


All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12050 SOFA (4) GF missing large couch (4) G F = notes SOL + FA, missing large = SO(-l) FA
Couch = def
biocuriousgeorgie 6
11889 AUTHENTIC (9) Real gold? Then check if the bottom's scratched (9) Real = def
Gold = AU
check (if the bottom's scratched) = TICk
biocuriousgeorgie 5
8455 SCARLET (7) Ruby was initially Sapphire's companion - Garnet, almost from the start, had the bud of love (without a second of envy) in her heart (7) Ruby = def
initially Sapphire's companion = SC
Garnet almost from the start = ARNET
Bud of love = L
without a second of envy = -N
SC + gAR(L)nET
biocuriousgeorgie 4
8623 ADJACENT (8) Next to a music player, a penny (8) A+DJ+A+CENT biocuriousgeorgie 4
11023 FINNISH (7) Uralic language is not first, in the end (7) Uralic language = def
biocuriousgeorgie 4
11056 PROSODY (7) Snoop enthralls, regularly goes gold for lyrical rhythm (7) Snoop = PRY
Enthralls = container indicator, as in captures
Regularly goes gold = gOeSgOlD
Lyrical rhythm = def
biocuriousgeorgie 4
11174 MARTINI (7) A cocktail for a pope (7) Ddef - martini and Martin I biocuriousgeorgie 4
11936 EXTRUDE (7) To push through can be overly churlish without a reasonable opening (7) To push through = def
Overly churlish = EXTRA RUDE
without a reasonable opening = without A R_
biocuriousgeorgie 4
12067 GF (2) Odd gift for a partner (2) G_F_ biocuriousgeorgie 4
12141 ADHERE (6) Paste advertisement in this place (6) Paste = def, as in glue
biocuriousgeorgie 4
12370 FRINGE (6) FBI show's firing/cutting its first episode's lead (6) FBI show = def
Firing, cutting Its first = FiRING
Episode's lead = E
biocuriousgeorgie 4
12399 BUFFET (6) Muscular alien's more than a snack (6) BUFF + ET biocuriousgeorgie 4
8453 SCARLET (7) A color (7) A color = def
A color = SCARLET (i.e., the color of the "A" worn by Hester in The Scarlet Letter)
biocuriousgeorgie 3
8494 TIGER (5) Sounds like a growl following Siamese cat (5) Sounds like (Thai + grrr) = TIGER
Cat = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
8502 OUROBOROS (9) Unlimited bourbon (not the first bottle) leads to cigarette butts - in the end, it's the circle of life (9) bOURBOn - B (first bottle) = OURO
cigarette butts = marlBORO
in the end, it's = itS
the circle of life = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
8547 LOVERS (6) Admirers unlock hearts with endless poetry (6) Admirers = def
unlock hearts = unLOck
endless poetry = VERSe
biocuriousgeorgie 3
8657 WATER (5) Waiter, I spilled a drink (5) Waiter, "I" spilled = WAiTER
A drink = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
9470 UMAMI (5) No Cadmium--Cadmium ruined my experience with MSG (5) No Cadmium-Cadmium, ruined = (CADMIUM-CD)*= AMIUM*
My experience with MSG = def (i.e., umami is the qualitative experience of receptors binding to glutamate)
biocuriousgeorgie 3
9488 SPLOOT (6) Spot held mostly low pose - typical of a corgi (6) SP(LOw)OT
Pose typical of a corgi = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
9510 AREPA (5) Mirabel's mom can make you feel better with just one (one!) cooked pear (5) Mirabel's mom can make you feel better with just one = def (line from Encanto)
One = A
biocuriousgeorgie 3
9553 JACKAL (6) The assassin of Forsyth, Kerouac, and Gore (6) "The" assassin of Forsyth = def
Kerouac and Gore = JACK + AL
biocuriousgeorgie 3
9623 BOX (3) A way to rearrange your face but not to fight? (3) A way to rearrange your face, but not TO = BOtoX
Fight = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
10235 GHOST (5) Initially, Gengar had only suggested this to Haunter (5) G_ H_ O_ S_ T_
Haunter = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
10715 LICENSE (7) Denucleated fungal-algal composites on base of log make green light (7) Denucleated fungal-algal composites = LIC(-h)ENS
on = vertical juxtaposition indicator
base of log = e
Green light = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
10895 MIGHT (5) May 4th commemorates Luke's initial disappearance from Light (5) May = def
4th comMemorates = M
Luke's initial (L) disappearance from Light = IGHT
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11079 CIVIL (5) Polite -> cold -> upset -> nearly furious (5) Polite = def
Cold = C (as on my faucet)
Upset "nearly furious" = LIVId<
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11111 VOYAGE (6) It might be fantastic to grow old after I go to Spain (6) It might be fantastic = def
To grow old = AGE
I go, to Spain = VOY
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11339 FRIDGE (6) Eliminate, stuffing female into company of appliance! (6) &lit (fridge as a verb as in the women in refrigerators trope)
Eliminate = RID, which is stuffing (inside)
F + GE (using into as a juxtaposition indicator here, more like running into)
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11362 POIGNANT (8) Moving tip: boxes flip over and need good lids (8) Moving = def
boxes = container indicator
flip over And Need Good lids = (A_ N_ G_)<
POI(A_ N_ G_)<NT
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11509 AMPERSAND (9) ASCII character - shifted 7! (9) &lit
The ASCII character - (minus), when shifted back by 7 in the ASCII tables, becomes &
def = the ASCII character you get from Shift+7 (on a US QWERTY keyboard, anyway)
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11511 O (1) ||Climax of porno!|| (1) &lit
Last letter of pornO
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11530 P (1) Speak second tongue on the internet (1) sPeak
Tongue on the internet = def, as the tongue of the emoticon :P
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11752 HUBRIS (6) "Overconfidence is not bad --" "Rubbish! RUBBISH!" (6) Overconfidence = def
Rubbish RUBBISH, not B = RUBbISH*
biocuriousgeorgie 3
11850 CIDER (5) Sometimes, toast for kids is riced, strangely (5) Sometimes, toast for kids = def (i.e. the kids all drink martinelli's while the adults get champagne)
Riced, strangely = RICED*
biocuriousgeorgie 3
12140 CRAPS (5) Game where you dice cucumber, rhubarb, and peppers, staying in the lead (5) Game where you dice = def (dice can be a verb, I learned that from wheel of time)
C_ R_ A_ P_ S_
biocuriousgeorgie 3
12400 MAGICAL (7) Bats claim eating a goat head is marvelous (7) Bats claim = CLAIM*
eating a goat head = M(A+G_)ICAL
Marvelous = def
biocuriousgeorgie 3
12699 PEAR (4) Roundish green food, right?! (4) &lit
biocuriousgeorgie 3
8454 FETCH (5) Gretchen's cool, get it? (5) ddef
Gretchen's word for cool in Mean Girls = FETCH
Get it = FETCH (as a command)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8518 BUFFALO (7) Polish regularly fail to intimidate (7) Polish = BUFF
regularly fail to = fAiL tO
intimidate = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8546 LOVERS (6) Without their leader, small shorebirds are not fighters (6) pLOVERS
I'm a lover, not a fighter
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8599 ADJACENT (8) Descriptive word about secant (but not its origin)? (8) &lit: secant = hypotenuse/adjacent, but apparently the origin/etymology of the word is related to how it "cuts" the circle

biocuriousgeorgie 2
8600 ONE (3), THEN TWO (3), THEN THREE (5), THEN FOUR (4), ETC. Sounds like an island octet (5) Ait homophone
Octet = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8618 BOGART (6) Shapeshifter reduced its belly to become a Hollywood star (6) BOGgART biocuriousgeorgie 2
8634 SCREE (5) Timeless secret lost in a pile of rocks (5) Timeless secret lost = (SECREt)*
Pile of rocks = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8638 ANY CLUE THAT STARTS WITH "MACHINE TO STEAL" (?) Machine to steal heart of damsel after the beauty fell short in stereotypical hippie fashion (11) Machine to = BOT TO
steal heart of damsel = MS
The Beauty fell short = BELLe
Stereotypical hippie fashion = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8639 ANY CLUE THAT STARTS WITH "MACHINE TO STEAL" (?) Machine to steal the first- and second-born of ignorant racist (5) B(IG)OT
Machine = BOT
First and second-born of ignorant = IG
Racist = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8675 COUGAR (6) Predatory female wild cat (6) Ddef
Predatory female | wild cat
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8677 PICROSS (7) Half-dose of bitter poison dissolved a couple layers of tissue - it's a rather graphic problem, isn't it? (7) Half-dose of bitter poison = PICROtoxin (literally means "bitter poison")
Dissolved a couple layers of tissue = tiSSue
It's a rather graphic problem, isn't it? = punny def (i.e., it's a puzzle involving graphics)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8710 ANY CLUE WITH A WORD USED MULTIPLE TIMES (?) Container containing container is not containing (6) BA(TIN)G
BAG containing TIN
Not containing = def for BATING, an archaic form meaning "except for, excluding"
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8724 SOULMATE (8) It's said only a caffeinated drink has the ability to forever make your heart beat faster (8) Sounds like SOLE
a caffeinated drink = MATE
has the ability to forever make your heart beat faster = def
(taking a little poetic license with the part of speech here, shhh)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8757 (0) What is love when Cupid reportedly has no arrows? (0) What is love = baby don't hurt me...I mean, def (i.e., "nothing" in tennis)
Cupid, reportedly = sounds like Eros = ARROWS
has no arrows = ARROWS-ARROWS =
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8810 FLUMMOX (7) Baffle doofus after a failing grade (7) Baffle = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8834 MODEL (5) The most common one comes with half-pound version (5) The most common one = MODE
half-pound = Lb
Version = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
8913 SPRAY (5) Flower arrangement had pansy artfully arranged to surround rose bud, but no note (5) Flower arrangement = def (a branch of flowers and leaves)
(PANSY)* around R_, with no N
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9420 FEINT (5) Often, I'm not even fake (5) Even letters of oFtEn I'm NoT
Fake = def (v.)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9468 A CLUE IN WHICH EVERY WORD IS (OR IS PART OF) A COMMONLY ACCEPTED ANAGRIND (?) Mess around with odd blend (3) Mess around with (def) = BED
odd blend = BlEnD
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9498 THANOS (6) The man who set two of every four to be destroyed?! (6) THem

biocuriousgeorgie 2
9534 ELEVEN (6) In retrospect, original closing time back before store opening was moved from seven! (6) In retrospect = reversal of originaL closing + timE back = EL
before = position indicator
Store opening (S) was moved from seven = sEVEN

&lit - 7-Eleven stores used to be open from 7am-11pm (who woulda guessed), until they switched to 24 hours
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9547 EPEE (4) Equipment pointed primarily at core need for a non-lame sport? (4) E_ P_ nEEd
A non-lame sport? = def: Foil and sabre fencing use a lamé jacket to complete the circuit with the conductive region on the weapon and make it clear when a touch has been made on the target area, but epee does not require a lamé because a touch counts anywhere on the body as long as the tip of the weapon is depressed.
(Clue/definition updated and resubmitted because my partner who is a fencer just reminded me that epee is in fact the one type of fencing that *doesn't* use a lamé...)

(If épée doesn't need accents for this competition, as the competition title indicates, then I will argue that lamé does not either!)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9576 LYNX (4) The oldest web browser that's still maintained originally lacked a dependent variable and an independent variable (4) The oldest web browser that's still maintained = def
Originally, lacked = L
A dependent variable and an independent variable = Y 'N' X
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9692 ANGST (5) Generalized anxiety disorder stang (5) Generalized anxiety = def
Disorder stang = STANG*
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9731 SECRETARIAT (11) Upset!: Rat ties race with horse who usually wins! (11) Upset RATTIESRACE*
Horse who usually wins = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
9813 CLUE THAT'S ENTIRELY IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ANSWER, DEFINITION, AND CRYPTIC READING) టపాసులు పేలినప్పుడు, మొట్టమొదటిగా సుఖము పొతే రాగాలు తీయచ్చు (3) Literal translation: When firecrackers explode, if you first lose your happiness/comfort, you can cry/wail

టపాసులు (firecrackers) పేలినప్పుడు (when they explode) = anagram టపాసులు
మొట్టమొదటిగా (immediately first,) సుఖము (happiness/comfort) పొతే (if it goes away) = remove సు (the first letter of సుఖము)
రాగాలు (tunes/songs) = def = పాటలు
తీయచ్చు (you can take out) = connector, comes after because that's how Telugu grammar works

surface reading: రాగాలు తీయు is also an idiomatic phrase meaning to cry/wail/scream used often to describe tantrums (e.g., you can sing as much as you like, but it's not going to change the situation)

టపాసులు* - సు = పాటలు
biocuriousgeorgie 2
10223 TESTAMENT (9) Will the new year in Hanoi include a pollinator, perhaps? (9) Will = def
the new year in Hanoi = TET
a pollinator, perhaps = STAMEN
biocuriousgeorgie 2
10257 CANAL (5) Common internet disclaimer: I should be replaced by cats starting with C & O, for example (5) Common internet disclaimer = IANAL (I am not a lawyer)
I replaced by Cats starting = (I->C)ANAL
C&O, for example = def (i.e., the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, known as the C&O Canal)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11019 GOOSE (5) ||Pinch a honker|| (5) ddef...and I'm sorry. biocuriousgeorgie 2
11077 PUZZLE (6) Stump for political leader to replace military leader in gun region (6) Stump = def
P replaces M in MUZZLE (a region of a gun)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11120 JUMP (4) Leap day replaced by July 1st in rubbish locality (4) Leap = def
D replaced by J in DUMP
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11146 FLAGRANT (8) Bold new direction for perfume qualifier (8) Bold = def
New direction for perfume qualifier = F(R->L)AGRANT
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11193 TWIN PEAKS (4, 5) Gay boys eat a vegetable at San Francisco locale (4, 5) TWIN(PEA)KS biocuriousgeorgie 2
11206 POSTAL SERVICE (6, 7) Reform these patrols! Abolish the deputy's agency! (6, 7) Reform <theSEPATROLS> (without THE) = POSTALSER
Deputy = VICE (as in, second to the boss)
Agency = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11228 JOHN CENA (4, 4) Joan Chen's mashed potato salad (4, 4) JOANCHEN* (is mashed = anagrind)
Potato salad = def
(see: and
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11349 PASTA (5) Noodles after one (5) Noodles = def
After = PAST
One = A
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11402 B (1) Last bit of climb had a decent grade (1) Last bit of climb = _B
A decent grade = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11427 D (1) 500 died (1) ddef biocuriousgeorgie 2
11487 K (1) First kiss is all right (1) K_, all right = def biocuriousgeorgie 2
11510 STAR (4) Feature of liberal arts (4) Feature = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11522 STAR (4) Rodents return for the big cheese (4) Rodents return = RATS< (hi Zappy!)
The big cheese = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11525 LEFT (4) Cut out eye of old newt (4) Cut out = def
eye of oLd = L
Newt = EFT
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11527 COMMUTE (7) Cute mom plays Journey every day (7) CUTEMOM* plays
journey every day = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11529 P (1) Political leader Pence (1) P_ and pence as in British money biocuriousgeorgie 2
11553 ATLAS (5) Recall season one - he was a Titan (5) (SALT+A)< biocuriousgeorgie 2
11561 T (1) Boston subway report: something spilled (1) Boston subway = def
report = homophone indicator
something spilled = "tea"
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11626 MINESTRONE (10) Soup for me - hearty, with energy for a thousand (10) Soup = def
For me = MINE
Hearty = STRONG with E for G = STRONE
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11655 DAWDLE (6) Drag one's feet in clumsy waddle (6) Drag one's feet = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11706 BULLISH (7) Optimistic hedge conceals bad back (7) Optimistic = def
Hedge = BUSH, containing ILL reversed
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11773 SEAT (4) Bench pressed a set (4) Bench = def
Pressed = anagrind (e.g., liquefied like with a juice press) for ASET*
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11775 BULBOUS (7) Bloated bus is full of extremely unusual body odor (7) Bloated = def
extremely UnusuaL
body odor = BO (common enough abbreviation, I think?)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11783 WARM (4) General's bread and butter might start to get toast-y (4) General's bread and butter = WAR
might start = M
To get toasty = def (warm as a verb)
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11793 ANY NUMBER BIGGER THAN 1000 (?) Author held love for a number named by a child (6) Author = GOGOL, held love = GO(O)GOL
A number named by a child = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11805 INSTINCT (8) Gut feeling in some trouble? I'd nibble copious Tums to start (8) Gut feeling = def
IN + S_ T_ I_ N_ C_ T_
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11845 ANY CHEESE (?) Before, I have cut short flatulation without false dairy product (7) Have cut short = HAVe
Flatulation without false = fART
Before I = HAV + ART + I
Dairy product = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11857 HYDROGEN (8) Jekyll's alter ego nearly peeled off from some gender element (8) Jekyll's alter ego nearly = HYDe
Peeled off from = fROm
Some gender = GENder
Element = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11869 NERF (4) License confiscated from friend-turned-gun manufacturer? (4) License confiscated from friend = FRIEND minus ID
Turned = reversal indicator = FREN<
Gun manufacturer? = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11873 SHOUT (5) Yell "Say, you's in the photo!" (5) Yell = def
Say you = U
In the photo = SHO(U)T
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11901 LEMNISCATE (10) My new entrance: after reverse half axel, I skate, using center ice for a second to make a figure-eight (10) My new entrance after reverse half axel = LExa< + M_ N_
I skate, using center ice for a second = I + S(K->_C_)ATE
to make = linker
a figure-eight = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11903 ANY ANAGRAM OF STONE (5) Rock and roll tones (5) Rock = def
Roll tones = move a letter from end to front (->S)TONEs->
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11940 BALDERDASH (10) Naked reindeer's heels over head for bull (10) Naked = BALD
Reindeer's heels over head = DASHER with heels (more than one end letters) over head (assuming a down clue), i.e.,ER DASH
Bull = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12053 SOFA (4) Couch was so-so, on reflection (4) SO
so, on reflection = AF<
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12344 CHAPERONE (9) It helps fold proteins without serine, shape tertiary structure into cone (9) It helps fold proteins = def
Without serine, shape = sHAPE
Tertiary structure = __R
Into cone = C(HAPE+R)ONE
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12357 TRENCHANT (9) Start off inert, cast some magic words to make acid (9) Start off inert, cast = iNERT*
Some magic words = CHANT
Acid (adj.) = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12368 BUCK (4) Deer sometimes sound like a chicken (4) ddef (deer, sometimes | sound like a chicken) biocuriousgeorgie 2
12403 CMU (3) College with odd campus (3) C_M_U_ biocuriousgeorgie 2
12480 PARADE ( 6) Standard juice in March (6) PAR + ADE biocuriousgeorgie 2
12481 PARAMETER (9) Sheepish dad consumer abandoned a property? (9) Sheepish dad? = PA RAM
Consumer, abandoned a = EaTER
Property = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12489 FIRST (5) Leading right into bumper? (5) Leading = def
R into FIST
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12495 LLAMA (5) Woolly animal (not quite sheep) in Los Angeles (5) Woolly animal = def
Not quite sheep = LAMb, in LA = L(LAM)A
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12536 MOUNTAIN (8) Utter, peak extreme in amount (8) Utter peak = def
Extreme = anagram indicator for INAMOUNT*
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12603 CONCH (5) Shell company closing in Switzerland (5) CO + _N + CH (country code/abbreviation) biocuriousgeorgie 2
12627 ADAPT (5) Prosecutor's in-appropriate reform (5) DA is in APT = A(DA)PT biocuriousgeorgie 2
12694 APPLE (5) Primate eats half of plum fruit (5) AP(PL_)E biocuriousgeorgie 2
8466 TEN-FOUR (3-4) Two-bit for audio is okay (3-4) Two-bit = binary two = TEN
for audio = sounds like for = FOUR
okay = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8544 TAKE A BREATHER (4, 1, 8) Unwind with a fresh tea break before noticeably cutting a head off (4, 1, 8) Unwind = def
fresh (tea break)* = TAKE A BRE
noticeably, cutting a head off = rATHER
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8545 LOVERS (6) Incite revolts without starting the flames (6) <REVOLtS> minus The
Flames = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8561 REVEAL (6) Bare skin? Aloe vera turns owww into ahhh (6) Bare = def
Skin (as a verb) aLOE VERa -> turns -> REVEOL
owww into ahhh (O->A, would also be W->H but there is none)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8598 SPRUCE (6) Christmas tree purchased even after Mar/Apr/May, without hint of awkwardness (6) Christmas tree = def
SPR (spring) + pUrChAsEd - A
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8624 ADJACENT (8) The start of a difficult journey to retrieve samples from Proxima Centauri's neighbor (8) A D_ J_ + _A CENT_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8658 UNIVERSE (8) What comes between life and everything else, turning left to right after stealing our souls and completely exposing vanity as the primary virtue? (8) What comes between life and everything = def (i.e., "Life, the Universe and Everything")
Stealing our souls = oUr
Completely exposing vanity = vaNIty
The primary virtue = V_
Else, turning left to right = E(l->R)SE

Bonus answer to the riddle that I'm not sure actually fully makes sense = a selfie camera
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8674 WET (3) God takes sixteen turns to flood (3) GOD rot-16 = WET
Flood = def (as a verb)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8688 MINISTER (8) Small semi-truck driver is official (8) Small = MINI
semi (truck driver) = teamSTER
official (n.) = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8706 ANY CLUE WITH A WORD USED MULTIPLE TIMES (?) Fish had had sad end with bad doc (7) Fish = HADDOCK
had had sad end = HA(D)D
bad doc = OCK (i.e., Doc Ock)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8755 COBALT (6) At the end of the day, what space borders on is blue (6) At = connector
The end of the day = C.O.B. (close of business)
What space borders on = ALT (on my keyboard, at least - I've decided Macs temporarily don't exist)
Blue = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8761 OWL (3) In a reversal, the mealworm eats the late bird (3) The late bird = def (because owls are night owls)
Mealworm reversed contains OWL
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8781 FORK (4) Have sex in the Good Place, then split? (4) ddef
Have sex in the Good Place (e.g., "fork you")
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8783 ANY CLUE THAT BEGINS "IN SOVIET RUSSIA..." (?) In Soviet Russia, the compass points West after questioning - it's strange (5) Q + U(S->E, S->E)R
The compass points west instead of north, so rotate compass directions in USSR 90° ccw (S->E)
Questioning = Q (as in LGBTQQ)
Strange = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8808 THYMINE (7) I'm back in Boston - enemy's going around riding the T (7) TH(N(IM<)Y<)E
IM backwards in (Boston enemy = NY, going around) = YMIN
YMIN riding (i.e., sitting inside) THE = TH(YMIN)E
T = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8812 ANY GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE (?) After last expedition aboard a small boat, I'm half afraid (oddly!) to follow you to where three seas meet (11) Last expedition = N, aboard a KAYAK = KANYAK
I'm half= M, afraid oddly = ARI to follow you = UMARI
where three seas meet = KANYAKUMARI
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8813 ANY GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE (?) Eve's partner went back to fuel vehicle in children's comedy film (10) ADAM< + GAS + CAR
Children's film = MADAGASCAR
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8815 INTERROBANG (11) Punctuation partially started off with a gunshot‽ (11) Questionably true/punny &lit (hence, ‽)

Punctuation, partially = INTERRuption (see
Started off = O
with = connector
a gunshot = BANG

The use of "bang" for the exclamation mark (a part of an interrobang) is rumored to have started when printers used "!" to denote a gunshot in comic books.
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8861 PROCYON (7) After favoring chipmunks initially, they finally live a level below a raccoon's family (7) After PRO, C_, _Y
Live = ON (e.g., on air)
A level below a raccoon's family = def
(level below family = genus, and raccoon's genus = Procyon)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8887 LINTEL (6) Fibrous fluff from Krypton sometimes decorates a door? (6) Fibrous fluff from Krypton = LINT-EL (e.g., Lint from the House of El, like Kal-El)
Sometimes decorates a door = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8888 LINTEL (6) The beam at the door illuminated the French mirror, bringing in the setting sun (6) The beam at the door = def
Illuminated = LIT
the French mirror = LE<
The setting sun = last letter of suN
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8896 RETROGRADE (10) An agile runner circling an exposed agora sent back the outcome, creating a spot of trouble for Mercury, perhaps? (10) An agile runner = DARTER, circling exposed aGORa, sent back = DAR(GOR)TER<
+ thE outcome
Creating = connector

A troublesome spot for Mercury, perhaps? = def (i.e., Mercury being in retrograde supposedly causes trouble)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8900 PROSPECT (8) Go pan for gold in a river, in a river; time goes by - t'aint a kilo, just a sliver (8) Go pan for gold = def
A river in a river = R in PO = PRO
Time goes by (i.e., T goes after)
t'ain't a kilo, just a sliver = SPECK-K
P(R)O + SPECk + T
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8909 INDIANA (7) Gary is in such a state - every other one of his nude frontal images was exposed (the rest are not available) (7) Gary is in such a state = def (i.e., Gary, Indiana)
every other one of hIs NuDe = IND
frontal Images = I
wAs exposed = A
the rest are Not Available = the remaining letters are NA
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9056 EARLY (5) Rocky really left - gone before his time (5) Rocky REALLY with L gone = EARLlY*
Before his time = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9410 GOOGLE-FU (6-2) Research art from Sonic Youth album with essential (forgive the French) cover of F*** You (6-2) Research art = def
Sonic Youth album = GOO
essential forGive + the French = G + LE
cover of F*** You = FU
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9479 CRAZY (5) Lunatic is mad czar-y (5) (CZARY)*
Trying this again without the indirect anagram and going with calica's suggestion...thanks!
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9485 A CLUE IN WHICH EVERY WORD IS (OR IS PART OF) A COMMONLY ACCEPTED ANAGRIND (?) Embroil constituents, moving Right out of place, making changes (6) Embroil constituents, moving R out = (EMBrOIL)*
Of place, making changes = def = MOBILE
Anagrinds: embroil, constituents, moving, right (as a verb), out of place, making changes
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9507 WONT (4) Used to yearn for a listener (4) Used to = def
Yearn, for a listener = homophone of want
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9551 GHOTI (5) After first grade, school centers on a couple of tides and spelling for fish (5) First grade = G_
School centers = HO
A couple of tides = TI
Spelling for fish = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9554 ASPECT (6) Face a small perp who's not sus (6) Face = def (i.e., side)
A S_ susPECT
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9562 CALICO CAT (6, 3) Except in rare cases, a female feline with Hollywood-state fur has the seed of celebrity (6, 3) Except in rare cases, a female feline = def (calico cats are almost always female because the tricolor pattern requires two X chromosomes, one of which is randomly inactivated in each patch of fur).
Hollywood-state = CALI
fur has the seed of celebrity = CO(C)AT
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9621 TANGIBLE (8) The first faster-than-light communication device exchanged a thousand per second - quite substantial (8) The first = T
ansible exchanged G for S = AN(G)IBLE
Quite substantial = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9622 TANGIBLE (8) Blanch hearts and innards of a chicken (then place the tail on top, for real) (8) blANch + GIBLET
then place the tail on top (i.e., move the last letter to the first) = T AN GIBLE
real = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9691 AWESOME (7) Great, sounds cute! So I will come afterward. (7) Great = def
Sounds "cute!" = sounds like "aww" = AWE
I = ME (will come afterward = not particularly necessary, but reasonable position indicator)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9694 ROUND ROBIN (5, 5) After earth loses gravity, a bird creates a space where everyone can talk (5, 5) After gROUND, ROBIN
(Etymology comes from "round ribbon", as it turns out! So the bird's the word)
A space where everyone can talk = def (e.g., round robin time in a meeting)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9726 ANY CLUE WITH TWO DIFFERENT ANSWERS DEPENDING ON WHETHER IT’S INTERPRETED IN BRITISH ENGLISH OR AMERICAN ENGLISH (?) Zealot removes pants, real confused about what might happen when your light goes out (5|7) FUNDIE - UNDIE + REAL* = FLARE
FUNDIE - DIE (i.e., American pants are the bottom half of what we wear) + REAL* = FUNERAL
What might happen when your light goes out = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9766 VIEW (4) Outlook's mostly heard of you (4) Outlook = def
"of you" heard = "a view", so mostly = VIEW
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10166 SWALLOW (7) Drink has consequence: running into the side of a building with a yelp of pain (7) Drink = def
has consequence = last letter of haS (not sure if completely valid, but I liked the surface better than clearer options)
the side of a building = WALL
a yelp of pain = OW
running into/with = juxtaposition indicators
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10185 HAMILTON (8) Founding father originally haunted by a writer of Paradise Lost (8) Founding father = def
originally, Haunted, by A = H + A
Writer of Paradise Lost = MILTON
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10186 HAMILTON (8) Pet name containing broken Tamil for someone whose face is a ten? (8) Pet name (HON) containing broken TAMIL = H(TAMIL*)ON

Someone whose face is a ten? = def (i.e., Hamilton is the face of the $10 bill)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10198 BURSAR (6) The one holding the purse strings is a bear wearing bear skin (6) The one holding the purse strings = def
A bear = URSA
wearing BeaR skin = B(URSA)R
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10210 GAP (3) Something you should mind in approaching a platform? (3) Semi-&lit
Something you should mind = def (but also the whole clue can be the def)
In approaching a platform = _G A P_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10211 RAMBUNCTIOUS (12) Unruly lone wolf loses tail and endlessly points to debts (12) Unruly = def
Lone wolf loses tail = RAMBo
Endlessly, points = pUNCTa
To = juxtaposition indicator
Debts = IOUS
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10221 EMBERS Firebrands decapitated representatives (6) Firebrands = def
Decapitated representatives = mEMBERS
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10224 TESTAMENT (9) Taxidermist destined, it's said, to provide evidence of reality (9) Taxidermist = TESTA
destined, it's said = homophone of meant = MENT
evidence of reality = def
(Is it real? Nope! Chuck Testa!)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10232 BALANCE (7) Roll call for an N*Sync member with no curves creates harmony (7) Roll call for an N*Sync member = BASS, LANCE (i.e. in roll call, they call the last name first)
With no curves = drop the SS
Harmony = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10240 CLOCK (5) Hit shoe switches sides a thousand times (5) Hit = def (v.)
Shoe switches sides = C(R->L)OC
A thousand times = K (i.e., the prefix for 1000x)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10243 BENIGN (6) Helpful to hear a queen sometimes in Germany, no? (6) Helpful = def
Hear = homophone indicator
A queen sometimes = BEE
In Germany, no = NEIN
Sounds like BEE NEIN = BENIGN
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10461 GOLFER (6) Errand boy holds hockey stick for a player, of course (6) Errand boy = GOFER
hockey stick = L (as in h-e-double hockey sticks)
A player of course = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10472 DISCO (5) Dance is more than half innovation (5) Dance = def
More than half of DISCOvery
(Different etymology from discotheque, as far as I can tell!)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10891 TATTOO (6) Permanent marker on the face sometimes is revenge for a tit as well (6) Permanent marker on the face, sometimes = def (i.e., marker as in an identifying mark)
revenge for a tit = TAT (i.e., tit-for-tat)
as well = TOO
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10969 TO WIT (2, 3) Fool is filled with love for a comedian's brief toast (2, 3) Fool is filled with love = T(O)WIT
A comedian's brief toast = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11018 LIMINAL (7) In between the least and leader in youth slang (7) In between = def
The least = MIN
And leader = A
Youth slang = slang for youth = LI'L
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11025 FINNISH (7) Some Scandinavians speak like the dolphin Flipper? (7) Def = some Scandinavians
Speak (like the dolphin flipper) = sounds like fin-ish
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11026 QUOKKA (6) Smiling animal is alright in endless, shaking temblor (6) Smiling animal = def
OK in QUAKe*
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11046 MATCHA (6) Green powder found in room at chateau (6) Green powder = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11064 BELLICOSE (9) Aggressive ringer is hiding competence (obviously) at first, emerges in the lead (9) Aggressive = def
Ringer = BELL
Is hiding (competence obviously, at first) = I(CO)S
Emerges, in the lead = Emerges
BELL + I(C_ O_)S + E_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11066 SANDWICH (8) A hero? Rather, has Quayle swapped in for the Reverend? (8) A hero = def
Spoonerism for "DAN SWITCH" (i.e., Dan Rather has Dan Quayle take his place)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11086 GEORGE (6) Eat eats East States' 1st seat (6) Eat = GORGE
eats = container indicator
East = E
States' 1st seat = def (US first president)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11097 BARRIER (7) Obstacle to adaptation of Briar Rose's endings (7) Obstacle = def
Adaptation of (BRIAR + RE)*
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11104 RESPOND (7) Get back to timeless vacation home for tadpoles (7) Get back to = def
timeless vacation = RESt
Home for tadpoles = POND
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11107 RESPOND (7) Ponders about answer (7) (PONDERS)* biocuriousgeorgie 1
11108 RESPOND (7) Feedback from retired user: "u lost the atlantic ocean??" (7) Feedback = def
Retired user, u lost = uSER<
The Atlantic Ocean? = POND (e.g., across the pond)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11124 ESCUTCHEON Spain carved some cheese on a decorative plate (10) Spain = ES
Carved = CUT
Some cheese = CHEese
A decorative plate = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11126 VOYAGE (6) Author Nghi brought back gay energy to my favorite Kindle (6) Author Nghi = VO
brought back gay = YAG
Energy = E
My favorite Kindle = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11141 LET'S DO "YOUR USERNAME (?)" AGAIN THAT WAS FUN Bourgeoisie Corgi U hybridized a monkey with a lab (17) (bourgeoisie corgi u)*
I don't work in a lab these days, but that's where the name came from, so that's the def.
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11144 CLOSED (6) Investment banks fail, out of business (6) Investment = CD, banking Fail = LOSE
Out of business = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11215 ACE OF SPADES (3 2 6) Catcher of fish regularly purchases top juice drinks from an expert gardener? (3, 2, 6) catcher of fish regularly = ACEOFS
Purchases top = P
Juice drinks = ADES
An expert gardener? = silly def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11227 ELOPE (5) Wife of Odysseus broke free from cage to get married in secret (5) penELOPE broke free from PEN biocuriousgeorgie 1
11238 JURY (4) It might be hung in the opposite direction in July (4) It might be hung = def
The opposite direction in July = JU(R->L)Y
biocuriousgeorgie 1
: = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11251 TCHOTCHKE (9) Knick knack even stack, input/output patch: partial key post block or catch (9) Knick knack = def
even stack = sTaCk
input/output patch: = patch I to O in the following
Partial KEy after "block or catch" = HITCH + KE
_T_C_ + H(I->O)TCH + KE
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11275 ANY CLUE THAT INCLUDES THE SAME WORD THREE OR MORE TIMES (?) Tom stretched out note held in "By By By" without lead artist (7) Tom, stretched out = def = LONGCAT
Note = C
Held in (by next to by), without A_ = aLONG(C)AT
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11284 SUMMON (6) Invite wrestler to box MMA's top new leader (6) Invite = def
Wrestler = SUMO, to box MMA's top = SU(M)MO
New leader = N
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11404 SEA (3) Neptune's orbit is mostly retrograde - odd among planets (3) Neptune's orbit = def (i.e., the sphere of influence of the god Neptune)
Retrograde, odd among planets = P_A_E_S<
Mostly = SEAp
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11425 SACROSANCT (10) Frenchman says pitiful pastry is immune to criticism (10) Frenchman says = homophone indicator but only in a French accent
Pitiful pastry = "sad croissant"
Immune to criticism = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11430 TOREADOR (8) To study or to become someone waving red flags? (8) TO READ OR
To become = linker
Someone waving red flags? = silly def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11435 E (1) Get even with everyone (1) gEt even
Everyone = def (e.g., rated E for everyone)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11437 FRANTIC (7) Berserk tirade pervades fan's writing (7) Berserk = def
Tirade = RANT
Fan's writing = FIC
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11486 DOLLAR (6) Do some llamas start to retain agency for renting cars? (6) DO + LLAmas + R_
Agency for renting cars = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11520 O (1) Ring with no end (1) Ring = def
nO end
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11521 O (1) Maru found inside of box (1) Maru = def (⭕ in Japanese)
Inside of box = O
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11547 NOVELLA (7) Upended all of German literary form (7) "all of" in German, upended = (ALLE VON)<
Literary form = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11554 S (1) 16th of chemical elements! (1) &lit
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11560 BARBIE (6) Popular children's figure that is behind hurtful remark (6) Popular children's figure = def
that is = IE
hurtful remark = BARB
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11572 U (1) It's radioactive, you said?! (1) It's radioactive = def (uranium)
You said = homophone of U
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11580 BARTENDER Mixologist Spooner's a useful person for building roads in Republic City? (9) Mixologist = def
Spoonerism of "TAR BENDER"
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11604 ROVE (4) Wander over to mingle (4) Wander = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11611 LOOP (4) Bathroom floor is urine - I hear it's a kink (4) Bathroom = LOO
Floor is = indicator for end/bottom of a vertical clue
Urine I hear = sounds like "pee" = P
It's a kink = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11633 LIMESTONE (9) Chalk up half to new beginning in case of love (9) Chalk = def
Up half = SEMI<
New beginning = N
Case of love = L_E
L(IMES<)(TO + N_)E
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11658 ANACONDA (8) Canada danced, seizing on Thriller in 1997 (8) CANADA*, containing ON
Thriller in 1997 = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11727 CONFAB (6) French swear story with animal characters lacks "le chat" (6) French swear = CON
story with animal characters lacks "le" = FABle
Chat = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11732 PAISLEY (7) Corridor blocked off by python with boteh pattern (7) Corridor = AISLE
Blocked off by python = PY surrounding AISLE = P(AISLE)Y
Boteh pattern = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11770 SORE (4) Points out of 100 show smarts, maybe (4) Points = SCORE, but it's out of 100 so (-C) = ScORE
Smarts, maybe = def (i.e., if it smarts, it might be sore? bit of a stretchy def)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11779 WARM (4) West Wing is somewhat heated (4) W+ARM
Somewhat heated = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11788 CADRE (5) Care about Delta team (5) CA(D)RE
Team = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11790 VALET (5) Former soldier embraces Al Parker (5) Former soldier = VET
embraces AL = V(AL)ET
Parker = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11797 ERUDITE (7) Learned to be only half rude, hiding it inside (7) Learned = def, to = linker
be, only half = bE
RUDE hiding IT inside = RUD(IT)E
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11812 YONKS (5) Ages and steals without me (5) Ages = def (as in, "it's been ages")
Steals without me = YOINKS minus I
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11813 ERRING (6) Mistaken, a round object (6) Mistaken = def
Um = ER
A round object = RING
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11842 ANY CHEESE (?) "It's cheesy," said purveyor of bad jokes? (6) It's cheesy = def (technically speaking)
Purveyor of bad jokes? = Pun-eer
Said indicates homophone for PANEER
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11843 ANY CHEESE (?) Tom ate mouse first, then coal and cheese (9) Tom = CAT (i.e., a tomcat)
Mouse first = M, coal = MEMBER
Cheese = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11855 CEVICHE (7) Central to "Cicero! Six! Pop! Squish!" finale in Cell Block is a fish dish (7) Central to ciCEro = CE
Six = VI
Pop squish finale in cell block = C(_H)E where block is indicating a block of letters from CEll
A fish dish = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11880 CARPENTER (9) Enterprise customer sees third merger succumbing to pressure from Richard or Karen (9) Enterprise customer = CAR RENTER
sees third meRger succumbing to pressure = CAR(R->P)ENTER
Richard or Karen = def (i.e., one of The Carpenters)
(Direction of the linking word is iffy but whatevs)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11887 LOOPS (5) Polo variant with small rings (5) POLO* + S
Rings = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11902 SLIM (4) Thin, endless goo (4) Thin = def
Endless goo = SLIMe
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11937 HUNTINALITY (11) Once upon a time, puzzles were made by a nomadic warrior with a metal, glowing eye inside (11) Once upon a time puzzles = def
Nomadic warrior = HUN
A metal = TIN
Glowing = ALIT
Eye inside = _Y_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11948 BALDERDASH (10) Blue and red dog left by his leader's bunk (10) Blue = SAD, RED, dog = LAB
left = reversal = BAL DER DAS
his leader = H
Bunk = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11954 CONSOLE (7) Above Arctic circles, North and South poles on Earth provide warmth if someone's blue (7) Above Arctic = warmer than cold = COOL
circles North and South poles (as in magnets, or indicating the same end of the word for multiple words) = CO(NS)OL
on Earth = E (according to Merriam Webster), assuming a down clue
Provide warmth if someone's blue = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
Soft knot = P + LUMP (like muscles needing a massage)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11977 GOAT (4) Kid's mom in artfully draped toga (4) Kid's mom = def (technically could be either parent)
Artfully draped = anagrind for TOGA*
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11978 AGOUTI (6) Before the "beehive", state one hair configuration involving multiple colors (6) before = AGO
the beehive state = UT
one = I
Hair configuration involving multiple colors = def (as in agouti fur coloration)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12002 SLOTH (5) In Oslo, they sin (5) _SLO TH_ biocuriousgeorgie 1
12018 RETURNED (8) Retiring doctor had lost tenure and gone home (8) Retiring doctor = DR<
Had = container indicator
Lost tenure = TENURE*
Gone home = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12100 FIDELITY (8) American girl loses heart, seizing unconscious brokerage (8) American girl loses heart = FELicITY
Seizing unconscious = F(ID)ELITY
Brokerage = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12110 NINJA (5) Even Indiana Joan's someone you'll never see (5) Even Indiana Joan = iNdIaNaJoAn
Someone you'll never see = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12138 ESCHEW (6) Deliberately avoid audible sneeze (6) Deliberately avoid = def
Audible sneeze = sounds like a sneeze (~achoo)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12209 HEART (5) It beats most of the craftsmanship (5) It beats = def
Most of the = tHE (I know it's usually used for the beginning but there's only two ways to get "most" here so I think it's fair)
Craftsmanship = ART
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12214 CLOVER (6) Nothing drives out a car club (6) CAR with LOVE replacing A = C(a->LOVE)R
Club = def (another name for the suit)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12359 FUCK (4) Evade Donald, for one (4) Ddef
What the duck?! My keyboard autocorrected this whole clue!
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12404 CMU (3) Cinder block leads to couple making up (3) Cinder block = def
C_ M_ U_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12438 CHAMFER (7) Basement becomes first floor in room with partially sloped surface (7) CHAM(b->F_)ER biocuriousgeorgie 1
12449 GOTCHA (6) I hear you go by "Tesla Chad", mostly? (6) I hear you = def
GO next to T + CHAd
Question mark just for surface
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12464 PARASOL (7) Spar a soldier holding umbrella (7) _PAR A SOL_ biocuriousgeorgie 1
12465 PARAGON (7) Model Spanish crown after peseta (7) Model = def
P + ARAGON (i.e., the Crown of Aragon)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12466 PARAPET (7) Monkey gets into character, becoming balcony guard (7) Monkey = APE (technically speaking, not true, but good enough for a clue)
Character = PART, as in a role
Balcony guard = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12469 EINSTEIN (8) Street lined on both sides with a German tile without repeating patterns (8) ST with EIN ("a" in German) on both sides
Tile without repeating patterns = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12479 CLANK (5) Family Kills Lead Robot with Ratchet (5) CLAN + K_
Robot with Ratchet = def (i.e., Ratchet and Clank)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12505 ANY MAGIC WORD(S) (?) Tada! A bit of ravioli in pasta sauce! (6) P(R)ESTO biocuriousgeorgie 1
12507 DECIMATE (8) Strike down one in ten rodents returning during dinner with GF (8) Strike down one in ten = def
Rodents returning = MICE<
Dinner with gf = DATE
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12509 JEDI (4) Justice banks on Democrat starting to indict officers of the Force? (4) Justice banks = J_E
On (vertical juxtaposition)
Democrat = D, starting to indict = I_
Officers of the Force? = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12521 CALLOUS (7) Brutal season opener behind Ripken and Gehrig (7) Brutal = def
S_ after CAL+LOU
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12534 EMPTY (5) Utter, peak extreme in amount? (5) Utter peak = homophone of "MT"
Extreme in amount? = def (hey, it's one extreme)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12610 CAPSIZE (7) After lie, medium perhaps is upset (7) medium, perhaps = SIZE after lie = CAP
upset = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12613 STAIRCASE (9) It could go both up and down, as trace is fluctuating (9) ASTRACEIS* biocuriousgeorgie 1
12614 POLEMIC (7) Rant, bashing mole in photo (7) Rant = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12619 PERMIT (6) Grant for each university (6) Grant (v.) = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12674 NOTEPAD (7) App to open .dat (formatted) (7) App = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12748 CHARGE (6) Reaching out, not in, for care (6) REACH(-in)G*
Care = def (i.e., under someone's charge)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
8498 TAKE A BREATHER (4, 1, 8) Thank you, endangered parrot! A tar pit without its city - not quite a place to rest (4,1,8) Thank you = TA
engendered parrot = KEA
A tar pit without its city = LA BREA - L.A.
not quite a place = THERe
To rest = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8500 OUROBOROS (9) Most acrid scents contain oxygen and swap the initial disulfide for a benzene ring in alchemy (9) Most acrid = sOUR, scents = ODORS
Oxygen = O, initial disulfide = D swapped for benzene = B
Ring in alchemy = def

biocuriousgeorgie 0
8519 FLACON (6) Half deserted? Fire the next three to switch sides for a bottle! (6) Half-deserted fire = CONFLAgration
The next three to switch sides = CON<->FLA = FLACON
for = connector
A bottle = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8524 FEBRUARY (8) In parts of Bookspace lacking early light, you supplement with iron before the last month of winter (8) parts of bookspace lacking early light (LI) = liBRARY
in BRARY, you = BRUARY
supplement with iron before = FE + BRUARY
the last month of winter = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8535 ENCHANTMENT (11) A spell cast by eyeless Gregorian singing in eminent disgrace (11) A spell = def, cast by = connector (e.g., made by)
Gregorian singing (n.) = CHANT (not sure if etymology is an issue here)
eminent disgrace = anagram (ENIMENT or wherever you want to put the i)
eyeless = -I
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8557 TRENCHCOAT (10) Camouflage, for children, towers over every other cool art - time to pull the whiskey out (10) Def = Camouflage for children towers (e.g., two kids in a trenchcoat)
Every other cool art = CoOl ArT
Time + to pull (the whiskey out) = T + wRENCH
Assuming down clue: over COAT, TRENCH = TRENCHCOAT
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8559 TRENCHCOAT (10) Virtual technocrat's fancy attire (10) Virtual = almost entirely, fancy = anagram
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8560 TRENCHCOAT (10) Crooked coach caught by some Jersey city slicker (10) TREN<COACH>Ton
Slicker = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8571 PITY (4) Alas, in verse, I ne'er used "o'er" (4) Alas = def
In verse, I = P(I)OETRY
ne'er used "o'er" = PIoeTrY
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8572 WHATEVS (7) White House rate-limited Teslas and Priuses, eh? (7) WH + rATe + EVS (i.e., electric vehicles)
Eh = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8577 BORDER (6) Staff starting to refuse the German fringe (6) BO + R + DER = fringe biocuriousgeorgie 0
8597 SPACE CADET (5, 5) She started movement with two left feet - even danced erratically like an alien daydreamer (5,5) S_ + PACE (gait with two left legs moving at the same time) + CAD* + ET biocuriousgeorgie 0
8631 SCREE (5) Some banshees sound like gravel (5) Some banshees' sound = SCREEch
Gravel = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8633 SCREE (5) Cliff's leftovers are starting to smell a bit disturbing (5) Cliff's leftovers = def
Starting to smell = S
A bit disturbing = CREEpy
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8672 MECHANICAL BULL (10, 4) Pope's decree: Father excommunicated, for He actually now leads the original infidels in Mecca as a robot cow (10,4) Pope's decree = PAPAL BULL
Father excommunicated for ... = PAPA replaced with ...
He actually now leads = H_ A_ N_
the original infidels = I_
in Mecca = MEC(HANI)CA
a robot cow = def


biocuriousgeorgie 0
8673 MINISTER (8) Attend a moment - I saw that first, ergo…halfsies? (8) Attend = def
a moment = MIN
I saw that first = I + ST
Ergo halfsies = ER
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8705 CHURRO (6) Coated extruded tube with hot copper alloy at one end, received gold in return (6) Coated extruded tube = def (I mean, technically speaking...)
Hot copper alloy = H + CU mixed together = CHU
At one end, received = R
Gold in return = OR, reversed = RO
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8713 CUPID (5) The architect of love is a canine with no end of kisses (5) The architect of love = def
Canine with no end of kisses = CUsPID
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8762 TE AMO (2, 3) Rihanna song about following heart to wrong team? (2, 3) semi-&lit: "Te Amo" is basically about a girl who falls for a straight girl
Following (heart to wrong), team = TEAM + O
(Tried to clean it up a little but am too sleepy to do better)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8775 HALFTIME OR HALF TIME (8 OR 4,4) The second before a note is held in E Flat augmented is when the band marches (4, 4) The second = H
A note = IM (i.e., instant message)
held in (E FLAT)* augmented = ALFT(IM)E
when the band marches = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8779 BLEEP (5) Swear in polite company that the act of sticking out your tongue held barely a trace of impertinence (5) Swear, in polite company = def (e.g., "what the bleep")
The act of sticking out your tongue = BLEP
held (barely a trace of impertinencE) = BL(E)EP
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8780 INTERROBANG (11) What punctuates an exclamatory question ‽ (11) ddef:
"What punctuates an exclamatory question"
biocuriousgeorgie 0
8828 THYMINE (7) Base your core premise in observable outcome (7) Base = def (i.e., one of the four bases that make up DNA)
Your = THY + preMise + IN + observablE
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9055 OVERDUE (7) Rude novel by grumpy Swedish man was returned late to the library (7) Rude novel = RDUE*
by = next to
Grumpy Swedish man = OVE (from the novel A Man Called Ove)
Returned late to the library = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9070 BOLD (4) So brave for not having hair transplants - at least for now, shaved (4) So brave = def
Not having hair = BALD
At least = first letter of At = A
nOw, shaved = O
BALD transplants A for O
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9131 FINALE (6) Like a snake, in the Wheel of Time, there is no ending - the end is the beginning, and what's left goes around again in the end (6) Like a snake in the Wheel of Time (but with no ending) = AELFINn
The end is the beginning = FIN begins the word
What's left goes around again = ALE* is rearranged
In = connector
The end = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9296 PISTACHIO (9) Nut makes a half circle with facial hair after shaving some off the top (9) Nut = def (I know they're technically seeds, but they're nuts in common usage)
A half circle = PI (i.e., in radians)
Facial hair after shaving some off the top = muSTACHIO
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9428 ANTHEM (6) Neal Stephenson novel without a song (6) ANaTHEM biocuriousgeorgie 0
9430 CHTHONIC (8) Archetypal deposed leader pockets three flipped coins from the underworld (8) Archetypal deposed leader = iCONIC
Pockets = contains
Three flipped coins = HTH (i.e., heads, tails, heads)
From the underworld = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9431 BREACH (6) A new line per infraction (6) A new line = BR (as in the html code for line break)
Per = each
Infraction = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9457 COAX (4) Cajole a cable (4) Ddef - common slang for coaxial cable biocuriousgeorgie 0
9475 PERPETUITY (10) As they say, a cat's chat may be beloved (and quite peachy, perhaps?) but French is forever (10) As they say, a cat's chat, may be = sounds like purr = PER
Beloved = PET
Quite peachy, perhaps? but (minus) French = frUITY
Forever = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
10237 LIBRARY (7) A bookkeeper, possibly of Latin origin, scales yurt odds back (7) A bookkeeper, possibly = def
Of Latin origin, scales = LIBRA
YuRt odds back = RY
biocuriousgeorgie 0
10465 CARAFE (6) Leading amphora relative brought around in a place that serves drinks! (6) &lit
AR brought around = RA, in CAFE
biocuriousgeorgie 0
10726 PARTICIPANTS (12) Players here in France, in outlandish trap, wore British underwear (12) Players = def
Here in France = ICI
In outlandish trap = RT(ICI)PA
Wore British underwear = PA(RTICIPA)NTS
biocuriousgeorgie 0
10768 INTERNET EXPLORER (8, 8) Summer trainee and Latin lover long ago preceded public relations around mythos of Dora who braved the web? (8, 8) Summer trainee = INTERN
and Latin = ET
lover long ago = EX
preceded = juxtaposition indicator
public relations around mythos = P(LORE)R
Dora who braved the web? = silly def

biocuriousgeorgie 0
10911 RUBY (4) Actor Rose may regret failing grade while Asian, I hear (4) Actor Rose = def
Sounds like regret + failing grade while Asian (i.e. what we used to call an "Asian fail") = sounds like RUE + B
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11035 LITERALLY (9) Colonel Eli held the planet, despite losing the right (not actually) (9) Colonel Eli = LILLY
The planet, despite losing the R = TErRA
Not actually = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11039 AGENDA (6) Headless? Bandage around! It needs to be done. (6) Headless bandage around = bANDAGE*
It needs to be done = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11040 LIPOGRAM (8) Partly like writing in code, never using the second letter! (8) Partly like = LI
writing in code, never using the second letter = PrOGRAM
&lit if you'll accept that writing a lipogram is kind of like writing a secret code (and technically the clue itself is a lipogram that never uses the second letter, B)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11050 CATNIP (6) ||Final ingredient in Manic Panic is an herb that attracts pussy|| (6) Final ingredient = T
T in manic PANIC* = CA(T)NIP*
Catnip is an herb that attracts...a cat.
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11055 PROSODY (7) The study of language beats experts on the first part of a long journey (7) The study of language beats = def
Experts = PROS
On = vertical juxtaposition indicator
The first part of a long journey = ODYssey
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11058 HAT TRICK (3 5) Laugh, cry, then stack hay to get three points (3, 5) Laugh = HA
Cry = TT (cry emoticon)
Stack hay = RICK
Three points = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11067 TURNTABLE (9) Before rumor about boron, the primary iron reported in Baltimore was a revolver (9) Rumor about boron = TA(B)LE
Before that:
The primary = T + Iron reported in Baltimore = "URN" ( for example)
A revolver = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11075 PUZZLE (6) Mostly sleep in, whine like a baby for a confusing game (6) Mostly sleep = ZZz
Whine like a baby = PULE
A confusing game = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11100 EXPLETIVE (9) Example: no morning time has 995 fewer fudgesicles for children! (9) Example: no morning = EXamPLE
TIME has 995 fewer = T(IM)E -> T(IV)E
Fudgesicles, for children = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11118 JUMP (4) Jack Diamond, squatter, has a kind of drive (4) Jack = J
Diamond squatter = UMP
A kind of drive = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11140 SOLARPUNK (9) Re-imagined parks regularly turn world to a vision of green (9) PARKS + regularly tUrN wOrLd, re-imagined = PARKSUNOL*
A vision of green = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11162 MIRROR (6) Reflect from center to right edge! (6) &lit
Reflect (fROm center = RO) + R + RIM
To = juxtaposition indicator
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11191 FINAGLE (7) Raptor turns its head once, holding in weasel (7) raptor = EAGLE, but rot-1 the first letter = FAGLE
holding in = F(IN)AGLE
weasel= def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11199 MARTINI (7) Dude acquired top investors after retweet? ...I drink. (7) MA(RT+I_)N + I
Drink = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11200 MARTINI (7) Revolutionary method for setting memory in glass (7) Method for setting = INIT, memory = RAM
Glass = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11241 SCRABBLE (8) One who crosses a line has right to be holding large claw (8) One who crosses a line (i.e., a picket line), has right = SC(R)AB
To = juxtaposition indicator
Be holding large = B(L)E
Claw = def, as in clawing for
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11270 SQUINT (6) Second one of five is somewhat close when you look (6) Second = S, one of five = QUINT (as in quintuplets)
Somewhat close [v.] when you look = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11279 SUMMON (6) Call child about uncertain sound (6) Call = def
Child = SON, uncertain sound = UMM
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11280 EISTEDDFODAU (12) Verbally murder the Grim Reaper or perish at Welsh festivals (12) Homophone of "ICE DEATH OR DIE" (as best as I can figure out Welsh pronunciation...) biocuriousgeorgie 0
11291 HUNDRED (7) Lightning chaser lost the case to Ed, Franklin, Bill (7) Lightning chaser = THUNDER
the case = T_E
Franklin bill = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11292 NINETY NINE (6 4) Soviet leader retreats twice with no losses, locking up the young leaders and the percentage of those who occupy (6, 4) Soviet leader retreats twice with no losses = (l)ENIN(l)ENIN<
Locking up the young leaders = NINE(T_ Y_) NINE
The percentage of those who occupy = def (i.e., "we are the 99%")
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11350 COPY (4) Corporation loses pieces of man's clone Corporation = COMPANY loses pieces of MAN = loses the letters M,A,N
Clone = def
(wasn't sure if I could do this without "pieces of" since the letters aren't consecutive even though they're in order - would "corporation loses man's clone" be allowable?)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11354 COPY (4) get python? no cap, periodt. that's fax! get python = COP PY
minus cap of Periodt
fax = def (as in the short form of facsimile)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11363 HYPE (4) Promotion for 50%! Half off strings of shrooms! (4) Promotion = def
50% half = HA, off = removed from
Strings of shrooms = HYPHAE
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11366 HYPE (4) How's your physical exercise beginning to build a kind of beast? (4) How's your physical exercise beginning = H_ Y_ P_ E_
To build = connector
A kind of beast? = def (i.e., hypebeast)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11388 PUZZLE HUNT (6, 4) Top band regularly flee the UK aboard boat for brain-bending competition (6, 4) Top band = ZZ (i.e., ZZ Top)
Regularly flee the UK = _L_E_H_U_
Aboard boat = contained in PUNT
PU(ZZ + _L_E_H_U_)NT
Brain-bending competition = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11394 A (1) Note the sign of adultery (1) ddef
Note|the sign of adultery (i.e., the scarlet letter A)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11423 SACROSANCT (10) Sat around cross and fell short, church leader considered unimpeachable (10) SAT around (CROSS AND fell short + Church leader) = SA(CROS_ AN_ + C_)T
Considered unimpeachable = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11533 PARENTHESIS (11) In books, a tall, curvy figure that sets aside less important things to raise their mother's daughter - timeless! (11) In books, a tall curvy figure that sets aside less important things = def
Raise their mother's daughter, timeless = PAREN(t) THE SIS
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11539 Q (1) *half-crying* "it's worth ten of u!" (1) Half-crying = half of QQ
It's worth ten of u = def (Q is 10 pts in scrabble while U is 1)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11541 SUBSCRIPT (9) Federal agent holds STEM degree and criticizes research leads with soft interjection on the way multiple elements are written (9) Federal agent holds STEM degree and criticizes research leads = SU(BS + C_ R_)IT
with soft interjection = SUBSCRI(P)T
the way multiple elements are written = def (i.e., in chemical formulas)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11557 BRACES (6) Missing component, A/C heats props up (6) Missing component, A/C = B (as in ABC)
Heats = RACES
Props up = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11578 COLON (5) one hundred first over fifty, then add two; finally, add one, essentially: (5) One hundred = C
First over = O
Fifty = L
Then add, add = connectors
Two finally = O
One essentially = N
: = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11605 ? (1) Query ending in punctuated confusion (1) ddef biocuriousgeorgie 0
11627 MILESTONE (9) The most placid person throws dead marker on the road (9) The most placid person = MILDEST ONE
throws dead = loses D --> MILEST ONE
Marker on the road = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11654 BANNER (6) Anyone disheartened in bedroom becomes a streamer (6) Anyone disheartened = ANyoNE, in BR = B(ANNE)R
A streamer = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11661 GUTS (4) Nick show stoppers from baking contest entrants holding up intro (4) Nick show = def
Stoppers from baking contest entrants = _G _T _S
Holding Up intro = G(U_)TS
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11676 NONAGON (7) Winona, Gonzo embracing near stop sign (7) wiNONA GONzo (embracing = hidden word indicator)
Near stop sign = def (hey, it's only one side too many!)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11683 TRIANGLE (8) Say "Go Fish" to get three points often (8) Say = homophone indicator
Go = "try" (as a noun, e.g., give it a go/try), sounds like TRI
Fish = ANGLE
Three points, often = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11705 GRUE (4) Going north, you are eaten by, for example, a monster (4) Going north = reversal indicator (for a down clue)
UR eaten by EG, reversed = EURG<
A monster = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11707 BULLISH (7) "I changed for you," said Bad Guy singer, dropping lie that is backed with confidence (7) I -> "you" said = U
Bad Guy singer, dropping LIE and IE reversed
B(I->U)L(lie + ie<)LISH
With confidence = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11735 SUP (3) Water sport, some reckon (3) Water sport = def (i.e., stand up paddleboarding is commonly referred to as SUP)
Some reckon = SUPpose
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11737 DIVEST (6) Take things from the superlative scuba aficionado? (6) Take things from = def
scuba aficionado = diver, so the superlative one would be...DIVEST?
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11751 WONDER (6) One, obviously, is called Muse (6) "One, dur" homophone
Muse = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11756 FLOTSAM (7) Person who is by Seuss follows loud group to wreckage (7) Person who is (by Seuss) = SAM (as in Sam I Am)
Follows loud group = F+LOT+SAM
Wreckage = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11761 SORE (4) Wound about after bae (4) Wound = def (n.)
About = RE
Bae = SO
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11778 SEAT (4) Bouncy asset lacking (sometimes) tail! (4) &lit
Bouncy ASSET* lacking _S = ASsET*
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11785 FELT (4) Eft, confused about elf's heart, makes to stab wool with needles (4) EFT* about _L_
Makes = linker
To stab wool with needles = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11791 VALET (5) Bridge where revolutionary takes flight attendant (5) Bridge = CHEVALET (i.e., the bridge on a string instrument - also from French but different etymology)
revolutionary takes flight = remove CHE
so CHEVALET where CHE is removed = VALET
Attendant = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11801 MYSTIC (6) Overlook check delivered to baller in DC (6) Overlook check = MISS TICK
Delivered = homophone indicator
Baller in DC = MYSTIC (i.e., one of the Washington Mystics)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11831 SWAG (4) Goody wags tail all the way up to the head (4) Goody = def (e.g., like in a goody bag)
WAGS but move the last letter to the front
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11852 MUST (4) Need a condition that makes elephants aggressive (4) ddef
(must is apparently an alternate spelling of musth)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11865 YABBA DABBA DOO (5, 5, 3) Bedrock motto: "From your first Swedish band to dad's last Swedish band - do love" (5, 5, 3) Bedrock motto = def, from = linker
your first Swedish band = Y + ABBA, to = juxtaposition indicator
dad's last Swedish band = D + ABBA
Do love = DO + O
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11866 YABBA DABBA DOO (5, 5, 3) Fred says it best in poetry: at last, enclosed rhymes / hold doors open - at first, "ding" / then ring after ring (5, 5, 3) Fred says it best = def, in = linker
Poetry, at last = _Y
enclosed rhymes (i.e., the rhyme scheme ABBA) hold doors open = ABBA (D_) ABBA
at first, "ding" = D_
then ring after ring = O + O
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11876 SOAR (4) Rosa resolved to rise above it all (4) Rosa resolved = ROSA*
To rise above it all = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11922 HENRY (5) O, the author of Hamlet, e'en now, revealed Yorick's head (6) O, the author = def (i.e., O. Henry)
Of = linker
H_ E_ N_ R_ Y_ (should it be heads? eh probably but...the surface!)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11962 FOLDEROL (8) Trifle with a place to save files online (8) Trifle = def
Place to save files = FOLDER
online = OL
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11969 GOAT (4) Large Spanish oat milk producer (4) Large Spanish = G (grande, common abbreviation on clothing labels)
oat = OAT
Milk producer = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11988 WONKA (5) Know about a chocolatier (5) KNOW< + A
Chocolatier = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12010 NYE (3) Bill the science guy for the last day (3) ddef
Bill the science guy = Nye
The last day = new years eve = NYE
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12014 CHARLATAN (9) Cheat with some clown during a board game (9) Cheat = def
Some clown = HARLequin
During a board game = C(HARL)ATAN
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12035 VENEER (6) Never gargled/gulped Listerine, finally resulting in a layer over the tooth (6) Never gargled = NEVER*
gulped listerinE finally = NEVE(E)R*
A layer over the tooth = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12041 ASTRAY (6) Roaming charges may create one with no head, or neck next to skate (6) Roaming = def
Charges may create one (with no head or neck) = blAST
Skate = RAY
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12219 MARTLET (7) Less than 1-foot bird mostly crafts partner some Lego nests in peak? (7) Less than 1-foot bird = silly def, that's what the ? is for (it's apparently depicted with no feet in heraldry because it never roosts, and 0<1)
Mostly crafts partner = ARTs
Some Lego = LEgo
ART+LE nests in mountain, i.e., Mt.
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12354 CREMATE (7) Make Ash Monday a holiday in Greek island (7) Make ash = def
Holiday in (v.) = containment indicator

biocuriousgeorgie 0
12402 MOTHER GOOSE (6, 5) Large deer adopt different grand storyteller (6, 5) M(OTHER+G)OOSE biocuriousgeorgie 0
12411 SINGING (7) Squeal in key shower activity (7) Squeal = SING (like a canary!)
Key = G
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12412 WISHING WELL (7, 4) The penny drops - here, fishing fell when fall turned to winter! (7, 4) The penny drops here = def
(f->W)ISHING (f->W)ELL
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12421 MONSTERS (8) Ogres sound like Martian mountaineers? (8) Ogres = def
Sounds like MONS-STERS
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12448 RHUBARB (7) Regret ballet class in audition - prima ballerina makes a decent argument (7) Regret ballet class in audition = sounds like "rue barre" = RHUBAR
Prima/first/leading ballerina = B
A decent argument = def (a quarrel, not too big or too small)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12455 HARBOR (6) The Reverend says to forbid that woman to nurse (6) Spoonerism for "bar her"
Nurse = def (e.g., a grudge)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12496 ASTERN (6) Ninth "House" character (by email, perhaps?) gets behind a ship (6) Ninth House character by email perhaps = A STERN (i.e. what Alex Stern's email might be)
Behind a ship = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12500 TROUT (5) Rainbow Fish perhaps adapted to last curse: extraction of scales (5) Rainbow fish, perhaps = def (i.e., rainbow trout)
Adapted (TO LAST CURSE)*, minus SCALES
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12511 ON ICE (2, 3) Oh neat, no hydrogen up in the air (2, 3) Neat = NICE, OH+NICE, no H
Up in the air = def (as in, unclear when it will happen)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12514 CANOPY (6) Some capybara shelter on upended treetops (6) CAPYbara sheltering ON< (upended)
Treetops = def (plural as in a forest layer, not an individual tree's canopy)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12528 BROMATE (7) Magic painter Gerald ingested salt sometimes (7) Magic painter Gerald = BROM
Ingested = ATE
Salt, sometimes = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12529 TAGALOG (7) Girl Scout cookie sold in second language (7) TAGALONG, getting rid of _N
Language = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12531 CORSET (6) Chest wrapper worn by Rose, maybe! (6) is maybe really an anagrind? ...maybe? biocuriousgeorgie 0
12532 BAKING SHEET (6, 5) Pan, but kinda square, Spooner's terrified where sugar might come from (6, 5) Spoonerism for "shaking beet"
Pan but kinda square = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12543 TACTILE (7) Felt material used to cover roof around facade (7) Felt = def (adj.)
Material userd to cover roof = TILE
Around facade = T(ACT)ILE
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12544 TESTING (7) Some primates tingle - it's a standardized activity (7) _TES TING_
A standardized activity = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12550 GOAT YOGA (4, 4) Billy, maybe years ago, recalled you might be the "Mat" in this class? (4, 4) Billy, maybe = GOAT
Years = Y
Ago recalled = OGA
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12551 NEW AGE (3 3) No tail end needed - wag vigorously in contrast to 90s? (3, 3) No tail end of needed = NEE
(NEE+WAG)* (vigorously)
Contrast to 90s? = def, i.e., "new age" as opposed to "old age"
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12578 ANY CLUE USING “PRIDE MONTH” (?) Loveless participant in Pride Month accepts unorthodox love with you, abandoning opposing counter-material (8) Loveless participant in pride = LI(-o)N
Month = M
LIN+M accepts unorthodox LOVE* + U, abandoning V (opposing as in versus)
LIoN(OLEv* + U)M
Counter material = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12587 CARPOOL (7) Drive together in middle of April to get into some YMCA pool (7) middle of April = R into (some ymCA + POOL)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12595 LEGO (4) What you might do with a frozen waffle/no-good brick (4) LE(-g)GO as in "leggo my eggo!"
Brick = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12604 CONCH (5) You could blow it and trade new for used sofa (5) You could blow it = def
Trade N for U n CO(u->N)CH
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12605 PORTLY (6) Left shelter, shouted 'round (6) Left = PORT
Shelter, shouted = sounds like "lee" = LY
Round = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12648 FOLLY (5) Molly transitions -- gender is a stupid idea (5) Molly transitions gender = (M->F)OLLY
A stupid idea = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12658 FORGE (5) Pro cut off head and both legs of Agent Smith (5) Pro = FOR
Cut off head and both legs of agent = aGEnt
Smith = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12659 FELON (5) Nearly collapsed on criminal (5) FELl + ON biocuriousgeorgie 0
12660 FRESH (5) "Flames I Extinguished": her first novel (5) FiRES + H_
Novel = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0
12697 PERSIMMON (9) Fruit in Japan, according to nerdy chipmunk, contains a bit of magnesium (9) According to nerdy chipmunk = PER SIMON
Contains a bit of magnesium = PER SIM(M_)ON
biocuriousgeorgie 0

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