledge, winkingly, the Spanish military cop has ruined Delaware (9) | Lampshade = acknowledge winkingly The Spanish = LA Military cop = MP Has ruined = sha Delaware = DE |
l_powell | 1 |
1655 | POINTLESS (9) | Absurd lists open modification (9) | Lists open* | l_powell | 1 |
1679 | YUCCA (5) | Community center surrounding California university system loses grand tree (5) | Y(+UC)(-m)CA | l_powell | 1 |
1688 | ARTIFICER (9) | Depart, if ice rink conceals munitions specialist (9) | Dep(art if ice r)ink | l_powell | 1 |
1701 | XIMENES (7) | X-men’s—i.e. mutant—puzzle maker (7) | Xmensie* anagrind is “mutant” | l_powell | 1 |
1703 | GROSSLY (7) | Excessively sly after beginning of gallant, limitless prose (7) | G + p(ROS)e + SLY | l_powell | 1 |
1715 | DERRING-DO (7-2) | ‘er odd grin disguises bravado (7-2) | Eroddgrin* | l_powell | 1 |
1728 | PIQUANT (7) | Spicy in the manner of swallowed pint (7) | QUA = in the manner of PI(QUA)NT |
l_powell | 1 |
1747 | J.LO (1.2) | Jenny from the block hides in Taj Lounge (1.2) | ta(J LO)unge | l_powell | 1 |
1762 | SIGNATURE (9) | Returning soldiers type to John Hancock (9) | SIG< = returning soldiers NATURE = type John Hancock = signature |
l_powell | 1 |
1768 | ANAGRIND (8) | Wordplay signal concealed by Indiana grin, darling (8) | indi(ANA GRIN D)arling | l_powell | 1 |
1847 | AMBIGRAM (8) | In the mornings, initially bored returning soldier repeats start to double message (8) | AM + AM B + IG< + R |
l_powell | 1 |
1850 | CRUISE (6) | By accident, I curse a luxury trip (6) | ICURSE* | l_powell | 1 |
1853 | CHIMNEY (7) | Stack of endlessly chic unloved money (7) | Stack = CHI(-c) + M(-o)NEY | l_powell | 1 |
1857 | THE SUN (3, 3) | She haphazardly separated almond, perhaps, returning to heat source? (3,3) | SHE* contained by TUN< Sun is def for heat source Figured heat source def of sun needed ? |
l_powell | 1 |
1914 | PICKLE (6) | Epic klezmer part is trouble (6) | e(PIC KLE)zmer | l_powell | 1 |
1922 | MATTER (6) | Right after non-glossy issue (6) | MATTE + R | l_powell | 1 |
1944 | THE END (3, 3) | Thy endlessly messy need is fine in Italy (3, 3) | TH(-y) NEED* | l_powell | 1 |
1954 | STIMULATED (10) | Lead mutt is frisky or excited (10) | LEADMUTTIS* | l_powell | 1 |
1957 | GAVOTTE (7) | Brittany's folk dance got a vet confused (7) | GOTAVET* | l_powell | 1 |
1969 | A CLUE THAT USES THE SAME NON-STOP WORD >=3X (?) | Initially attempted to flee, initially returned, seemingly tense, initially (2, 5) | Acrostic of “at first” | l_powell | 1 |
1993 | CLEMENCY (8) | Men cycle in rotation for mercy (8) | MENCY/CLE rotated three letters | l_powell | 1 |
2003 | POSSUM (6) | A certain marsupial mops us about (6) | MOPSUS* | l_powell | 1 |
2024 | PUN (3) | Groan-worthy goof obscured by spunk (3) | s(PUN)k | l_powell | 1 |
2025 | NEOPETS (7) | Central hopes captured in nets for artificial companions (7) | NE(OPE)TS | l_powell | 1 |
2028 | UNBEARABLE (10) | Be workable after League of Nations follower is insufferable (10) | UN+BE+ARABLE | l_powell | 1 |
2030 | PUN (3) | Half punish for groaner (3) | PUN(ish) | l_powell | 1 |
2031 | SCRAMBLE CROSSING (8, 8) | Bleed, mostly angry, after stuff held by belt leads to chaotic intersection (8, 8) | bleed mostly: BLE(ed) angry: CROSS stuff: CRAM belt: SING S(CRAM+BLE+CROSS)ING |
l_powell | 1 |
2072 | HASHISH (7) | Dope holds his hero’s head (7) | HAS+HIS+H | l_powell | 1 |
2099 | SUBSCRIBE (9) | South Carolina barbecue staple eaten first after Dom’s partner is advocate (9) | Dom’s partner = SUB SC RIB Eaten first: E Advocate (verb) is def |
l_powell | 1 |
2100 | LIKE (4) | Similar truck, ultimately carried by Long Island Expressway (4) | Similar = def LI(K)E |
l_powell | 1 |
2142 | ARIA (4) | Solo hides amidst Mustafarians (4) | Solo = def mustaf(ARIA)ns |
l_powell | 1 |
2212 | WORD (4) | Drizzt, perhaps, returned promise (4) | Drizzt Dourden is a DROW | l_powell | 1 |
2215 | WORD (4) | Promise from returning elf, perhaps (4) | There this one isn’t ambiguous | l_powell | 1 |
3077 | ANY CLUE WHERE EVERY WORD IS THE SAME LENGTH (?) | Crude fanny pacts equal extra swank (5-5) | extra swank = fancy pants = FANNYPACTS* | l_powell | 1 |
3087 | POUND CAKE (5, 4) | Punk a coed around classic dessert (5, 4) | Punkacoed* | l_powell | 1 |
3164 | STAN (4) | First anime conceals support, intensely (4) | fir(ST AN)ime | l_powell | 1 |
7831 | WALUIGI (7) | Taller brother's villainous counterpart starts to understand inexhaustable game internally after endless walk (7) | [WAL]-k [U]nderstand [I]nexhaustable [G]ame [I]nternally |
l_powell | 1 |
7848 | FOUNDER (7) | Organizer abused ore fund. (7) | anagram | l_powell | 1 |
11074 | FUTZ (4) | Wise rival pursues noisy fiddle (4) | Def = Fiddle Wise rival (Utz) pursues Noisy (F) |
l_powell | 1 |
11078 | PUZZLE (6) | Mystery quiet starting off winter festival overwhelms center of raging snowstorm (6) | Mystery = def Quiet = P Starting off winter festival = yULE center of raging snowstorm = bliZZard P+U(ZZ)LE |
l_powell | 1 |
11093 | EXPLETIVE (9) | Live accompaniment loses second frontman after fantasy role playing's reckoning curse (9) | def = curse live accompaniment loses second frontman = LET(-l)IVE fantasy role playing's reckoning = EXP |
l_powell | 1 |
11099 | CONFUNDLE (9) | Stump fond uncle somehow (9) | anagrind | l_powell | 1 |
11106 | RESPOND (7) | Pro ends breakout counter (7) | <pro ends> | l_powell | 1 |
11317 | WHITE WHALE (5, 5) | Target obsessively pursued recklessly with a wheel (5, 5) | anagrind <withawheel> | l_powell | 1 |
11324 | VERMEER (7) | However meerkats store a famous artist (7) | Howe(ver meer)kats | l_powell | 1 |
11347 | PASTA (5) | Reportedly historical exclamation! (5) | Pasta! | l_powell | 1 |
11372 | TRAIN (5) | Before shower, start to test drill (5) | Drill = def T + RAIN |
l_powell | 1 |
11382 | TRAIN (5) | Rapper swaps pawn for rook procession (5) | T-pain - P + R Def = procession |
l_powell | 1 |
11385 | PUZZLEHUNT (10) | Hunt puzzle assembly! (10) | Anagram ddef (sorry Jonah you snooze you lose) | l_powell | 1 |
11391 | PUNT (4) | Duck, intensely aromatic, thrice gutted (4) | Def = duck PU(nge)NT |
l_powell | 1 |
11451 | FOOL’S GOLD (5, 4) | Spooner’s ghosts refuse to wager glitzy mineral variety (5, 4) | Spoonerism: ghouls fold | l_powell | 1 |
11474 | LABEL (5) | Dracula belligerently conceals mark (5) | dracu(la bel)ligerently | l_powell | 1 |
11551 | ADDITION (8) | Ain’t I odd, concealing something that wasn’t originally part of the plans? (8) | <ain’t I odd> Def = something that wasn’t originally part of the plans? (like an addition on a house) |
l_powell | 1 |
11618 | PEDANTIC (8) | Depict an arrangement overly concerned with minutiae (8) | <depictan> | l_powell | 1 |
1169 | INDIGO (6) | Excavation in denial after first Roman part of rainbow (6) | I+N[DIG]O | l_powell | 0 |
1201 | MISTAKE (7) | Mess-up Michigan martyr initially acquired killer eels (7) | (MI)chigan, martyr = ST, (A)cquired (K)iller (E)els | l_powell | 0 |
1213 | MEAN (4) | Vile or capricious name (4) | Anagram | l_powell | 0 |
1232 | MISTAKE (7) | Confuse short unwed woman with controversial opinion (7) | Short unwed woman = MIS(s) Controversial opinion = TAKE |
l_powell | 0 |
1245 | BENEFACTOR (10) | Founding dad Franklin’s leading English and French performer or patron (10) | BEN + E+ F + ACTOR | l_powell | 0 |
1293 | BABA (4) | Witch hides in Cuba, barely (4) | Cu(BA BA)rely Baba Yaga |
l_powell | 0 |
1318 | REVERSI (7) | Strategy game gear shift option turns engine idle (7) | REVERS(-e)(+I) | l_powell | 0 |
1339 | MNEMONIC DEVICE (8,6) | Em convinced me I ruined memory aid (8, 6) | Anagram | l_powell | 0 |
1372 | SPOUT (5) | Rant from drunkard incorporated problematic and upsetting sources. (5) | S(P)O(U)T | l_powell | 0 |
1376 | RUSTY (5) | Ecru style camouflaged lack of practice (5) | ec(RU STY)le | l_powell | 0 |
1404 | ORALLY (6) | Spoken aloud, a way to deliver medicine. (6) | Ddef | l_powell | 0 |
1463 | ANGLE (5) | Facet to sort of glean (5) | GLEAN* | l_powell | 0 |
1593 | FOX MULDER (3, 6) | Roosevelt carries beasts of burden for paranormal investigator (3,6) | FDR, Ox, Mule | l_powell | 0 |
1621 | WAIT (4) | Washington information technology delay (4) | WA + IT | l_powell | 0 |
1643 | FERTILE CRESCENT (7,8) | Inactive crescendo takes time following ironic reptile without record into Mesopotamian region (7,8) | Crescendo - do (inactive) Takes time + T Ironic reptile without record FE(R)-ep(TILE) |
l_powell | 0 |
1670 | SICK (4) | Worn out segment of music knowledge (4) | mu(SIC K)nowledge | l_powell | 0 |
1681 | NURSE (5) | Strange runes for one who is registered (5) | Runes* | l_powell | 0 |
1707 | OMINOUS (7) | Domino usage conceals foreboding (7) | d(OMINO US)age | l_powell | 0 |
1713 | CAVORT (6) | Evacuated Valparaiso in cart to fool around (6) | CA(VO)RT | l_powell | 0 |
1714 | BOXERS (6) | Returning king framed by short boss or prize fighters (6) | BO(XER<)S(-s) | l_powell | 0 |
1744 | RHODE ISLAND (5, 6) | Messy sad rhino led smallest state (5, 6) | Sad rhino led* | l_powell | 0 |
1788 | POLYCHROMATIC (13) | Multicolored, undeniably absurd, holy, romantic cop (13) | Multicolored = def HOLYROMANTICCOP(-no)* |
l_powell | 0 |
1791 | CAKE (4) | Calvin Klein and heads of American Eagle baked a dessert (4) | CKAE* | l_powell | 0 |
1796 | RAINSTORM (9) | Foul weather oddly realigns sitcom romp (9) | ReAlIgNs SiTcOm RoMp | l_powell | 0 |
1815 | BROWNIE (7) | Direction following sibling returning one German baked good (7) | W following BRO + NIE< | l_powell | 0 |
1816 | BROWNIE (7) | Future Girl Scout arranged iron web (7) | IRONWEB* | l_powell | 0 |
1830 | QUARTZ (6) | After two pints, sip of Zinfandel could be rosè (6) | QUART + Z | l_powell | 0 |
1833 | ARAMIS (6) | A virile sheep is one famous swordsman (6) | A + RAM + IS | l_powell | 0 |
1867 | PREDATOR (8) | Hunter parroted mysteriously (8) | Parroted* | l_powell | 0 |
1896 | GATEMAN (7) | Traffic supervisor’s gun ruined name | GAT = gun *NAME |
l_powell | 0 |
1897 | EXETER (6) | Last spouse, right after summer in France, goes to UK city (6) | EX + ETE + R | l_powell | 0 |
1930 | IN A SNIT (2, 1, 4) | It follows in holding illmatic rapper out of sorts (2, 1, 4) | I(NAS)N + IT | l_powell | 0 |
1939 | PURSUIT (7) | Chase Latin bear with no tail up into pit (7) | P (URS(-a) + U) IT | l_powell | 0 |
1942 | THE END (3, 3) | He intends partially to finish (3, 3) | T(HE) END(-s) | l_powell | 0 |
1946 | THE END (3, 3) | Other slender cores for a caboose, maybe (3, 3) | o(THE)r sl(END)er | l_powell | 0 |
1963 | ORBIT (5) | Path of run batted in, in extra innings (5) | Path = orbit Extra innings = OT RBI |
l_powell | 0 |
1991 | LEVEL (5) | Flatten Adam’s partner in the 50’s (5) | L(EVE)L | l_powell | 0 |
1992 | KNOW-HOW (4-3) | King presently shows core expertise (4-3) | K+NOW + s(HOW)s | l_powell | 0 |
2008 | SGDQ (4) | Initially San Gabriel Dairy Queen was warm weather recreational expo (4) | Acrostic | l_powell | 0 |
2009 | DUNGEON (7) | Haphazardly dug neon prison (7) | Dugneon* | l_powell | 0 |
2018 | EGG (3) | Heart monitor swaps thousands for her? | EKG -K +G Her? Is an arrested development reference with question mark for obscure def |
l_powell | 0 |
2022 | UNBEARABLE (10) | Insufferable Arab eel bun concoction (10) | arabeelbun* | l_powell | 0 |
2033 | METRONOME (9) | Musician’s assistant encountered Weasley, Oscar and Quincy, for one. (9) | Musician’s assistant = def MET+RON+O+ME |
l_powell | 0 |
2036 | RAMPART (7) | Endless celebration after Spanish sea returns to Hadrian’s wall, perhaps (7) | RAM< PART(y) | l_powell | 0 |
2048 | LEAGUE (6) | Half of Ontario city follows field organization (6) | GUE(lph) LEA |
l_powell | 0 |
2054 | DOUBT (5) | Doublet without the French concern (5) | DOUB(-le)T | l_powell | 0 |
2055 | PLATITUDE (9) | Commonplace plate holds pita center up and down (9) | PLAT(pITa+U+D)E | l_powell | 0 |
2101 | COMMENT (7) | Book following boss soldier and French girl’s report (7) | Book = NT Boss soldier = CO French girl = MME |
l_powell | 0 |
2105 | CARCASSONNE (11) | California electronics giant’s offspring, perhaps, renews central French city (11) | CA+RCA+S+SON+re(NE)ws | l_powell | 0 |
2198 | FOUR (4) | Novice wanting baking staple for tea time, perhaps (4) | Tea time, perhaps = FOUR FLOUR = baking staple "novice wanting" = -L(earner) |
l_powell | 0 |
2202 | SALT (4) | Leading seasoning averts larder tragedies! (4) | acrostic &lit | l_powell | 0 |
3121 | NEPTUNE (7) | Adjust after returning pen to teen PI’s hometown (7) | TUNE PEN< Veronica Mars |
l_powell | 0 |
7829 | UFO (3) | Abductee center begins occupancy from flying saucer (3) | abd[u]ctee [o]ccupancy [f]rom |
l_powell | 0 |
7835 | KIBITZ (6) | Pontificating irrelevantly about zit after overturned bike loses rear-end (6) | [BIKE]->e[KIB]+[ZIT]->[ITZ] | l_powell | 0 |
7836 | SCRAWL (6) | "In retrospect, war, amidst beginnings of solemnity..." carved like childish writing (6) | WAR->[RAW] [S]olemnity [C]arved [L]ike |
l_powell | 0 |
7845 | UNGULATE (8) | Among others, dolphins, surprisingly, glue Tuna. (8) | Anagram (it's a super unfair definition, but I like it because the "surprisingly" goes both ways) |
l_powell | 0 |
11057 | PROSODY (7) | Patterns of stress and intonation set off spy door (7) | (Anagrind) | l_powell | 0 |
11060 | BATHTUB (7) | Sabbath tuba holds increasingly rare claw-footed household occupant (7) | SA(BATH TUB)A | l_powell | 0 |
11062 | SANDWICH (8) | Nestle North Dakota and Wisconsin between South America and Chicago (8) | Nestle SA(ND+WI)CH | l_powell | 0 |
11063 | BELLICOSE (9) | Bile close at fault for eagerness to fight (9) | <bileclose> anagrind | l_powell | 0 |
11070 | JUICE (5) | Slay! After the first half of June? Bulk up illicitly (5) | Def: bulk up illicitly (as in steroids) SLAY=>ICE JU(ICE) |
l_powell | 0 |
11076 | CIVIL (5) | Courteous Cruella’s canine coat cost half a dozen? Bingo. (5) | def = courteous cruella's canine coat cost = (CI) half a dozen = (VI) Bingo = (L) |
l_powell | 0 |
11131 | LET'S DO "YOUR USERNAME (?)" AGAIN THAT WAS FUN | Mostly obscene ideas at the edges of sturdy tool (5) | I didn’t want to go dirty, it’s just how else do you define “lewis”? Mostly obscene = LEW(d) Ideas at the edges = I(dea)S |
l_powell | 0 |
11202 | TWIN PEAKS (4, 5) | New ska pit wrecked show with distinctive jazz music (4, 5) | <new ska pit> = anagram show with distinctive jazz music = def |
l_powell | 0 |
11203 | FINAGLE (7) | Old horse embraced by file architect (7) | old horse = NAG embraced by file = FI(NAG)LE architect = def |
l_powell | 0 |
11207 | FACETIOUSLY (11) | Jokingly mark inside diamond side arch (11) | jokingly = def mark = iou diamond side = facet arch = sly wordplay = FACET(IOU)SLY |
l_powell | 0 |
11313 | SUBSTANCE (9) | Hero pose character (9) | Hero = sub pose = stance character = substance |
l_powell | 0 |
11315 | SANDBAG (7) | Stonewall oddball sang bad (7) | stonewall = def oddball = anagrind sang bad = <sandbag> |
l_powell | 0 |
11319 | SWINDLE (7) | Fleece processed sewn lid (7) | Fleece = def processed = anagrind <sewnlid> |
l_powell | 0 |
11353 | COPY (4) | Bastard and, in Barcelona, ape (4) | Def = ape Y = and in Barcelona Cop = bastard |
l_powell | 0 |
11355 | COPY (4) | Duplicate drug fee wipes out answer (4) | Def = duplicate Drug fee wipes out answer = cop(a)y |
l_powell | 0 |
11365 | HYPE (4) | Why peacocks conceal puff (4) | Charade: w(hy pe)cocks |
l_powell | 0 |
11387 | PUZZLE HUNT (6, 4) | Elusive interrelated challenges, usually intended for groups to: tackle, initially pin, suppress after commencement, pursue (6, 4) | Elusive interrelated challenges usually intended for groups to tackle = def initially pin = P suppress after commencement = (m)UZZLE pursue = HUNT |
l_powell | 0 |
11397 | A (1) | According to unlucky Caesar, Bond’s Boss is premium. (1) | According to unlucky Caesar = rot13 Bond’s boss = M Def = premium |
l_powell | 0 |
11431 | TOREADOR (8) | Drugstore adornment conceals a vampire clan (8) | Drugs(TORE ADOR)nment Def = a vampire clan (white wolf/VTM) |
l_powell | 0 |
11432 | E (1) | Easily lead number (1) | Easily lead = E Number = def |
l_powell | 0 |
11444 | SCRIMSHAW (9) | Chris swam into a sailor's craft (9) | <chrisswam> def = a sailor's craft (scrimshaw is principally associated with 19th(?) century whalers as practitioners) |
l_powell | 0 |
11449 | G (1) | Classically mix a third of it in a tonic! (1) | Double def (G&T and music theory) | l_powell | 0 |
11460 | AT SIGN (2, 4) | Reshaped gnat is marker for host's name (2, 4) | <gnatis> def = marker for host's name |
l_powell | 0 |
11462 | I (1) | Automaton novel initial! (1) | ddef I(saac asimov) I(, robot) |
l_powell | 0 |
11464 | VERBOTEN (8) | Beer? On TV? Perverse! Prohibited! (8) | <beerontv> def = prohibited |
l_powell | 0 |
11468 | OCTOTHORPE (10) | Famous athlete chases both sides of court covered by good centers making a hash (10) | Def = a hash Famous athlete = THORPE chasing Both sides of C(our)T Covered by g(OO)d centers OCTO |
l_powell | 0 |
11469 | J (1) | Doctor is half kidding (1) | Def = Doctor J (basketball player) Half kidding = (J)/k |
l_powell | 0 |
11491 | PERCENT (7) | Cpt. Rene mangled a lil bit (7) | <cptrene> | l_powell | 0 |
11542 | NOVELLA (7) | Short prose work’s inventive Hollywood home (7) | Def = short prose work Inventive = novel Hollywood home = LA |
l_powell | 0 |
11585 | BARTENDER | Early e-sport gamer trails Norcal rail shot dispenser (9) | def = shot dispenser BART + ENDER |
l_powell | 0 |
11619 | FRESCO (6) | Painting of bottomless grapefuit soda in center of pot (6) | def = fresco FRESC(a) + p(O)t |
l_powell | 0 |